Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1321

In fact, he is the "President" of Hyatt company.

To be exact, after he was put on small shoes by the crew, he couldn't get a foothold in the film and television industry. He started the company in Beijing with all his savings and development.

Then they were sent to small pits and took away a large amount of capital of the company.

As a result, the company has not been open for a long time.

But the company hasn't been written off.

So when doctors register, they are not afraid of any loopholes.

In this way, the doctor called scar man and cockfight eye gangster.

Scar man and cockfight eye gangsters, at first heard that they were not willing to let them care for patients.

The two of them are waiting for their own people in the hospital to arrange for them to enter Liu Yang's ward.

Then he cheated Liu Yang and asked him to frame Lin Kai with them.

Many doctors in the hospital know that the relationship between Lin Kai and Liu Yang is unusual. Lin Kai was sent to this hospital for rescue.

In recent days, Lin Kai often visits Liu Yang.

If Liu Yang testifies that Lin Kai killed Li Shengxian, it will be more convincing.

Scar man first heard that the doctor arranged for them to give a stranger's ward.

This doctor, absolutely not his own, naturally refused.

I just heard from the next moment that it was a patient in the VIP ward.

Scar man instantly agreed, he had been distressed, how to run to the VIP ward area, to find a nurse there, give her the poison needle.

Now is a great opportunity! You can enter VIP ward directly!

Scar man agreed without hesitation.

Next, the doctor took Ding houer three people, as well as scar man and cockfight eye gangsters, to the VIP ward area together.

During this period, another bald doctor came forward to talk to scar man for a few words.

The elder brother's younger sister can understand his meaning in a moment.

She secretly opened the camera in her briefcase and secretly filmed the scar man and the bald doctor.

Before long, Ding houer and his party entered the VIP ward smoothly.

Ding houer is happy in his heart.

Similarly, scar man and cockfight eye mix, also very excited.

Ding houer looks at the scar man and smiles in his heart. The next step is to see when the scar man will trade poison needles with the nurses in the VIP ward.

On this side, Ding houer's plan is implemented perfectly,

while on the other side, Lin Kai is at home.

Now it's 9:30. According to his rules of the past few days, he will go out to the hospital to see Liu Yang and Li Shengxian.

Presumably at this time, the hospital side, scar man should almost trade poison needles with the nurses in the VIP ward.

In the early hours of the morning, the young man of leiyuan group made it clear that the scar man must find a chance to enter the VIP ward between 9:50 and 10:00 a.m.

Obviously, Lin Yuan has calculated the time of his journey to the hospital, and then he infers that time point and poisons Li Shengxian.

Lin Kai knows that the poison on the needle is a kind of poison that can delay the attack for an hour.

Moreover, the poison needle is a gold weapon. Ordinary people can also use it to poison others in a silent way.

Lin Kai thinks, also do not know Li Shengxian to find the person, whether can successfully shoot.

If you can get a better shot, if you can't, there is still a plan to let Li Shengxian pretend to be poisoned.

This is the next step.

Lin Kai thought and went out of the bedroom.

When he saw Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian, still busy in the kitchen, a burst of amazement, what happened today? Is it lunch for him?

At the same time, the system saw that Lin Kai was still tangled in the task, and then lured: "missed this rare opportunity, the next time can not be so lucky mission reward."

Don't mention it. Being said by the system, Lin Kai is very excited.

Indeed, if you miss the system task reward, you will really miss it.

"Dong Shu, Lin Qianqian, you..."

Lin Kai went to the kitchen door, two women immediately stopped their hands and looked at Lin Kai.

Dong Shuwei micro smile: "Lin Kai, you finally wake up, lunch at home."

"Yes, let's try my cooking." Lin Qianqian also went on.

Before Lin Kai talks, Dong Shu seems to be full of gunpowder: "my cooking is also good!"

Lin Qianqian does not show weakness: "let's have a taste of Lin Kai. Who's better at cooking?"

Lin Kai was speechless, so he had to stand up and say, "all right, don't argue. It doesn't really matter who is better at cooking. What matters is that... "

"Well? What's important? "

Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian both look at Lin Kai and ask.Now that Lin Kai has made up his mind, he has no hesitation at the moment, and goes step by step to Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian.

Two women standing together, looking at Lin Kai closer and closer, both heart rate faster.

Especially at the next moment, Lin Kai said slowly, "the most important thing is, now I want you to help me practice."

Lin Kai is really right. As long as he kisses Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian, they have one.

After completing the system task, you can get a chance to use double power.

If it wasn't for this task, it would have been too much.

He would not be so tangled.

But now that he has decided, he quickly kisses Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian on their small faces.

Also did not wait for two female to have what reaction, Lin Kai is busy to drop a sentence: "noon I will come back."

Immediately, Lin did not return to the beginning of the door, went to the hospital.

This has been entangled in the morning of the system task, finally completed!

As for Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian in the kitchen, they were all in a daze.

After half a ring, Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian touch Lin Kaiqin's face and blush.

When Lin drives out.

Lin Qianqian glanced at Dong Shu with a trace of ill will: "hum! Men are big pig hooves. It's OK to kiss me openly, but I still kiss you! "

Dong Shu retorted: "last night, Lin Kai invited me to his house today. They all said that if you want to keep enough of a man's heart, you should keep a stomach. Unexpectedly, you came here. Like me, I also buy vegetables

"It's like Lin Kai invited someone to come? He invited me to his house last night and said that he would try my cooking skills. Naturally, I would buy vegetables Lin Qianqian sneered.

"Hum! It's a pig's hoof Dong Shu suddenly lost her temper. Unexpectedly, Lin Kai invited Lin Qianqian to his home today.

If Lin Kai had stayed here, he would have been confused. When did he invite Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian?

What's more, last night he had no leisure. First he checked the list of investment companies of Lei Yuan group, and then he went to meet with AI lu'er. It was impossible for him to go to Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian to invite two women.

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