Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1317

Until scar man and cockfight eye mix, about to arrive at the gate of the abandoned factory.

Lin Kai just slammed on the gas pedal. The speed is full!

At that time, scar man and cockfight eye gangsters had already arrived at the door.

They both heard the roar of the car, as if in their ears.

Scarred man and cockfight eye mix, subconsciously looking to the right.

I saw a car, very fast, coming towards them.

"Sleeping trough! In the middle of the night, there are people racing here! "

Scar man and cockfight eye mix, immediately curse.

They fled to the opposite place on the remote road, so they didn't see the car driven by Lin. naturally, they knew who the owner was.

Now they both want to step back, but it's too late!

They looked at the car in horror and were about to hit them!

It's over!

Just when they felt that they were going to die, Lin Kai in the car had a good laugh. After a turn of the steering wheel, it turned a quarter more.

The car didn't get to two people, just a few centimeters away.

Lin Kai naturally did it on purpose.

Scar man and cockfight eye mix two people, although not hit, but they are scared to fall back, fell on the ground, eat a dog to eat mud.

The small wooden box also fell from the pocket in front of scar man's chest.

In accordance with Lin Kai's instructions, the hidden God quickly took away the poison needle and put the ordinary needle into the small wooden box.


It's more than three in the morning.

Lin kaicai returned home, he sat on the sofa, the needle tip has been stained with toxin.

"Keep it first. It may be useful later."

Lin Kai also found a box for the poison needle and put it in.

This needle is still valuable as a gold weapon.

And then he looks at the system and rewards the mission.

The extraction ability of Linggui can be extracted once.

Lin Kai didn't use it. The truth is to use it at the critical moment.

He looked at the time, although it was 3:30, knowing that Li Shengxian had already taken a rest, he still called Li Shengxian.

After a while, Li Shengxian answered the phone.

Lin Kaida was curious. How could he pick it up so quickly?

Under the inquiry, only to know that Li Shengxian is learning it, learning infatuated, have a kind of forgetting to eat and sleep.

Lin Kaixian shakes his head and laughs, and then asks Li Shengxian to pay more attention to rest. After all, he is still in the state of healing, and his body is the most important.

Also did not wait for Li Shengxian, asked why Lin Kai so late, called.

Lin Kai immediately sent the dialogue video of the young man and the scar man to Li Shengxian with communication software.

After watching Li Shengxian, Lin Kai asked Li Shengxian to cooperate with him to play a good play tomorrow.

In this way, the two talked for ten or twenty minutes.

Lin Kai asked Li Shengxian to go to sleep now. Only in this way can he have the spirit and successfully finish the good play tomorrow.

Lin Kai turned off the light in the living room and was ready to wash and sleep.

However, at this time, he sensed two unexpected guests outside his home.

Not ordinary people. They are all ancient warriors.

From the breath, it's martial arts level.

Lin Kaiyan showed a strange look. He believed that the two martial masters could never have been sent by Lin Yuan.

"Sir, do you need me..."

At this time, the hidden God showed up and motioned to Lin Kai whether he would drive them away.

Lin Kai shook his head. He was curious. What did he want to do when he came to his house in the middle of the night? To assassinate him?

Thinking about it, he squatted behind the sofa.

The hidden God was invisible again.

The two men, like professional thieves, pried the door open, and they walked into Lin Kai's home easily.

Lin Kai realized that they were both dressed in night clothes.

Two people, one tall, about one meter nine.

The other is short, about one meter six.

Especially two people stand together, give a strong sense of body difference.

"Hush! Keep your voice down when you're turning things in order not to be heard! "

At this time, the tall warrior asked the shorter warrior not to make any big noise.

However, the short warrior disdained to open his mouth: "we are tall, short and stealing saints. We have been walking in the lake and lake for so many years. What are we afraid of? The big deal is that when the man wakes up, he will be knocked out."

"This time, we are entrusted by others. We have to look for things carefully. It's not good to be found. What's more, according to the person entrusted, the owner of this room has a good strength. "

"How good can a young man of twenty be?" The warrior with a low head sneers and turns up the things on the table. The voice is still very loud.

It's also true for the tall warrior to think about it carefully. The client has told them to be careful. The owner of the house has good strength, but he also said that the owner is only 20 years old.In their opinion, at the age of 20, even if they are also ancient warriors, how can they be so powerful?

The short warrior has broken through the martial arts master for many years and has been immersed in this realm for a long time.

The top of the martial arts master, half a step away, can step into the ranks of the strong.

As a result, they both began to let go.

When they were about to turn over the cases, Lin Kai finally stood up from behind the sofa.

He would not have watched the two men make a mess of their own home.

So he said softly: "if you want to know how powerful I am, try not to know."


They were surprised.

The lights in the living room haven't been turned on yet.

When they looked back, they saw that Lin Kai was already standing in front of them.

"You didn't sleep?"

The tall warrior was surprised and asked Xianglin, "did you hear our conversation?"

Lin Kai nodded calmly.

"Hey, I'll keep you! What kind of death do you want? " The short warrior gave a gloomy smile.

But the short head warrior saw that Lin Kai looked very calm, inexplicably angry.

After years of stealing, he saw the victim for the first time, which made him very uncomfortable.

Don't give some color to this boy in front of you. Do you really think they are ordinary thieves?

They are on the road, but they are called thieves!

Even in the home of the martial sage, they dare to steal, not to mention the little boy!

Although he was found by this little boy, he couldn't miss it!

If it fails this time, it will be a stain on their career!

However, the short warrior was about to take action to solve the problem.


A very loud slap in the face rang through the living room.

Especially now it's four o'clock in the morning and everything is quiet,

makes the slap even louder.

Lin Kai slapped the short warrior in the face. He fell back a few meters away and hit the table. Then he stopped going back.

"What does it mean to leave me alone?"

Lin Kai said faintly, "go ahead, who sent you? What are you doing here? If you are honest now, you may suffer less. "

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