Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1316

It's twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, Lin Kai is crouching in the place where scar man and cockfight eye are hiding.

The two of them stayed in the house of an abandoned factory.

Lin Kai stood on the opposite roof.

As the saying goes, when you climb high, you can see the scarred men and cockfighting eyes in the house from the perspective of the window.

"That damned boy! Damn it

Scar man swearing while dressing his leg wound.

"Boss, why don't we leave the East China Sea? It's a bad place. In one day, they failed one after another and were wanted! "

"What do you know? I brought you to the East China Sea, is to make a fortune, the gold master behind is Lei Yuan group. Our wanted people have been laid down. There will be one vote tomorrow, and we still need to do it. " Scar man said: "wait, leiyuan group will send someone to talk with us about specific things. If this vote is successful, we can get one million!"

"A million?"

The cockfighting cockerel's eyes widened and swallowed.

Lin Kai on the opposite roof can clearly hear the conversation between the two.

His eyes light a bright, did not white fold return a trip, as expected and leiyuan group related.

The next step is to wait patiently.

Near two o'clock in the morning, an ordinary black car slowly drove into the abandoned factory.

Lin Kai's spirit rose in an instant.

At the same time, he also found a shelter on the roof to hide himself, so as to better observe in the dark.

The black car stepped off a young man.

Although Lin Kai didn't know the man's specific information, he had a little impression that he was a subordinate of Lin Yuan, who had seen him.

That's enough.

When Lin Kai saw the young man, he was about to enter the house where scar man was. When he was intensely prepared to listen to the three people's conversation, the system released a task: steal the beam and replace the post.

The task content is, wait, the young man will give scar man, a gold level poison needle weapon. This poisonous needle can be contaminated with any poison.

It can poison people unconsciously.

What Lin Kai wants to do is to take away the poison needle without a sound and replace the ordinary needle.

When the task is completed, you can obtain a semi divine level extraction ability.

Interestingly, this time it's a new demigod ability, the spirit turtle extraction ability.

According to the system, this tortoise can extract an extremely accurate divination.

Lin Kai can't help but be pleased. He knows the fortune telling ability of Huang Tianshi, that is, he is always dishonest.

He also knows that Lin Yuan can tell fortune.

Now the system finally gave him a fortune telling ability.

Lin Kai has no objection to this task, that is, he can take a gold weapon for nothing, and he can also obtain semi divine level extraction ability, which is quite good.

The system heard Lin Kai say that the task is very good, and immediately some disdain: "typical get cheap also sell good."

Lin Kai just laughed.

Lin Kai eyebrows a pick, it must be a killing business.

It is true that this kind of petty thug is the most suitable method.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and turned on the night vision video recording function.

Inside the house.

The young man, scar man and cockfighting eye have been talking for more than ten minutes.

Scar, the young man handed it to the wooden box at last.

"The hospital has arranged for you. You can report to the hospital at 9:00 tomorrow morning. The reason why I came to you is because Liu Yang is also there. Liu Yang, a fool, really thinks that he is still under the master's command. In fact, he is an abandoned son. Well, you take advantage of Liu Yang and frame Lin Kai together. "

Scar man carefully took over: "don't worry! Make sure you get the job done

The young man didn't say much and drove away.

Looking at the video of the mobile phone with low eyes, Lin Kai smiles. He filmed the whole process of the conversation between the young man and scar man.

At the same time, I understand who the poison needle is for.

It's for Li Shengxian.

There seems to be a deal between leiyuan group and some senior officials of that hospital.

Tomorrow, let scar man and cockfight eye mix together, go to the hospital as a temporary worker.

Li Shengxian lives in VIP ward. Scar man and cockfight eye mix together. Naturally, it is impossible to mix into VIP ward.

But in VIP ward, a nurse will be bought by Lei Yuan group.

The scabbard man and the cockfight eye mix up with the nurse, and then give the poison needle to the nurse and let him do it.

The toxicity of the needle does not occur immediately.

Calculate the time, when Lin drives to the hospital to visit two people, the toxicity will attack.

At this time, some ghosts in the hospital, together with the scarred man's cockfighting gangster, and Liu Yang, who had been kept in the dark, all jumped out to frame Lin Kai. It was he who killed Li Shengxian.For Lin Yuan, it doesn't matter whether others are dead or alive. His purpose is to let Lin Kai die.

But in terms of strength, Lin Kai could do nothing but use some despicable means.

Lin Kai's eyes are cold at this time, and Lin Yuan finally reaches out to the people around him.

Fortunately, I ran into the scar man tonight, otherwise, Lin Yuan would be successful.

Since you want to play, please accompany me to the end!

Lin Kai won't directly stop him. Scar man and cockfight eye mix will go to the hospital tomorrow.

Anyway, he will finish the task of the system later, and replace the poison needle.

Of course, he didn't bring a needle. He told Yin Shen to get an ordinary needle more than ten minutes ago.

Yinshen was very fast. He brought an ordinary needle back in ten minutes.

In this way, ordinary needles will not poison Liu Yang and Li Shengxian.

He also took this opportunity to find out the ghost in the hospital.

This hospital is the best hospital in the East China Sea. If Lei Yuan Group also controls this hospital, it will not be very good.

He had many friends in Donghai. Wan was ill or injured all his life and needed to go to the hospital for treatment.

Then found that this hospital is leiyuan group, just think about it, will feel scared.

However, at present, the system task is completed first.

The small wooden box was put by scar man in the pocket at the chest of his coat and asked the hidden God to take it. It was obviously unrealistic.

If you put it in your pants pocket or the pockets on both sides of your coat, you can ask Yin Shen to take it.

Scabby man and cockfight eye are ready to leave the abandoned factory.

Lin Kai's brain was spinning wildly, and he soon thought of a way.

He asked the hermit to hold the ordinary needle and wait at the gate of the abandoned factory.

He left first and found a car parked in a remote corner nearby.

Driving to the abandoned factory.

Don't scar man and cockfight eye gangsters like to touch porcelain?

Then let two people, a lifetime to remember the end of the porcelain, what is it!

While driving, Lin Kai observes where the scabby man and the cockfighting eye gangster have gone.

According to their walking speed, they calculated the distance and drove slowly first.

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