Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1318

The short warrior felt the heat on his face, and then he heard Lin Kai's words, which made him furious.

He had never, ever been so angry!

"Elder martial brother, don't do it! This boy dares to attack me secretly. I don't teach him a lesson! Let him pay for the bleeding The short warrior's eyes showed the opportunity to kill, and with a fist, with a fierce momentum, rushed to the forest like a tiger.

The tall warrior stood aside, but did not move. He shook his head when he saw his younger brother's hand.

His younger martial brother is very cruel. He often breaks his hands and feet.

The tall warrior suddenly felt sympathy for Lin Kai. He had to attack his younger martial brother secretly.

However, he saw that Lin Kai did not dodge the attack from his younger brother, which made him frown.

As for the short warrior, he also noticed that Lin Kai was still, thinking that he was scared to be silly by his attack.

He grinned grimly and quickened his speed again. It seemed that Lin Kai was covered with blood and begged for mercy from him.

Lin Kai was not frightened. He clearly felt that the attack of the short warrior was too weak.

It's like a child of several years old, punching an adult.

Looking at the fist of the short head warrior attacking, Lin Kai raises his hand and blows at it.



A fracture of the sound, incomparably harsh resounding.

At the same time, in the eyes of the onlookers, the eyes were full of shock and amazement.

To those who blow up.

The hairy boy was undamaged, and even the corners of his coat did not flutter.

On the contrary, the short warrior not only bent his arm, but also was impacted by a huge force and flew out again.

This time it went further and hit the wall hard.

The short warrior vomited blood and his internal organs seemed to have been displaced. His eyes were full of horror! How is that possible? How can it be so strong!

Is this little boy in front of me, a martial saint?

At the thought of this possibility, a cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the tall warrior.

Especially at this time, Lin Kai stares at him, and the tall warrior only feels his scalp numb.

"All said, be honest, you will suffer less." Lin Kai looked at the tall Warrior: "you say it?"

"Elder martial brother! His power can't be a martial saint! At most, it's the top level of a martial arts master! You have been immersed in the peak of martial arts for several years. You must be better than this boy! "

Low head warrior lying on the ground, not willing to roar.

Lin opened his eyes and showed a trace of idiotic eyes. Naturally, he did not dare to use all his strength. He only used less than 10% of his strength.

Otherwise, it's not good to shoot them directly.

The tall warrior doesn't know that Lin Kai has restrained his strength.

When he heard his younger brother say this, he suddenly showed his fierce light. His hands were bent like tiger's claws. He quickly grasped the forest.

Lin Kai sneered.

This time he took the initiative to attack, faster than the tall warrior.

Lin Kai raised a hand at will again, and the palm fell to the left shoulder of the tall warrior.


The left arm of the tall warrior was instantly abandoned, and then he was kicked to the abdomen by Lin Kai, and his ribs were broken.

No resistance at all!

The tall warrior is like a kite with a broken string, which hits the short warrior precisely.

This time, no matter tall head warrior or short head warrior, see Lin Kai's eyes, with unspeakable fear.

The young boy in front of me is definitely a strong man above martial saint!

Had known that is this level of strong, they dare not steal! Damn it, the person who entrusted it didn't make it clear!

Both of them regret that their intestines are green.

Now they are the sheep to be slaughtered by Linkai!

Lin Kai stepped forward step by step. Both the tall and the short armed men were frightened.

"We say! We said

Seeing Lin Kai ready to kick at them, the two can't help speaking.

Next, it was the time for the two men to tell each other.

The reason why they came here to steal was that they were entrusted.

The person entrusted is Shao Xin, who spent a lot of money to invite them both.

For Shao Xin invited, Lin Kai did not have any accident.

It seems that Shao Xin wants to revenge him and find two ancient warriors to steal any important information in his home.

As expected, Lin Kai didn't expect that. The tall and the short were honest. As long as they were company secrets and any documents, they would take them away.

Lin Kai sneered at himself. How could he leave these important things in his own home.

He is very clear that his home has long been monitored by Lin Yuan.

He would never put anything important here.Shao Xin may want to revenge him.

"You two, get out of here! However, you give me a message to Shao Xin, if he dares to use this method next time, I will be merciless to find the door. Don't think that if you rely on leiyuan group now, you can be unscrupulous. "

Lin Kai said faintly. Then he looked at the tall and short warriors. They all stood up trembling and said, "and you, with your skills, there is no need to do anything that is not adultery or theft. If I dare to do something like this next time I run into both of you, I will just dismiss you. "

He is not a saint. He can't control so much, but if he can manage it, he will warn him.

"Yes, yes! What you said, young Xia

While responding, the two helped each other, and ran to Lin Kai's house without looking back.

Lin Kai looked at the two people's distant figure, and said secretly: Shao Xin should be able to settle down for a short time.

Now all his energy is on the investigation of Lei Yuan group, but he has no time to pay attention to Shao Xin.

Of course, Shao Xin still didn't listen to the warning and continued to talk to him like this, and he didn't mind giving an unforgettable lesson.

However, he frowned at the thought of Lei Yuan group.

Although during the day, he and Li Shengxian will play a good play in the hospital, destroying the plan of Lei Yuan group.

But Lin Yuan has been staring at the people around him.

This is Li Shengxian. Who will be next time?

Therefore, he must get rid of Lei Yuan group as soon as possible.

What's more, Huang Tianshi is also watched by Lei Yuan group, and his task is to protect Huang Tianshi.

"I don't want to. I'll sleep first."

Lin Kai felt a headache. He cleaned up the house a little and then went to sleep.

About two or three hours of sleep.

Lin Kai received a call from Dong Shu. He thought there was something wrong. As a result, Dong Shu only said good morning.

What's more, Lin Qianqian also made a phone call and said good morning.

Lin Kai can't help but wonder. What's the matter today?

One after the other, call him and say good morning.

Lin Kai didn't understand. He didn't want to.

Look at the time. It's almost seven in the morning.

He can leave for the hospital at half past nine.

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