Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1313

Lin Kai saw Liu Yang in pain, still with a guilty look, as if it was really like that.

Especially in the next moment, he opened his eyes, his expression was full of apology, and said again: "brother, it's the elder brother who is sorry for you! You shouldn't have lied to you at first. You've come to realize that you are so kind to me

"On the contrary, I worked so hard for Lin Yuan, and he treated me like that! Brother, in order to repay you for saving your life, and my heart for your guilt. As an informer under Lin Yuan, I still know a little bit of information under Lin Yuan. If my brother needs it, I'll give you some information. "

Liu Yang's face sincere, sincere to even the pain seems to forget.

Lin Kai looks calm on the surface, but in his heart he sneers at himself, playing hard meat? Mission spy?

Lin Yuan still doesn't know him, this kind of trick, he has played rotten, for him, has no effect.

But could he not have sent him to the door himself.

According to his conjecture, even if Liu Yang's information is true, it is estimated that it is half true and half false, and can not be fully believed.

Therefore, we will try our best to get that half out.

If you play Liu Yang's chess piece well, you may be able to set out a lot of information.

Lin Kai thought of this and patted Liu Yang on the shoulder: "brother, with what you just said, I believe you. First of all, take care of yourself. Don't worry. No one can dare to move you

Lin Kai is telling the truth. After all, Li Shengxian is also in this hospital.

Li Shengxian, as the young master of the Li family, has sent bodyguards here.

Hearing this, Liu Yang seemed very moved and almost burst into tears.

But soon he was hurt and grinned with pain.

It has to be said that Liu Yang's hard work is very good.

At least the injuries on the body are not fake.

But for Lin Kai's rich experience, he might have been cheated.

Then Lin Kai and Liu Yang chat a few words, then out of the ward.

He did not leave the hospital, but went to the VIP ward of the hospital.

Since the last time, Snow White was forcibly taken away by Li's bodyguards, she has no idea about Lin Kai and Li Shengxian.

I know it's impossible to climb.

Now when she saw Lin Kai, she did not dare to speak. She could only stare at Lin Kai with some fear. She did not withdraw her eyes until she entered Li Shengxian's ward.

"I suspect that it was the other brothers who set a trap on Li Haoxian, which led to Li Haoxian falling into the trap."

As soon as Lin Kai arrived, Li Shengxian was analyzing the current situation of the Li family for him.

The Li family has 13 children.

Eight sons, five daughters.

As the head of the Li family, he can only inherit his son, so five daughters are excluded.

Li Haoxian has been abandoned by Li Chengjia. As Li Haoxian's dogleg, these two people can also be excluded.

In other words, there are also five elder brothers of Li Shengxian who compete with him for the position of head of the Li family.

In the past, the biggest competition with Li Shengxian was Li Haoxian.

Now Li Haoxian is down, followed by Li Xiuxian, the fifth elder brother.

According to Li Shengxian, Li Xiuxian received education abroad as a child, and his career also developed abroad.

Only recently, he returned to China and transferred his overseas career to China. Later, he developed at home with ease.

Li Shengxian is not sure whether Li Xiuxian was set up for Li Haoxian.

But to be sure, Li Xiuxian once revealed that he was fighting for the position of the master of the family.

Lin Kai heard this, but he felt that the situation of the Li family was just like fighting for the throne.

Fortunately, Li Chengjia's attitude towards Li Shengxian is much higher than before.

Especially after seeing Li Shengxian and Lin Kai approach, it is more obvious.

"It doesn't matter who laid the blame on Li Haoxian. What's important is that you should be on guard against similar things."

Lin Kai thought about it a little, and the way.

"Mr. Lin is right, young master, you should be more careful."

Housekeeper Lin also reminded.

Li Shengxian nodded: "will pay attention."

Lin Kai thinks that it is impossible for women to deal with Li Shengxian, and other aspects are hard to say.

All in all, you have to be careful these days.

After all, it happened to Li Haoxian.

The most powerful competitor for the position of owner lost the competition overnight.

Everyone in the Li family may realize that it has entered a white hot stage.

Any means can be used.

Speaking of it, Li Shengxian is still not involved in the hospital for the time being.

Now is to have enough patience, waiting for who brought down Li Haoxian.

Lin Kai then ordered Li Shengxian to learn more about it, which is very useful for the company.

Although Li Shengxian can't read more materials in a day, he has leisure. He is more serious than usual.Already know some basic IT knowledge.

Lin Kaiyan Lu was pleased, but also knew that once Li Shengxian got serious, he would be very serious.

In the evening, Lin Kai returned home.

Today's home, some cold.

Li Shengxian is in hospital. Lin Qianqian and Dong Shu have their own business to do.

Lin Qianqian is busy with the company, and Dong Shu is the Dong Yu who deals with the Dong family.

Although the hidden God has been with him, but he does not have an accident, or does not take the initiative to call the hidden God, will not appear.

Lin Kai shook his head and adjusted his mood. He immediately checked the list of companies invested by Lei Yuan group, which was sent to him.

Lin Yuan has been acting constantly and even provoking him.

It can be said that it is imminent.

If we don't eradicate leiyuan group earlier, we will have endless troubles.

At present, the most important information is missing. He never plays a war without winning.

Lin Kai's goal is to catch all the people in one net.

As a result, he has been tolerating Lin Yuan's provocation, not without report, it is not time.

Liu Yang is just a tiny clue, but we can't put all hope on Liu Yang.

What's more, Liu Yang couldn't be anxious. He was still acting there, so Lin Kai had to play slowly.

So Lin Kai put his idea on the list of companies invested by Lei Yuan group to see if there is a new breakthrough.

Thinking about this, Lin Kai looked at it carefully.

He has already known that leiyuan group has invested a lot of Companies in the East China Sea, and has been expanding itself through these investment companies.

But did not expect, Lei Yuan Group investment companies, than he imagined there are more.

There are almost 50 companies, big and small.

Most of them are the most famous companies in Donghai.

Lin Kai frowns. If Lei Yuan Group continues to do so, the whole economic circle of the East China Sea will be swallowed up by leiyuan group sooner or later.

"We have to find the key clues as soon as possible."

Lin sighed.

Suddenly, he noticed that there were two companies on the list.

One is a small company, the other is a medium-sized company.

Compared with other companies, these two companies get the largest investment from leiyuan group, which is several times more than that of other companies, which is a bit abnormal.

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