Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1314

Maybe in the eyes of others, it's not a big problem.

It's nothing more than that more shares are occupied, and the investment intensity is naturally greater.

The key is that these two companies, one is a film and television company, and the other is a media company.

According to the size of the two companies, it's not that much money.

Unless leiyuan group wants to enter the film and television media industry.

Lin Kai doesn't think so. Based on his understanding of Linyuan, it is impossible for Linyuan to invest so much money before he gets enough benefits.

"Yin Shen, help me find out these two companies."

Said Lin Kai.

After receiving the order, the hidden God immediately appeared and began to investigate.

Before long, the detailed information of the two companies was put in front of Lin Kai.

This film and television company, whose full name is Qin Ren film and television company, has produced only three online films.

The investment of the first two online films was only 34 million yuan, and the response on the Internet was mediocre. They said that there was no loss, but they would not earn too much.

The third online film, with an investment of 50 million yuan, is comparable to the level of a cinema movie.

This film, it is Lei Yuan group to make a lot of investment, just began to shoot.

There is only one actor who is a little famous, but he is only a second-line star, and the maximum remuneration is several million yuan.

This is a movie that needs special effects, but Lin Kai watched it on the Internet. Only the special effects in the last scene are OK. The special effects in other places can be described as "hot eyes".

Lin Kai thought of a possibility, that is, leiyuan group relies on this online film to launder money.

If it is true, it is a breakthrough.

It is really confirmed that there must be other shady transactions in the money laundering of leiyuan group. If we can find the clues in this respect, we can get rid of the leiyuan group.

The point is, this is still Lin Kai's guess.

Next, take a closer look at the details of another company.

This media company, however, has no clue. It is a very normal media company, focusing on videos and new media on the Internet.

However, Lin Kai noticed that the online movie with an investment of 50 million yuan was publicized before it was released.

What this media company publicizes is another online movie released at the same time, which has not publicized the film of Qin people's film and television.

This is strange.

The two companies can be said to be leiyuan group.

As a result, the media company is promoting the films of its competitors.

It is understandable not to publicize, but to publicize the operation of competitors is very confusing.

What can Lin Kai catch? He looks up the competitor's film.

Unfortunately, nothing special was found.

It's big night.

Lin Kai has been investigating the two suspicious companies all night.

Although no useful clues have been found, there is at least one more breakthrough.

In the future, pay more attention to the film and TV of Qin people.

When you go to the hospital tomorrow, ask Li Shengxian.

The Li family has also been involved in the film and television industry, but this line of water is too deep, and finally did not do.

When Lin Kai was ready to have a rest, his mobile phone rang.

It's Ariel.

Originally, Lin Kai thought that there was something wrong with ailu'er.

Unexpectedly, she said she was on a remote road and asked Lin to drive there.

She has some information about Lei Yuan group, which should be helpful to Lin Kai.

In the morning, ailu'er has already ventured to send all the information about the investment company of leiyuan group that her father knows to Lin Kai.

Anyway, I have done this. Why don't you give Lin Kai the information you have.

In this way, my father's company can get rid of the swallowing of leiyuan group as soon as possible.

Linkai can also solve the problem of forest resources.

Everyone is so happy that ailu'er takes another risk and sneaks out in the middle of the night to meet Lin Kai.

The information she has can't be sent out by communication equipment, so it is easy for Lei Yuan group to find out.

Lin Kai was quite moved. First, she reminded her to pay attention to her own safety. Then she went out the door and went to her remote place.

It's just that he hasn't been driving for long, and sure enough, there's a car following him.

It seems that Lin Yuan can't wait. He sends someone to watch him in case he escapes.

But he couldn't stop him from spying around his house, so he couldn't stop him from following others.

If you divide two by three, you will throw it far away with his vehicle.

In order to be on the safe side, Lin Kai made a detour around the nearby road on purpose. Then he found a path that few people took and walked at a high speed.

According to the location provided by elor, it is located on a remote road between Donghai city and suburbs.

It's not a wilderness. There are tall buildings around it. It's that remote road that few people pass by.Linkai had to admire that eluer could find such a position.

After a while, Lin drove his car into the remote road.

Before he could wait for him, after looking at the path, he saw elor stopping by the side of the road. There were two gangster like people who were encircling elor.

"Damn it! You hit my big brother! Don't lose money soon

A cockfight gangster patted Alu's car and yelled.

AI lu'er was startled, but not willing to be outdone, she said: "it's you who touch porcelain! My car didn't touch you at all. You bumped into it yourself. If you don't believe me, I can show you the tachograph in my car! "

"Oh! I said you hit my big brother, is to earn my brother! Pay 50, 000, or you don't want to leave! " Cockfighting cocks sneer with yellow eyes.

The big brother in the mouth of cockfight eye is the scar man beside him.

Scar man and his younger brother therefore participated in a bad fight. In order to avoid monitoring, they deliberately took a remote road without monitoring.

Unexpectedly, a luxury car was parked on the road this evening, and the owner was a young girl.

the two suddenly had evil intentions.

Scar man at this time also loud way: "beauty, or pay! Or, hehe You're so smart... "

Before scar man finished, ALU turned pale.

She suddenly regretted that she wanted to find such a remote place and wanted to call for help, but there was no passer-by or even a car.

"Hurry up!" The Cockerell eyed man spat on the ground and kept urging.

AI Lu Er is helpless. She takes out her mobile phone and is preparing to transfer money to scar man.

A faint voice sounded: "do you want to die?"

At last, Ellin heard this. It's a relief!

She knows the strength of Lin Kai.

All of a sudden, Ariel was relieved.

But when the two gangsters heard the sound, they looked back with disdain.

In particular, scar man, holding a dagger, sneered: "boy, do you still want to save the beauty of heroes? You are such a small body, you can't block my fist. It's better to stay where it's cool! "

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