Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1312

Seeing Lin Kai's promise, ailu'er was relieved.

Now they are grasshoppers on a rope. One of them is in trouble, and the other is going to suffer.

As for the idea of betraying Lin Kai, Aiping has said it several times, but she is completely comfortable with ailu'er.

Now that they are in line, they can't change them at will.

Lin Kai is not a simple character. If they betray him, there will be no good fruit to eat.

Moreover, aluer doesn't think that Linyuan can solve Linkai easily.

There is no need to take this risk.

What's more, they betrayed. If Lin Yuan knew what they had done before, would he let them say something else.

In the future, they will certainly not be reused. Maybe they will be let go.

Which boss do you think can trust a person who has betrayed himself?

Linkai didn't know and was not interested in knowing what ailuer thought.

Now that you've got what you need, there's no need to stay.

If you are caught by Lin Yuan, you will hurt Aiping and his family.

"Call me if you need something."

Leave such a sentence, Lin Kai turns to leave.

Seeing his far away back, Aluo touched his heart pounding with a smile and turned away.

After Lin left the villa area, he found that the cars that followed him before are still following.


Lin Kai drove slowly, letting them chase after him.

Suddenly, a car sprang out of the car and hit him straight in the front.

Thanks to Lin Kai's quick reaction, he went straight down the gas pedal, and the car rushed out like an arrow.

The car did not expect that Lin suddenly accelerated at the meeting. It was too late to turn the corner and hit the guardrail on one side.

With a bang, the whole front of the car was deformed.

After a look at the car that is still following, Lin Kai has some doubts.

"Are they not together?"

But he's not interested in knowing that, whatever they do.

When Linkai was ready to speed up and throw them away, a man with blood all over his body burst out of the roadside.

Seeing his car, he waved.

Originally did not intend to pay attention to, but after seeing his face clearly, Lin Kai changed his mind.

Seeing him stop the car, the man scrambled to get on the bus, panting and saying, "quick, quick drive!"

"What's the matter with you?"

"In a moment I'll talk about it later. "

After finishing this sentence, he tilted his head and fell asleep directly on his back.

Looking at the sudden acceleration of the car behind him, Lin Kai thought that he probably knew why these people followed him.

I want to make sure whether Liu Yang has come here.

Now that we have found the target, we will spare no effort to pursue it.

Driving in neutral, Lin Kai looked at Liu Yang covered with blood.

My heart suddenly had some admiration, in order to act really hard.

There are three or four fatal wounds on the body, and the rest, large and small, are countless.

They're not afraid. They didn't stop?

In terms of his state, he won't last long.

After getting rid of those people, Lin Kai sent Liu Yang to the hospital.

Even the doctor who is used to life and death can't help but cry when he sees the scars all over his body. This is really tragic.

No matter what Liu Yang has done to himself, Lin Kai is not the kind of person who can't help others.

Moreover, to save him, you will know what Lin Yuan wants from himself this time.

Because Li Shengxian is also here, Lin fired these two days and watched them both.

It is to assign some tasks to the hidden God, so that he can find someone to carry out secretly.

He must not interfere in these matters, or it will be over.

In these two days, a great event happened in the Li family.

Li Haoxian sleeps the woman of Li's family.

To be exact, it is not a woman of Li's family, but I can't find out where.

It was well hidden, but it didn't work out.

One day, Li Haoxian and the woman just came out of the hotel when they were seen by a Li family.

He also wanted to flatter Li Haoxian. He adjusted the angle and took some beautiful photos, which were sent to the Li family.

And fortunately, those who don't die will have a happy event in their Li family.

Li Haoxian found his true love.

After Li Chengjia saw this, the consequences can be imagined.

Naturally, people in the Li family did not know the relationship between Li Chengjia and that woman, and congratulated them one after another.

However, the elders of the Li family are different. They are very clear.When you see the picture from that man, you know it's over.

Li Gui, in particular, immediately called Li Haoxian and asked him to come back to apologize.

In fact, Li Haoxian was also a victim of this incident. It was the woman who cheated him.

But it was too late to say anything. He was called into the study by Li Chengjia for a night. No one knew what happened.

When Butler Li told Lin Kai about this, even he was very surprised.

I didn't expect to have such a bloody thing, but it's really a big family.

At that time, housekeeper Li also speculated that Li Chengjia might have completely abandoned Li Haoxian.

Since then, he has nothing to do with the position of the owner. Therefore, steward Li has been happy for the past two days.

It was two days and three nights before Liu Yang woke up.

In fact, not long after the operation, he woke up once.

But for a short time, I fell asleep.

After a series of tests, even the doctor was relieved.

"It's not easy for him to survive."

It's not a doctor's exaggeration. It's too late. He really died.

After the doctor went out, Liu Yang looked at Lin Kai and asked in a hoarse voice, "did you save me?"

"Or who else?"

Hearing Lin Kai's reply, Liu Yang lowered his head in shame and did not dare to look at him for a long time.

"I'm sorry."


Lin Kai wondered why he suddenly apologized.

His acting, however, is a good way to get rid of it.

He pretended to be puzzled and asked, "brother Yang, what do you mean?"

"I'm sorry, brother."

Liu Yang told Lin Kai exactly what had happened before.

"You're not kidding. Who has nothing to do with his spare time? I'll give you my advice."

Seeing that Lin Kai didn't believe it, Liu Yang was too anxious.

As a result, he cried out in pain, and it took him a long time to recover.

"I'm not lying to you."

Liu Yang is telling the truth this time.

Because after the last time, Lin Yuan gave him money.

But before he was handsome for two days, someone came to look for trouble and tried to kill him.

Liu Yang is not a fool. Naturally, he knows why.

Although he escaped, he was soon arrested.

This is their masterpiece.

Painfully closed his eyes, Liu Yang said: "brother, you believe me again!"

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