Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1311

Snow White deliberately misinterpreted Lin Kai's meaning, red face slightly lowered his head: "people just want to be your follower."

"No matter where you go, I'll follow you everywhere."

Then he looked up at Lin with a soft look. He was quite a bit amorous.

It's just a pity that she lost her face.

Li Shengxian looks like a good actor.

He had never seen Lin Kai so close to that woman. Even Lin Qianqian could see that she was just a brother and sister.

However, there may be something different about this woman today.

Looking at Li Shengxian's appearance, housekeeper li really wanted to slap him, not because he was his own young master and sick.

It's just looking for death to watch the drama here.

I didn't expect that Lin Kai's face was the same as the bottom ash?

Besides, Lin Kai is really interested in this girl. She will look like this.

Housekeeper Li sighed and felt that there was still a lot of room for Li Shengxian's progress.

Especially in these places.

Business is like a battlefield, you must always control the mentality of the enemy.

"Master, the doctor gives you more rest. Snow white, you'd better leave first

"It's OK. I'm just..."

Li Shengxian said half of the words, quickly stopped to change his mouth: "I feel a little uncomfortable, please leave this young lady quickly."

Looking at Lin Kai's slightly better looking face, Li Shengxian breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt that he was a fool. Lin Kai's face couldn't be seen like that. He couldn't see one or two or three.

He couldn't help but shiver, and Li Shengxian felt that he was dead.

If it wasn't for the warning just given by housekeeper Li, he would have been completely ruined.

Snow White naturally can see that this is Li Shengxian's excuse.

She didn't care a bit and went to Lin Kai: "don't be angry, OK? I know it's wrong. "

Said to want to go to Lalin to open the hand, but he was a throw away.

Lin Kai stares at snow white, really can't understand, where does this woman come from with such great self-confidence?

Think you're going to like her?

What do you want? What's the use of coming?

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way."

Bai xueleng for a moment, did not expect Lin to say so at the meeting.

But she did not give up: "brother, how can you say that, I know it's wrong!"

Then he stamped his foot wrongly and snorted.

Her series of operations scared several people on the spot.

In particular, which stomping action, what does he look like, I don't know?

How can you come out and scare people like this?

"Have her thrown out!"

I thought she was a girl before, so I should keep some face.

Since she doesn't want it herself, there's no need to keep it.

"What do you mean?"

Bai Xue stares at Lin Kai angrily and thinks that he is a numb pimple.

His own hint is so obvious that he is still a passive appearance.

Lin Kai's words, steward Li is naturally unswerving implementation.

Without waiting for snow white to say anything more, two bodyguards in black came and took her away.

"You let me go, be careful I call the police!"

She yelled, but no one paid any attention to her.

After seeing snow white off, Li Shengxian looks at Lin Kai embarrassed and touches his nose. He can't say a word.

What he just did was really stupid.

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry."

He just wants to have someone to accompany Lin Kai.

"I will tell your father that you will be engaged to hewiya as soon as possible, and fix a wedding date."

In a word, Li Shengxian's face is the same as the wall, and the whole person exudes a sense of decadence.

At the thought of himself and he Weiya, he would like to die.

"Lingo, I know I'm wrong. Don't do that."

Li Shengxian looks at Lin Kai with fear, for fear that he will be finished if he is not careful.

"Next time, at your own risk."

In a word, Li Shengnan is relieved and has a feeling of surviving after a disaster.

"See what you want to say."

Lin Kai handed over Kang Kai's plot to Li Shengxian to hear his opinions.

"Lingo, I don't know about it."

Li Shengxian thinks that some of them are big headed. Even in the Li family, there are special people in charge of this.

"Tomorrow I'll have someone come and teach you about it."

In the future, the Internet will be used to a greater extent, but in life, Lin Kai hopes that Li Shengxian must pay attention to this aspect.

Lin Kai originally planned to spend more time with Li Shengxian, but because the doctor told him to pay more attention to rest, he left soon.Out of the ward, housekeeper Li suddenly stopped Lin Kai and handed him something.

"I went out shopping before and found it by the young master's bed when I came back. Have a look."

After reading the contents, Lin Kai frowned and said, "I know. Pay attention to it recently."


Housekeeper Li knew that Lin had handled the matter well at the meeting.

As for why not tell Li Chengjia?

Housekeeper li felt that even if he said it, he would not pay attention to it.

Because this kind of letter, like Li Haoxian, doesn't know how much to receive all the year round. It's not worth caring about.

After leaving the hospital, Lin Kai tightly grasped the note in his hand.

He recognized the handwriting on it at first sight.

This is Lin Yuan challenging him.

Tell him plainly, as long as he wants, he can take the lives of Li Shengxian and Lin Qianqian at any time.

"Lin Yuan, it's not sure who will win."

In the hand of the paper with the wind, gradually disappeared.

With a meteor in his stride, Lin Kai has no time to enjoy the scenery around him.

He needs to be prepared to make sure that he can catch all the people of Lei Yuan group.

All the way, the scenery on the side of the road quickly retrogressed.

After leaving behind several cars, Lin drove a drift and stopped at Ai's door.

AI Ping was just about to go out when he met Lin Kai. He said hello to him casually, and asked ailu'er to come and entertain him.

"Mr. Lin, the company is urgent. I'll tell you when I get back."

Leaving such a sentence, Aiping left in a hurry.

Lin Kai looks at his background, thinking.

It seems that Lin Yuan has started to act.

I have to speed up the progress, otherwise I will be passive.

AI Lu Er looks at Lin Kai's thoughtful look and smiles and invites him in.

"Give me the list of all the companies your father knows that are invested by Lei Yuan group."

Ailu'er was stunned when she heard Lin Kai's words, but she quickly passed the information to him.

"My father said the president might show up and was not sure when he would visit one of them."

"Lin Kai, you need to pay attention, or we will be finished by then."

"I see."

If you don't pay attention, you won't find out.

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