Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1307

"What's the matter?"

Hearing Lin Qianqian say so, Lin Kai immediately sat up straight.

At the same time, don't forget to ask, "how are you doing now?"

Lin Qianqian some loud answer: "we two pour is nothing important, but by the Dong family that just came back to Qianjin to block."

"He's a bitch. It's a dream to ask us to apologize."

Lin Qianqian didn't make complaints about what he said.

Even through the phone, Lin Kai could hear the curse coming from there.

"I see. I'll be right there."

He didn't let Lin Qianqian hang up for fear that what happened to them would not inform him in time.

On the other side, Lin Qianqian and Dong Shu stare at a group of people led by Dong Yu.

"Get away from me. Don't think you can do whatever you want with Dong Yu."

Lin Qianqian did not expect to take Dong Shu to relax, but met Dong Yu.

Dong Yu is the so-called daughter of Dong Chen who was sent by Lin Yuan.

She used to be a little gangster, now with the identity of Dong Chen, is lawless.

In particular, I hate Dong Shu the most. I think it's because of her suffering for so many years that she has to make her pay back!

"There's no place for you to talk. Let that bitch kneel down and apologize to me!"

Dong Yu held his head high to talk to Lin Qianqian, which undoubtedly weakened her momentum.

"Quickly apologize to our sister Dong, don't make it too ugly at that time."

"It's an evil writing device. You still have to take care of our sister Dong's things?"


Listen to their curse, Lin Qianqian can clearly feel the side of Dong Shu, because of anger, the whole body constantly shaking.

Heavily pinched her hand, Lin Qianqian said in a loud voice: "let's leave now, or you Dong family don't expect to win the cooperation with Wang's family at that time!"

Lin Qianqian is threatening them. With Lin Kaizai, she is not afraid of an accident.

It's a pity that Dong Yu doesn't understand these things at all.

After hearing this, she burst out laughing: "what kind of bullshit King's family is not worthy of carrying shoes in front of our Dong family!"

"If you don't know, don't make trouble for the Dong family!"

Dong Shuqi can't do, wish to give her two slaps on the spot.

What a rubbish thing. I don't know who's been back for so long. I can't provoke you!

The Dong family really has a wide range of contacts, but a lot of cooperation. People will not cooperate with you just because you have a wide network.

If you don't have strong strength, everything is Farting!

But Dong Yu didn't know what was going on inside.

Because of this period of time, she has long been praised by people can not find north.

Let alone the Wangs, he Zhishan, Li Chengjia standing in front of her.

Dare not hesitate to rush up and fight with them.

"You son of a bitch, don't procrastinate and apologize to my mother

If it wasn't for Dong Chen, Dong Yu would have killed Dong Shu.

But it is because of this, she more and more hate Dong Shu.

As the group approached them, a sound like a spring in the mountain rang out.

"Do you want a fight?"

"Who the hell are you?"

Dong Yu, a little brother, pushed Lin Kai fiercely: "what kind of thing are you? Here are you talking?"



Two voices sounded at the same time, the man was in pain rolling, crying.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Seeing his little brother being bullied, how can Dong Yu bear it.

"I'm Miss Dong. Don't be arrogant here!"

In the past, as long as she said her identity, those people were not afraid.

But it doesn't seem to work today.

When Lin Kai saw that they were not hurt, the expression on his face was a little better: "are you fighting me, or am I fighting you a group?"

"This is a fuckin 'fool, dare to..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt that he had been punched hard on the cheek.

The whole person fell uncontrollably on the ground.

"Who the hell do you dare to beat me?"

Dong Yu thinks that Lin Kai is really out of touch with the times. He even dares to start his own business!

"Believe it or not, I'll kill you?"

"You can try it."

Lin Kai looks at them without expression, full of disgust.

It's no wonder that Dong Chen had that attitude. Even if he saw it, he would not be an exception.

"Let's go.""You're here. Thank you."

Lin Qianqian and Dong Shu sincerely thank Lin.

Besides him, it is impossible for others to come in a moment and a half.

How can Dong Yu make them go?

Immediately let his younger brother, surrounded them.

"Damn it, apologize to me, or you're all going to die!"

Dong Yu was originally the master of fighting evil. How could he retreat.

"What a trouble."

Because of Li Shengxian, Lin Kai is really upset.

Now that there are free sandbags delivered to the door, he is not polite to accept it.

When they saw Lin Kai, they rushed directly at them and couldn't help laughing.

But before they could laugh a few times, a group of people were confused.

Lin Kaijing rushes straight over, and every move is fatal.

Often before they start, Lin Kai has already abandoned them.

In less than a minute, Dong Yu looked at his little brother who couldn't afford to fall on the ground, and was stunned directly.

"How could that be possible?"

She murmured to herself, watching Linkai constantly retreat.

"Don't come here. I'm Miss Dong's family. If you mess with me, you'll..."

Words have not finished, by Lin Kai without hesitation to a kick to fly.

Because the privacy here is better, even if such a big thing happens, there are no people around.

When he left, Lin Kai put down his business card and told the bar: "if you come here to seek revenge, let them contact me directly. Everything has nothing to do with here."

It has to be said that Lin Kai's move won the favor of the bar owners.

There are many people who come here to make trouble. Many people come to him when something goes wrong.

If it wasn't for the strong backstage, it would have been over here.

On the way back, Dong Shu apologized sheepishly: "if it wasn't for my reason, it wouldn't be like this."

She would not have been like this before, but now it is different.

She has long been not the high-ranking Miss Dong who is sought after by thousands of people.

"It's all over."

In addition to this sentence, Lin Qianqian does not know how to comfort Dong Shu.

Breeze blowing, Lin Kai some enjoy squinting eyes, the heart of the dry heat were taken away a lot.

"She will pay for it."

Dong Shu naturally understood what Lin Kai meant.

But she didn't want to be exposed so quickly. Lin Kai helped herself, and she hoped to repay her.

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