Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1308

"You two gods are mysterious. Are you cheating on me

Although Lin Qianqian's words are joking, the meaning is true.

Although today's united front with Dong Shu does not mean she likes it.

How do you make a woman like a woman who is robbing her man?

But Lin Kai didn't understand what she meant. He solemnly said, "don't talk nonsense. We have no special relationship."

In a word, Lin Qianqian's heart is not happy.

It was Dong Shu, who laughed at herself, and then recovered to the normal state.

After sending them home, Lin Kai arrived at the place he had made an appointment with Shao Xin.

In the past, there was no one in the whole Yunlai Pavilion except Shao Xin.

Looking at the lone Lin Kai, he clapped his hands with admiration: "it's really a man of skill and courage."

His tone is a little funny, but more angry.

When he thought of seeing the face in the mirror, he tore Lin Kai's heart.

"You are so bold that you think you can do whatever you want in this East China Sea?"

Shao Xin repressed his anger for fear that he would be strangled by an careless body.

"You're in charge of me?"

He couldn't say a word when he choked.


Shao Xin is also too lazy to continue to talk nonsense with him, for fear that a careless self will be angry: "today to find you two things."

"First, apologize to me!"

"Second, cooperation."

"Do you think these two things are possible?"

"Man kills the earth for himself."

Shrugging, he did say the point.

"Come on, what's the second thing."

"You and I work together to grab the Feng's Wharf."

Shao Xin's eyes were burning at Lin Kai: "if you can't grab it, you should have at least 40 shares."

"I think you also understand what that pier in the East China Sea means."

"Why should I cooperate with you?"

"You can only cooperate with me."

In a word, Shao Xin is full of confidence.

Because the Feng family attaches great importance to the control of wharf shares, otherwise they would not be able to become the top of the second class family.

As far as he knows, there are many people who own shares in the Feng family.

But for the most part, only one percent, or even a few tenths of a percent.

Most of them are Shao family and Lin Kai.

Originally, his father did not agree to cooperate, afraid that Lin Kai would not abide by his credit when he arrived.

But Shao Xin was fearless.

Don't say he won't abide by it, even if he doesn't want to.

At present, the most urgent task is to cooperate. As for others, we will talk about it after we have finished.

Besides, he had already made full preparations and was not afraid of what Lin Kai would do.

"I'm really sorry. I don't want to cooperate with you or the Feng family's Wharf."

Although it's very attractive, Lin Kai doesn't have the time to deal with these things.

It is better to continue to do so now, do nothing every year, direct dividends can be.

"Then we can divide the Feng family equally."

"You can say what you want or worry about, and we will solve it."

I have to say that Shao Xin is really worried this time.

But this is only for Lin Kai. His agreement is really important.

However, no matter what he said, Lin Kai did not show any interest.

"What do you want, Lin Kai?"

Shao Xin is not a man with no temper either. Lin Kai's doing so can be said to have completely angered him.

Do you really think that if you give him some color, you can open the dyeing room?

"I don't want to. I'm not interested in your plan."

"Don't regret it then!"

Shaoxin stood up and said: "this cooperation, you have no room to refuse, or you will be finished."

"You threaten me?"

Lin Kai looked up at him carelessly, and his cracked mouth revealed his teeth.

Don't know why, just for a moment, Shao Xin thought of piranha.

He thought that Linkai was a piranha. He wanted to kill himself for a moment.

This cognition, let Shao Xin out of a cold sweat.

But he soon calmed down, Shao family is not a soft persimmon, it is impossible for him to do whatever he wants.

"You can't agree, but I can't be sure what happened to Lin Qianqian and them then."

They have already found out something about Lin Kai.

Naturally understanding Lin Qianqian is unusual for him.But Lin Kai didn't have the kind of reaction that he imagined, and even wanted to laugh.

"You can do it any time you want."

Shao Xin stares at Lin Kai. After a long time, he is really sure that Lin Qianqian's life and death, he doesn't care at all.

"Lin Kai, don't be shameless!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Lin Kai, who was just opposite to him, and instantly came behind him.

Hard pressed him on the table, Lin Kai grabbed the fruit knife on the table: "do you think I will be afraid?"

"Have the ability to do it!"

Shao Xin thinks that Lin Kai is bluffing.

It's just a pity that he was wrong.

In the moment he finished speaking, Lin Kai held a fruit knife and stabbed it down.

For a moment, Shao Xin shivered and closed his eyes tightly.

After waiting for a minute or two, there was no imaginary pain.

He opened his eyes and saw Lin Kai looking at him with a smile.

"You can't

"What the hell are you, Lin Kai?"

Shao Xin cursed, chest constantly ups and downs, mouth "wheezing", like a broken Phoenix box.

"I tell you, tomorrow you're finished!"

"Not only are you going to die, the Li family and Wang family, but also some people who have something to do with you."

Shao Xin looked at him complacently: "do you think your status is noble?"

"That's what you said. I don't have it."

Lin Kai sits lazily on the chair, all over the body as if there are no bones, soft and prone.

"Why am I finished? And the Li and Wang families

Lin Kai is very curious. What is Shao Xin's ability to catch them all?

Even though the Shao family's strength is good, it is still not enough to see in the face of several big families.

Looking at Shao Xin's elation, Lin Kai feels that his eyelids have been jumping, as if something bad happened.

Sure enough, Shao Xin's next words gave him a surprise.

"Lin Kai, don't think Jiulongshan's status is very noble!"

Spit a mouthful of phlegm, Shao Xin expressed his disdain for Jiulongshan.

"Did I say it was noble?"

Lin Kai stares at him indifferently and insults Jiulongshan. He and Shao family are completely ruined.

"Do you know Lei Yuan group?"

Lei Yuan group, four words, instantly let Lin Kai sit straight body.

Shaoxin could not help feeling elated when he saw him at the moment: "it's good to know."

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