Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1306

"What do you say?"

Seeing Lin Kai and his family mentioned, the driver suddenly changed his face.

"Do you think the Li family will let your family go?"

It was so straightforward that the driver felt soaked in cold sweat.

He had to admit that this was the truth.

Finally, he was defeated and looked at them dejectedly: "I said, I just hope they don't implicate my family!"

The reason why he is so desperate is to give his daughter a good living environment.

But if what he did was destroyed, he would never forgive himself in his life.

"I don't know his name, just a picture."

"He contacted me on the phone, and the number was different every time."


The driver told us all the situation, only feel a despair in the heart.

As a matter of fact, when he promised this, he expected that his future would not be much better.

However, he still naively thought that he could continue to accompany his family for a period of time.

They can live a happy life and turn themselves in.

But now it's too late to say anything. It's all over.

Looking at the driver sitting on the ground, Lin Kai and Yin Shen left.

As for him, it's better to leave it to the Li family.

It's been a great help to bring him to them.

After they left, the driver couldn't help crying.

This time it's all over.

"Sir, that man belongs to the Shao family."

Because Lin Kai's sphere of influence in the East China Sea has also increased.

It's still easy to find a person.

Hearing that it was a Shao family member, Lin Kai thought of Shao Xin.

It seems that he ordered it.

"What shall we do, sir?"

"This matter let the whole East China Sea know."

In fact, Lin Kai knows that the whole East China Sea knows, so what?

Shao Xin can say that it was not made by himself or with evidence. They can also say that it was forged.

As for the scapegoat, I'm afraid he'll be ready to go ahead with the plan.

It's the man in the picture.

However, Lin Kai doesn't care about these things. He is not a fool. They can still distinguish the right from the wrong.

The reason why he is so dirty is that he wants to give Shao Xin a little warning.

It's also a complete stink on their family's reputation.

Although we all know that in the face of some extraordinary things, we naturally need to use extraordinary means.

But when you do things, step on the surface, people are expensive to exclude you.

It's an individual. It's not going to work with such a bad reputation.

Even myself.

He called housekeeper Li, and Lin Kai left directly with the hidden God.

He would like to see Shao Xin, what else can he do.

When we arrived at Shao's, Shao Xin was still at home.

Two people did not send out the slightest movement, quietly walked in.

Looking at the planning case on the table, Lin can't help but slightly hook up.

"What do you think he's tried so hard for so long, but he's missed it?"

"Naturally, I would be very moved, sir, to share it for him."

Lin Kai is thick skinned and can't help but say so.

But looking at his serious appearance, I clearly feel that this is Shao Xin's honor.

With a sigh, Lin Kai felt that the hidden God was hopeless.

No matter what he did, he thought it was right to kill or set fire to others.

After reading some important things, Lin Kai looks at Shao Xin, who is asleep. He is stunned for a moment.

Then he proposed: "the hidden God will leave some unforgettable marks on him."

He did not want to be so naive, but the system released the mission.

Anger Shao Xin, you can gain a silver extraction ability.

Although not very strong, but better than nothing, he was reluctant to accept it.

On the contrary, when the system heard him say so, he could not help but feel disgusted: "don't get cheap and sell well."

Such a simple thing, you can get an extraction ability, is a great good thing.

In the emptiness of his communication with the system, the hidden God has completed his task.

Lin Kai looked at Shao Xin and couldn't help laughing.

Although it seems very naive, but Shao Xin is very angry. There is no problem at all.

Like when they came, they left quietly.

After going back, Lin Kai called Kang Kai.

"Recently, WR company from m country will come to the East China Sea and choose a company with strength to cooperate.""You know the Asian market has always been a place of their hearts."

"For this cooperation, they have taken 10% sincerity. I think you will need it."

"Thank you."

Although I don't know where Lin Kai got the news, Kang Kai still thanks him very much.

WR company, it can be said that they are engaged in the Internet people, the most admired company.

If you can cooperate with companies like that, Kangkai can't imagine how blue sky will grow.

"By the way, I'd like to give you some news."

Lin Kai directly sent the information and photos taken in Shaoxin.

You can't disclose any trade secrets.

That's for people in Shao's company. It has nothing to do with Lin Kai.

Kang Kai couldn't help being excited about the plan.

For WR company, it will come in three or four days. It is impossible to make a perfect plan in such a short time.

Now, the things that Lin Kai has provided, it can be said, has helped him a lot.

Hang up the phone, Kang Kai is busy with this matter.

Lin Kai raised the corners of his mouth and showed a smile.

I hope Shao Xin will like the present he gave him.

As for what he asked people to do to Li Shengxian, settle accounts with him slowly.

After dealing with these things, Lin Kai has a headache and leans on the side of the railing, looking tired.

Recently, all kinds of things happened one after another. He didn't have much time to have a good rest.

Hidden God looked at his appearance and went down quietly.

He thinks that Lin Kai should like to stay for a while more.

The warm sunshine shines on the body, which makes people feel warm and comfortable.

The birds were singing and the leaves were brushing. Lin Kai felt very relaxed.

Suddenly, there was a thunderbolt, followed by a huge lightning, as if to split the whole sky in two.

The sun is still hanging in the sky, but the rainstorm came down.

"Are you all right, sir?"

Yin God handed Lin Kai a towel, but he was not splashed by rain.

"Go in."

Lin Kai took a look at the sun in the sky and sighed helplessly.

The weather is like a woman's face. It changes when you say it.

Lin Kaizheng thought, Lin Qianqian's phone call came.

Pick up the phone, Lin Qianqian's voice sounds a little anxious: "Lin Kai, you come quickly, Dong Shu has an accident!"

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