Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1293

"Li Shengxian, we were wrong before. We take back the previous decision."


The shareholders spoke.

Li Shengxian looks at Lin Kai and is in a bit of a dilemma for a while.

To tell the truth, he didn't want to, but it was also the shareholders of the Li family.

To say that his father is still here, if he doesn't agree, it will be very inhuman.

Not to mention that they still need their support in the future, otherwise, how can the position of the householder be stable.

Seeing Li Shengxian looking at himself, Lin Kai clearly nodded and motioned him not to speak.

"It's me who makes the decision."

Lin Kai looked at them and said, "this land is mine now. It has nothing to do with your Li family."

Looking at someone who wanted to talk, Lin Kai asked calmly, "you didn't mean to deal with this land before. You should not know that there are caves."

Although that's what they said, but how do you make them think there is no cave?

Now that they all know, how could they give up?

Lin Kai is the person he is facing. If he is someone else, he or she may open his mouth.

With a sigh, everyone looked at Li Haoxian with complaint.

I think it's all his fault. If he hadn't said that, how could things have been like this?

People are like this a lot of time, they are clearly wrong, but they are not willing to admit.

We must find a scapegoat and let him bear the anger of everyone.

In the end, the old shareholder who had not signed before said, "what do you want?"

They are all human beings. Why can't you figure out what Lin Kai wants to do?

It's just that they just felt that they had a bad attitude towards Li Shengxian and wanted to vent their anger for him.

"What do you think I want?"

For people who have no malice, Lin Kai naturally does not speak ill of each other.

The huge difference in attitude made the man who had been beaten by Lin Kai extremely unbalanced in his heart.

But now he can't say anything more. Otherwise, Lin Kai may not know how to do it.

"After all, I hope you can think about it for the sake of the Li family."

This shareholder also knows Lin Kai's idea. Since he has said so, he can do as he says.

As for the rest, they don't have to think about it at all.

How can we say that Li Chengjia and Li Shengxian are still there? Don't they know how to protect the interests of the Li family?

"Now that I'm talking about it, I won't hide it."

Lin asked Li Shengxian to pass the photo to the public: "I think you also know how valuable this development is."

"Although I can eat on my own, I have no foot in the East China Sea. I'm not as good as you."

Some people laughed at Lin Kai's words. Sigh that he still has self-knowledge, knowing that he can't.

People like old shareholders feel that Lin Kai is too modest.

In the East China Sea, it is easy for him to stand firm if he wants to.

Lin Kai didn't pay attention to the bad hearted people.

"I can understand that you want a share. It's easy to get involved. "

Lin Kai looked at them with a smile, but they felt that they were daring. They felt that there was any conspiracy waiting for them.

"It's OK to give money, but it's impossible to become a shareholder. When the time comes, I will pay dividends according to the current amount of money. "

Lin Kai looks at them and his smile is more and more brilliant.

That's what he said on purpose. Let them buy shares? When the time comes, will Li Shengxian speak in that land?

In this case, it's better to give them dividends.

But he didn't say a word about how to pay dividends.

When the people heard his proposal, they whispered and talked.

They are not fools. Naturally, they understand why Lin Kai is doing this.

After a long discussion, a man said, "how to divide the proportional dividend?"

"According to the present money, of course, percentage distribution."

After saying that, Lin Kai added: "I only take out 45 to let you buy, there is no more."

He did so in order to guarantee Li Shengxian's absolute ownership of the land.

Hearing what he said, those shareholders were talking nonsense and bidding one after another.

Lin Kai asked Li Shengxian to write it down. After receiving the money at the same time, it was OK.

After all, there are so many people who want to cover the White Wolf empty handed.

Soon, the people in the hall were almost gone. Li Shengxian looked at the shareholders who were leaning towards him and asked, "Uncle Zhang, how many of you want to?"

"Boy, you don't have the money to develop that piece of land, so let them do it."

For his conjecture, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing: "do you think there will be no money in Jiulong Mountain?"In a word, the people present couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, if Linkai has no money to develop, Jiulongshan will not be able to take out the money?

It's just that they'll be in trouble if they want a share.

Now it seems that Lin Kai has won a good project to make money for them.

"I have something else to do, so I won't disturb you."

Lin Kai is not willing to continue to worry about this kind of thing. Li Shengxian should learn to deal with the rest and let him experience.

Li Shengxian also understood Lin Kai's heart. After sending him and Li Chengjia to leave, Li Shengxian discussed with several people on the spot how to distribute them.

To the study, Li Chengjia took out a thing and handed it to Lin Kai: "it's not a valuable thing. Please take it."

Looking at the emerald of Imperial Green in his hand, Lin Kai didn't care much about it. The Lin family didn't have this kind of thing. There was nothing to care about.

"What do you want to say about the land? Is it really necessary for Sheng Xian to take full responsibility for it? "

No wonder Li Chengjia is worried that Li Shengxian's contact time in this respect is too short.

If such a large project is handed over to him, he is not at ease, nor are the shareholders.

"How do you know if you can't let him experience?"

"Look, I'll solve the problem."

Lin Kai has said that. Naturally, Li Chengjia doesn't say much.

In fact, he also has his own small mind.

How to say, let Li Shengxian deal with all possible caves, which are really what Lin Kai said.

At that time, there will be no benefit for the Li family.

He wants Lin Kai to give it to Lin Kai, but it's impossible.

With a sigh, Li Chengjia didn't say much.

In the final analysis, it is the fault of the shareholders and Li Haoxian.

If Li Haoxian was not to suppress Li Shengxian, things would not have come to this point.

Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything.

Looking at the sighing Li Chengjia, Lin Kai understood what he was thinking.

He didn't think about it, but he gave up in the end.

He didn't want to support a puppet master, which had no effect on him.

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