Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1294

Lin Kai is not sure what kind of person li Shengxian will grow into in the future.

Because there are too many uncertain factors about what may happen in the middle.

He can only do his best and obey the destiny.

Accompanied by Li Chengjia, he simply talked about the planning of the cave, and Lin Kai left.

It's easy for Li Chengjia to make money from it, that is to help Li Shengxian develop where it is.

Coming out of the study, Lin stretched himself out and felt pain all over his body.

"What a trouble."

If it wasn't for the damage Lin Yuan caused to himself, he would not be so tired now.

But also good, because this matter, also let him clearly realize the strength of Linyuan.

He can also make a plan for the future.

Looking at the scenery all the way, Lin Kai also sighed.

For his own family, Li Chengjia is really a big deal.

When we got to the courtyard where Master Huang cultivated himself, I saw him lying on Aunt Fang's lap, enjoying himself comfortably.

Aunt Fang peeled the fruit carefully and put it in his mouth.

Seeing the two people's appearance, Lin Kai was stunned.

How many days have passed?

He clearly remembers that before he left, Huang still resisted aunt Fang's contact.

Now is this the right result?

"Linkai, you're here." Aunt Fang sounded with surprise.

Hearing her words, Huang Tianshi stood up from Aunt Fang's legs with a fright of "rubbing".

Because the body injury is not good, so sudden action, he almost fell to the ground.

Otherwise, aunt Fang's quick eye and quick hand hold him, the whole person will fall to the ground.

"Cough, Lin Kai, Lin Kai."

Huang patted his chest, his face flushed with choking.

"You're going to slow down. No one's going to rob you."

Aunt Fang clapped her back with a smile and gave him good luck.

Seeing their appearance, Lin Kai couldn't help asking, "are you two?"

In fact, in his heart, he hoped that the two people would achieve a good result, and it happened that someone could take care of this old fool.

Save him all day long to cause trouble, not to do business.

Unexpectedly, Huang Tianshi heard his words and strongly denied: "what do you mean by that?"

"Don't do wrong to people, will you? Can I be with her? Isn't that a joke? "

Although he denied it repeatedly, Linkai still saw the tip of his red ear.

On the other hand, when Aunt Fang heard him say so, she looked a little disappointed.

Just because master Huang is here, Lin Kai doesn't say much.

He had to change the subject: "how are you feeling recently?"

"Much better."

Huang did not dare to look at the side of aunt Fang, constantly looking for topics to talk to him.

"What's the matter with that field?"

"No problem."

Lin Kai said it simply. Both of them sighed.

"This is not the case if Sheng Xian is allowed to come."

Huang's tone is full of exclamation. No wonder he said so. Li Shengxian's experience is not enough.

Not long after that, master Huang fell into a coma because he took the medicine.

Looking at the sleeping master Huang, Lin Kai asked, "Auntie Fang, what are you going to do?"

"What else can I do? Take your time step by step."

Aunt Fang laughed, and now there is no other way.

In fact, she could see that the old man was moved, but could not pull down his face.

It's no trouble, just give him time to get used to it.

"It's really troubling aunt Fang."

"Thank you, too."

They talked as if they were old friends. The atmosphere between them made people feel that they couldn't get in.

They haven't met such a chatting comer for a long time. They talked a little more.

Unfortunately, happy time is always short.

Soon, housekeeper Li came to call him in a hurry: "Sir, the Shao family is coming. The person who named you by name wants to see you. His attitude is very bad."

If possible, they would not let Lin go.

However, they had a very important thing in their hands, and they had to compromise because they needed to use a cooperation of the Li family.

"I see."

Lin Kai didn't say anything. He left with butler Li. He wanted to see what Shao's tricks were.

When he passed, Shao Xin was sitting in the hall impatiently.

In the face of all the Li family, he didn't have a good face.

Especially after seeing the forest coming, his face was even worse."Lin Kai, do you dare to come?"

"Why dare I?" Lin Kai really can't understand Shao Xin, exactly how to say this sentence.

"Linkai, give it to me!"

"What?" Lin Kai has no idea what he is talking about.

"You still pretend you don't know. You have to face yourself."

"For a shameless person like you, I need to face early?"

A word angry Shao Xin, wish to kill him.

At this time, Yin Shen suddenly went to Lin Kai's ear to explain the dragon's pulse.

After hearing this, Lin Kai gave a sneer.

In order to frame him up, Shao family really took great pains.

Find a thief to steal things, of course, where the things are, they are sent to follow.

"Come on, what do you want?"

"Lin Kai, that's my Shao family's heirloom, though it's just a jade seal."

"But I am the symbol of my Shao family owner. Please hand over the things."

Shao Xin's words can not be described as unimportant, just about to say that Lin Kai wants to replace Shao Guang.

This is also a high hat for Lin, forcing him to hand things over.

Of course, he knew that Lin Kai didn't take the things, just to splash him with dirty water.

Lin Kai stares at Shao Xin without expression, listening to his insinuation, without any excuse.

"Are you finished?"

"Of course, there is no such thing. Hand over the Shao family's things as soon as possible!"

"Don't you think it's funny?"

Lin Kai looks at Shao Xin and thinks that she is mostly a fool.

Even if you want to frame him, you don't find a better way.

When Ming Ming was in Shao's family, he and his father were staring at him, so it was impossible to steal.


When Lin Kai said this, Shao Xin was obviously aware of the fact that it was too stupid.

However, the matter has come to this end. How? We should also round this matter.

"Of course you didn't steal it at that time. After all, you're not a fool."

Shaoxin stares at Lin Kai and says, "if you don't believe it, we can adjust the monitoring."

What he said was exactly what Lin Kai meant. Since he had proposed it on his own initiative, there was no reason to refuse.

"Then please show the surveillance to the public."

"It's natural. Then I'll see how you argue!"

Shao Xin stares at Lin Kai confidently, with a smile on his mouth.

This time, Lin Kai's reputation is over.

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