Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1292

Li Haoxian looked at the power of attorney in front of them, and then put them on the sign.

Anyway, there is Li Haoxian, who is the first bird. He is also in charge of anything.

As Li's family, they still don't support their younger brother. Why should they support them?

This thought made people feel much more comfortable.

After the assistant took the power of attorney back, Li Shengxian looked at the three or four shareholders who had not signed it and asked, "how many of you are?"

One of the older shareholders said, "the third one just said that it was the decision of our board of directors to buy the land. How could you, a young man, bear the responsibility?"

"The company's decision has made a mistake, let the executor bear it?"

"Does the company have a future?"

One paragraph said that those shareholders blushed, even Li Haoxian's face is not good-looking, think he is deliberately against themselves.

Li Shengxian some accidents, there will be someone to help him speak, although they know that they certainly know that they have cards, but still choose warm heart.

He looked at the crowd and said, "since you have decided, I don't have much nonsense. I... "

Before Li Shengxian finished his speech, he was interrupted by the noise outside.

Then Li Chengjia and Lin Kaifeng came in, followed by a crowd of excited Li family people.

"Dad, you're back. Are you ok?"

"Dad, you're back. You know, something happened to that field."

The former is Li Shengxian and the latter is Li Haoxian.

Seeing what the shareholders wanted to say, Li Chengjia raised his hand and motioned them not to speak.

"I'll die without Lin Kai this time, and he will be a benefactor of my Li family."

Naturally, no one refutes Li Chengjia's words.

Even if you are dissatisfied, you don't dare to say it at this time. Otherwise, you will seek your own death.

Seeing that they didn't speak, Li Chengjia didn't say much. Looking at them, he continued, "I already know that piece of land. What are you going to do?"

Hearing Li Chengjia's inquiry, except for the three or four shareholders, the rest of the people did not dare to look up at him.

The reason why they did that was also related to his disappearance.

Otherwise, if he is there, why should Li Shengxian, a younger generation, bear the losses?

Have you ever seen that company do that?

If something like this happens, it's all the responsibility of the company.

After all, the executive has the ability to take it down for you. You can't blame him for the unknown or the company's decision.

If this happens, the company will compensate the executor.

They will also lose a lot of money because of the lack of cooperation.

But now that Li Chengjia is back, they can't say a word.

They don't realize that it's not natural for them to talk.

"What happened?"

Looking at some angry Li Chengjia, people even dare not speak.

People who have known each other for so many years are naturally aware of the consequences of his anger.

They don't want to be his outlet. They are all eyes and noses, and no one says anything.

With a bang, everyone turned around and saw that Lin Kai was directly pulling Li Haoxian and throwing him into the garbage can.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Li Haoxian struggles to get out, but he is pushed back by Lin Kai every time.

"Let me go!"

Li Haoxian's nose is crooked. Although the garbage can is clean, there is nothing but two pieces of A4 paper. He also feels sick.

As if feel a lot of garbage around their own side, emitting bursts of stench.

"Come on, what did you do?"

Since they don't say so, Lin Kai doesn't mind using some extraordinary means.

"You can release Haoxian to me quickly!"

With Li Haoxian one heart person, maliciously stare at Lin Kai and roar: "you don't toast, don't eat or eat penalty wine, hurry up."

"What are you?"

Lin Kai's eyes looked at him, and the man only felt his legs and feet softened.

But seeing Li Haoxian like that, he seemed to summon up infinite courage, pulled up the stool on one side, and smashed it on Lin Kai's body.



"Stop it

People rushed in, even the shareholders were shocked.

If something happens to Lin Kaizhen, the whole Li family will be ruined.

With a loud bang, people could not help closing their eyes.

Then someone took out the mobile phone ready to call 120, but after seeing the situation of Lin Kai, he was stunned.

The solid wood chair is not hurt even if it is accidentally bumped.However, it hit Lin Kai like he didn't feel it. He still put Li Haoxian in the garbage can.

The solid wood chair, however, exploded and broke into pieces of wood on the ground.

Even the man who hit Linkai was stunned and muttered to himself: "this How could that be possible? "

"Are you going to try again?"

Lin Kaiyi knocked Li Haoxian unconscious and left him straight to the man.

"Don't come here."

The man tried to retreat, but was blocked by the crowd.

Lin opened a foot to go down, if the whole person was hit hard, directly fainted in the past.

With such a hand, people dare not say much.

"Well, what happened?"

Lin Kai asked, those shareholders scrambled to speak.

Of course, without exception, they were all instigated by Li Haoxian and forced.

They think so because Li Chengjia is here. He can't be cruel to his children.

Li Chengjia looks at their narration without expression and pats Li Shengxian on the shoulder with understanding.

If they had not done so, he would not have made such a choice.

After listening to their narration, Lin Kai asked Li Shengxian to take out the photos.

"It's a pity that there are caves under that field, natural."

Lin Kai's words, those shareholders instant fried pot, are unbelievable looking at Li Shengxian.

But the video on the screen clearly tells them that this is under the land.

"How could that be possible?"

"Why didn't you say that before? What do you mean by that? "


In the face of their abuse, Li Shengxian did not have the slightest mood fluctuation.

Of course, it's also because Lin Kai and Li Chengjia are here. They dare not go too far.

"Have you finished?"

Lin Kaiyi opened his mouth, and the chattering crowd suddenly shut up.

Of course, this is because they are really afraid that they will come all of a sudden. They can't bear it.

"Now that you have finished, you should understand why he did it."

in a word, those shareholders bowed their heads.

Yeah, it's all their fault after all.

After a long time, a shareholder said, "we want to take back the previous decision."

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