Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1291

"Dad, are you ok?" Shao Xin holds Shao Guang carefully and sits down.

Looking at him covering his chest, full of pain on his face, he quickly let people call a family doctor.

"No Shao Xin pushed him aside, waved his hand and said, "don't leave a handle on things later."

Shao Guang took a deep look at Shao Xin, and left with a little flighty steps.

Looking at his old back, Shao Xin asks what happened to the housekeeper.

After listening to the housekeeper's narration, Shao Xinhen couldn't kill Li Chengjia.

"That old man, and Lin Kai, you wait for me!"

All bullied him Shaoxin's head. It's really humiliating.

The housekeeper looked at Shao Xin's appearance, but he was also anxious. He was afraid that he might get into the ox horn.

Shao Xin grew up with his own eyes and knows his character best.

Since childhood, most of them are children of other families and have never failed.

I don't know what will happen to such a big blow now.

In fact, the housekeeper was very pleased. It would be a good thing for him if he could come out.

No one can say what's going on now.

The leaves brush, the weather is a little sultry, people feel irritable.

Out of the gate of the Shao family, Li Chengjia breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know what will happen if Lin Kai is not here this time.

"Linkai, thank you this time."

Li Chengjia looked at him solemnly and said: "the shares on the wharf side will be transferred to you by Shaoguang."

"Good." Lin Kai accepted it calmly.

He helped Li Chengjia, and he should pay the price.

At the same time, the whole Li family is about to boil.

What happened to the newly bought land is that Li Chengjia has disappeared.

That was the head of the family. If something happened to him, it would be a fatal blow to the Li family.

Now all the people in the Li family are sending people to look for him, no matter whether they accept Li Chengjia or not.

There may be people who really want him back.

Of course, there is no lack of those who want to rob and kill on the way. It is really the position of the owner of the house that is too attractive.

Of course, this is carried out in secret, otherwise it will cause a great disturbance and have a bad influence on the Li family.

At the same time, a large number of shareholders of the Li family, including the dignified and influential figures of the Li family, gathered in the Li family hall.

In addition to the disappearance of Li Chengjia, the biggest problem is how to deal with the land.

The reason why the Li family bought the land before was to build a business circle.

But now?

There was something wrong with the land, and they sent someone to check it out.

How happy do you make them feel when there is such a big problem in the land bought with a huge sum of money?

But the only thing to be thankful for is that the land has not yet been developed.

If there is a problem in half of the construction, it will be a heavy loss.

Let alone in case of human life involved, the impact on the Li family would be even worse.

The atmosphere in the hall was silent, and everyone felt uncomfortable. No one took the initiative to speak.

Finally, the elder stood up: "what do you want to say about these two things?"

People look at me, I see you, no one has the initiative to speak.

With a sigh, the elder asked, "Hao Xian, what do you think of these two things?"

Li Haoxian was stunned for a moment, then stood up and said, "the top priority is to find my father. I think we have sent people to find it."

"As for the land." Li Haoxian hesitated and said, "I think Li Shengxian should be responsible."

He stares at Li Shengxian fiercely, word by word.

"He bought the land, and naturally he was responsible."

"At the beginning, he decided to buy it. It had something to do with him."

"The Li family lost a lot, and he was the culprit, of course."

Li Haoxian stopped for a moment and sneered: "we can't let him bear all the losses. After all, we have made mistakes."

His words can be said to satisfy many shareholders.

They make money, whatever they want.

But it's impossible for you to make them lose money.

Li Shengxian said nothing, listening to where Li Haoxian denounced his crime.

There are people who have the same heart as Li Shengxian. They can't see it anymore.

He stood up and said, "what the eldest childe said is really ridiculous."

"When I bought this land, it was the decision of the board of directors. What was it to do with him?"

"What's more, the eldest son didn't participate in the bidding at that time, but he was not fully prepared and was just brushed down by the he family."

"If you are the winner of the bid, you can say so if something like this happens?"

This can be said to be the little abacus in Li Haoxian's heart, frankly said.Put it in the sun and let people watch.

His mind is so straightforward to be said, Li Haoxian's face instantly changed iron green.

But in a flash, he returned to his smile.

"Sheng xianneng took the land for us. Naturally, we are happy. I'm..."

Li Shengxian was not interrupted.

"Since I am happy to fight for the interests of the group, how can I make compensation by myself now?"

"Is this the same idea for all shareholders?"

Li Shengxian's eyes have seen all the people present, but they dare not look at him.

That's what he said, but they can't admit it.

Fortunately, Li Shengxian didn't need them to express their opinions. He said with a cold face: "if this is the case, then the profits of this land are all my own."

"Of course, I will not let the company pay for the money, but I will pay it personally."

When he said that, many people were ready to move.

Now there is such a big head of injustice, to bear their losses, of course, is the best.

As for that piece of land, he wanted it, but it was abandoned anyway.

Of course, not all people think so. Some people are old and mature. They think that if they dare to say so, they are naturally holding some cards.

However, Li Haoxian completely lost his usual composure. In order to attract these people, he began to speak impatiently: "in this case, thank you for undertaking for the company."

"No problem, of course."

Li Shengxian's mouth showed a sneer, Li Haoxian in order to attract people, is really enough.

"But I need you to sign something to prove that this land will have nothing to do with you in the future."

"No matter what the land will look like in my hands!"

Li Shengxian stares at them expressionless, let them take advantage of nothing, it is impossible!

Those shareholders, you see me, I see you, no one has taken the initiative to speak.

How to say that Li Shengxian is also a young master of the Li family. It is no good to offend him.

Seeing that they did not open their mouth, Li Haoxian said again, "OK, sign it, and you don't have to go back on your word at that time."

"Of course not."

This is what Li Shengxian and others have done. After that, he asked the assistant to distribute the contract to each shareholder.

"Please, everyone."

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