Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1290

"That's serious. It's good to satisfy you."

In principle, it is also a first-class family. Shao family is not necessary for Li family.

But who let the news spread recently that Mr. He intended to marry his only daughter to Mr. Li's son.

We should know that Mr. He and this woman have been separated for more than 20 years, and now we can say that he is a pet, just like an eye ball.

Mr. He, who is that?

In the East China Sea, it can be said that he is the only one who provokes him.

Before that, he intended to let his two sons contact he Weiya, but the effect was very little.

Before, he thought it was mostly because of what he meant.

After all, as soon as her daughter came back, someone wanted to abduct her, which naturally made her uncomfortable.

In order not to offend Mr. He, he did not continue.

However, he was caught off guard. It was only a long time before such news came out.

If the Li family did, Mr. He would have talked.

Of course, it can not be ruled out that other families did it in order to worsen the relationship between the two families.

But after all this time, Mr. He did not come out to speak.

By this time, everyone is not a fool. Naturally, we know it clearly.

I think Mr. Lai He is willing.

It's no wonder how many people dream of marrying such a big family as the Li family.

With a sigh, Shao Guang knew that today was the end.

"In order to get married, people in the Ming Dynasty don't speak in secret. I think the Shao family has been very sincere."

"Very sincere?"

Li Chengjia slapped the table and said angrily, "you are really sincere. You specially sent someone to arrest me. Do you want my life? When I don't know what you're up to? "

"My life and the whole Li family are worth so much?"

With that, Li Chengjia couldn't help laughing. The Shao family is really good at calculating.

If it comes to light, just pay something to send.

But what if he wasn't rescued by Lin Kai?

The whole Li family has no leader in an instant. In order to fight for power, those people below are naturally full of means.

At that time, no matter who it is, they can take advantage of the fire and share their share of the Li family.

Can the Li family still exist at that time?

It's been divided up by them for a long time!

Looking at Li Chengjia's eyes, Shao Guang moved his eyes.

They are all from one side, and we all know it well.

With a sigh, Shao Guang knew that there was not much bleeding this time. There was no way to solve the problem.

At that time, he did not talk nonsense, directly listed a lot of things, that is, to let Li Chengjia calm down.

After saying that, Shao Guang forced out a smile on his face: "are you satisfied with the result?"

"Are you satisfied?"

To be honest, Li Chengjia can accept the result.

But the thought that he had almost lost his life, and that the Li family might also fall apart, made him uncomfortable.

However, he can not be too greedy, which has almost touched Shao Guang's bottom line.

If you continue to hold it down, it will not look good to tear the faces of the two families.

To this end, he deliberately put on an unhappy look: "in terms of the relationship between our two families, this matter will be done as you say."

Looking at Li Chengjia that pair, get cheap also sell good appearance, Shao Guang is eager to rush up to give him two slaps.

It's an old fox. He takes advantage of it, but he's still so angry.

"Shao Guang, we are also old friends. I don't mean you. You should take good care of your son. Otherwise, you will regret what happened."

Clearly know that Li Chengjia is borrowing this thing, borrow the topic to play, but he can not do well.

"Don't worry about it. I'll discipline you severely."

When the benefits come to hand, Li Chengjia naturally won't continue to talk nonsense with him. After seeing Lin Kai an eye, he is ready to leave.

"What do you do?"

Shaoguang looked at Lin Kai and broke the arms of those two people directly, but his anger didn't come out.

"What are you doing? How do you treat my Shao family in front of me

Shaoguang, who had been holding his breath for a long time, was stimulated by Lin Kai. The whole person was about to explode.

"Don't think you can do whatever you want for your family."

Looking at Shaoguang's raised hand, before he could fight down, he was caught by Lin Kai.

"I'm sorry, I'm not the Li family."

Lin Kai released his hand and said with a smile, "if your son finds something for me again, don't blame me for being rude."

"What do you mean?"

Threatened by such a nameless person, how can Shao Guang not be angry?Do you really think that if you come with Li Chengjia, you will get used to him?

I don't see what I am.

Didn't you see Li Chengjia standing on the side, did not pay any attention to him?

It's a thing I can't identify myself with.

"What do you think I mean?"

Lin Kai stared at him coldly: "take care of your son, or you will be responsible for the consequences."

"You're looking for the hell."

Said Shaoguang ready to start, Li Chengjia stood on one side, without the slightest interference.

"Who wants to die?"

Lin Kai kicks Shao Guang out directly and leaves without looking back.

He lay on the ground and didn't get up for a long time.

Looking at Li Chengjia on one side, he couldn't help complaining: "what do you mean by becoming a family? That's what you did to me? "

"How did you compensate your bodyguard

"You must give him to me, otherwise don't blame me for not giving you face."

"If there's going to be a fight, neither of us will look good."

"He's not from my Li family."

Li Chengjia looked at him, looking at the compensation for a lot of things, rare mouth to remind: "you'd better not provoke him, or do not know how to die at that time."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you."

With that, Li Chengjia left.

Looking at their backs, all the porcelains in the living room suffered.

In less than five minutes, it turned into a crumb.

"You wait for me!"

He felt that Li Chengjia had said this on purpose, in order to let himself become a rat.

It's ridiculous.

"Send someone to check the man's information immediately. I'll make him pay the price."

Shaoxin received the housekeeper's notice and came back to see his father standing in a mess, a face of anger.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

"You did a good job!"

Shao Guang slapped Shao Xin, and he fell on the chair beside him. If the housekeeper hadn't helped him, he would have been lying on the ground.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?" Shao Xin covers his face and looks at Shao Guang. He doesn't understand what he did wrong.

One side of the housekeeper to see them like this, hastily persuade: "the master, the young master is also for our Shao family good, you don't get angry."

"How can I not be angry?"

Shao Guang looked at Shao Xin and thought of those things, the whole popularity of liver pain.

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