Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1281

Even through his pants, he could clearly feel the impact of that thing, for fear that it would be over if he was not careful.

"Want to live?"

Lin Kai sneered and poured down the things brought by the men and women in the room.

As for him, Lin Kai broke his legs and threw him in.

For such people, Lin Kai felt that there was no need to be soft hearted.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

It wasn't long before there were all kinds of gasps.

Standing at the door listening to the movement inside, the corner of his mouth showed a smile.

Pick up the phone on the ground and call Yin Shen. Lin Kai finds a place tired and sits down.

Before long, Yin Shen and Li Shengxian arrived.

Looking at Lin Kai, who is in a coma, his heart is just a little more relaxed.

"Here you are."

As soon as they arrived, Lin Kai opened his eyes and looked at them tired.

"Sheng Xian, be careful recently. Li Haoxian has moved."

After saying this, he closed his eyes and said nothing more.

Li Shengxian knew that Lin Kai intended to exercise himself, but he didn't ask much. He nodded to show that he knew.

Yin Shen took Lin to drive back, and the whole car was quiet all the way. The needle could be heard, and there was no movement.

At home, Lin Kai got out of the car in silence.

Yin Shen and Li Shengxian look at each other and smile. They always feel that Lin Kai's current state is something wrong.

But they don't know how to open their mouth. In addition to silence, they accompany him silently.

When he got home, Lin Kai suddenly said, "hidden God, go and ask Wang Kang to come over."

Since Li Haoxian wants to design Li Shengxian, he has to prepare for the rainy day.

If Li Shengxian can solve it by himself, naturally it is the best. If he can't, Wang Kang can help him.

After the hermit God left, Lin Kai looked at Li Shengxian and said, "they want to calculate you. What do you want?"

"The Shao family is also a respectable family in Donghai. Now they can only start from the suppliers. In this case, I will make a plan."

Li Shengxian said his plan once again, including some possibilities, and also gave his response methods one by one.

After hearing this, Lin Kai was silent, but he didn't say anything.

He thinks that Li Shengxian still thinks too simple.

But it has made great progress.

With a sigh, Lin Kai said, "bring me the medicine box."

Let him do what he wants, and naturally he has his own way to help him.

Li Shengxian carefully to help Lin open the wound, looking at those deep visible bone wounds, angry.

"Lin Yuan, you wait!"

He swore in his heart that he would kill Lin Yuan and avenge Lin Kai.

Before the wound was finished, Li Shengxian heard the doorbell ring.

He thought it was the hermit God who came over and said, "the door is not locked."

"How is it you?"

Li Shengxian looked at he Weiya who pushed the door in. His face was black and his lips were strained. He looked very unhappy.

"Brother, of course I came to see you."

He Weiya doesn't care Li Shengxian's face at all. He jumps over and holds his arm tightly.

"Let go."

Taking his arm out of her hand, Li Shengxian stared at her in disgust.

If it was not for he Zhishan's relationship, she would have been expelled.

"Brother, I was wrong. Can you forgive me?"

He Weiya looked at him pitifully and tried to pull his hand, but Li Shengxian threw him away.

Lin Kai looked at them and interrupted, "your father asked you to come here. What can I do for you?"

He Zhishan also knows that Lin Kai doesn't like he Weiya very much, so it's absolutely impossible for her to come here.

He Weiya takes a look at Lin Kai and doesn't pay any attention to him. He runs after Li Shengxian.

"What did your father want you to do here?"

Li Shengxian just finished asking, he Weiya can't wait to reply: "my father said Shao family came to talk with us about cooperation, let you hurry up."

In fact, he Weiya still has some things to say.

That is, he Zhishan has rejected them, but because of the Shao family's reasons, he decided to give them a chance to compete fairly.

This is to tell Lin Kai that he is on his side.

However, he Zhishan is not alone in shopping malls. He has to consider his own company and employees.

Just because he Weiya's relationship, she is not willing to say it, because she can't stand Lin Kai.

Lin helped himself, but in he Weiya's opinion, he is a villain who bullies Li Shengxian every day.He Weiya looked at him without expression. Lin Kai didn't believe he Zhishan would only let her say so.

Lazy to talk to he Weiya, Lin Kai calls he Zhishan directly.

Lin Kai deliberately opened the hands-free to let them clearly hear what he Zhishan said.

"Is that what your father asked you to say?"

Li Shengxian stares at he Weiya indifferently and looks at her with disgust.

That's what you say, love your own woman?

What happened?

That's what happened to him?

Although hate he Weiya, but for the business above the business, she still do so, more people hate.

He Weiya didn't expect Lin to do so at the meeting. For a moment, his face turned red and he was at a loss.

Then she yelled at him, "what do you mean? Don't think you have something to do with my dad, you can do whatever you want? "

"What are you? Who is qualified to speak to me here? "

"If it wasn't for Sheng Xian's face, what kind of thing do you think you are? Is it right for me to talk to you? "


He's face is the same as that of Li Shengdi.

"He Weiya, shut up

Li Shengxian stares at he Weiya indifferently. If it had not been for his Zhishan's identity, he would have let her go.

"Brother, you let me go for a man?"

He Weiya looks crazy staring at Lin Kai, with his head tilted and his knuckles slightly white.

She approached Lin Kai step by step, her eyes flashed with some madness.

"Why do you want to rob my brother from me?"

He Weiya can't help thinking, is Lin Kai dead, his brother is his own?

Li Shengxian is the salvation in her life. No one is allowed to take him away.

"He Weiya, get out of here!"

Li Shengxian stands in front of Lin Kai and stares at her coldly. He looks at the knife in his hand. His eyes are even more disgusted.

He could not understand when he had provoked such a madman.

"Brother, what do you do?"

See Li Shengxian defend his appearance, he Weiya more angry.

By what!

She screamed wildly in her heart, thinking that Lin Kai was a villain who robbed her own things.

"Go away!"

Li Shengxian doesn't want to communicate with her at all, for fear that one can't help but start.

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