Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1280

He shakes Li Shengxian up and asks about Lin Kai's whereabouts.

Now Lin Kai's body is in such a state that it is easy to move and cause accidents.

In addition, he is now in a coma, and he doesn't know when to wake up, so he is taken away by unknown people. Who knows what will happen?

What's more, it's not a simple person to take Lin Kai away quietly under his nose.

The more you want to hide God, the more you feel a heart sinking.

"Hiss, my head hurts."

Li Shengxian rubbed his head. He could not help shaking his head. He felt that the back of his head hurt badly. He looked dizzy.

He looked at the hidden God stupidly, and some did not remember what happened.

"And sir? Did you see who took him? "

Yin Shen was so anxious that he kept shaking Li Shengxian.

Being swayed by him, Li Shengxian was stunned for a long time and couldn't say a word.

"Don't move, don't move."

Li Shengxian motioned to the hidden God not to move him. He kept recalling the previous pictures in his mind.

After a long time, he vaguely remembered what had happened before.

"I remember just a black figure, and there seems to be a tattoo on my neck."

Li Shengxian carefully recalled what happened before: "before I call you, I saw him carrying Lin Ge on the bed."

"I called, but I didn't hear your response at all. As soon as I passed by, I was knocked unconscious by him."

Li Shengxian can't think of anything else.

After listening to Li Shengxian's words, Yin Shen has a black face.

There was no useful news at all, and there was no time to determine who did it.

But at this critical juncture, we can't go looking for Lin Kai in a big way.

After thinking about it, he asked Li Shengxian to inform Li Chengjia and Wang Kang.

In the whole East China Sea, their contacts are OK, and it will be more convenient to find one person.

Although it can't be done openly, it can be done in private.

At the same time, Lin Kai was carried by a man. He felt his whole body bumpy and woke up with pain.

Before, because there was no promotion, I didn't know how many bones were beaten by Lin Yuan.

Even if he has been promoted to Jindan, his strength will not be good for a while.

Now I feel sick to be treated like this.

Squinting at the rapid retrogression around the scene, Lin Kai did not budge.

He wants to see who it is and take himself away at this time.

I think I've been paying attention to him for a long time, otherwise I won't know I'm injured now.

As time went by, the man took Lin to a dilapidated factory building.

It didn't matter if he was hurt, he just threw it on the ground.

Fortunately, Lin Kai is now in the golden elixir period. His true Qi protects his body, so he doesn't feel much pain.

"Young master, the man has been brought, and he is still in a coma."

The man in black took his mobile phone and clearly pointed to Lin Kai's feet.

Slightly open eyes, see clearly the people inside.

A young man in his twenties had a beautiful face, but a face full of anger.

"I'll leave it to you. I can't die."

The person on the phone finished this sentence lightly, then hung up the phone.

Hang up the phone, catch the person who opened Lin, clap hands to call a few people, there are men and women.

"You know what to do?"

He pointed to Lin Kai on the ground and said, "let him enjoy himself."

A man was a little worried and asked, "boss, can't he have an accident like this?"

It's just that Lin Kai's state is too frightening.

The whole body is covered with bandages, and there are even bloodstains seeping out in some places.

Although they are in this line of work, they are also afraid of causing human lives.

However, a woman couldn't help saying, "if the boss asks us to do it, we will do it. If something happens, the boss will be responsible for it, right?"

"It's natural."

To the affirmative answer, they are not nonsense, began to open the bandage on Lin Kai's body.

However, the man who spoke before said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, brother. Take the money."

At the beginning, Lin Kai had a question about what they were going to do. When a woman was lying on his body, he immediately understood.

This kind of method is really despicable.

after turning over, Lin Kai directly pressed the woman under her body, slapped her in the face, and directly knocked her unconscious.

Those people haven't come to know what's going on, so they are solved by Lin Kai.

Looking at the man in black standing at the door, Lin Kai walked directly past.

The cultivation of Jindan period, the man in black didn't find him.At the end of the day, he is not an ordinary person. How can Lin Kebi?

"Oh, ah, ah!"

The man struggled, elbow hard hit Lin Kai, but he was blocked.

However, it is also because of this, the man in black broke away from the constraints.

Looking at the half naked body of Lin Kai, the man in black couldn't help licking the corner of his mouth: "as expected, it's delicate and tender, just like a girl."

Before that, he thought it was just a useless person, let them finish playing, just break the limbs.

I didn't expect to miss such a wonderful product.

Lin Kai just felt sick when he looked at him with this kind of eyes.

"What's your relationship with Shao Xin?"

After just a glance, Lin Kai recognized exactly that the person who sent him was Shao Xin, who had a festival with himself before.

But Lin Kai didn't expect that he would be so haunted.

Send people to stare at their own news all the time, and now they still want to be killed.

"I won't tell you."

Lin Kai didn't talk nonsense. He just broke his arm.

Seeing his teeth clinging, big beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, Lin Kai grinned.

"Your second brother doesn't want it?"

He only felt that there was something cold against his life.

The whole person is stiff and does not dare to move, for fear that if he is not careful, his life will be over.

"I said, I said."

I have to say that Li Shengxian's method is still very practical.

At first, Lin Kai felt a little embarrassed.

"I'm his bodyguard. Let me keep an eye on you all the time. If you have any news, you must report it in time. This time..."

He told all things clearly.

Who let their own lifeblood, in the hands of others, can only admit counseling.

After listening to his narration, Lin Kai sneers. It's really unexpected that Li Haoxian and Shao Xin cooperate.

Yes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

Thinking of what he said, Lin Kai's face turned ugly.

I didn't expect that the two of them would work together to plan for Li Shengxian.

Although he has made a lot of progress, he is still uncertain whether he can cope with it or not.

"What do they want to do?"

"I don't know, please

He was almost crying, and the whole person was shaking.

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