Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1282

By what

He Weiya roared loudly: "it is he who should roll away, I am the one who loves you. What kind of thing is he?"

If Lin Kai hadn't grasped it, Li Shengxian would have slapped her in the face.

"Get out of here!"

Li Shengxian pulls he Weiya's hand and pushes it to her directly outside the door.

"Bang" a sound, did not hesitate to close the door.

No matter how she yelled outside, she didn't pay any attention to her meaning.

"Brother Lin, we shouldn't have helped her in the first place!"

Li Shengxian is really angry and can't do it. He thinks it's just that good intentions do not pay off well.

"It will be useful in the future."

Lin Kai's tone was light, and he could not hear the slightest joy and anger.

Therefore, even if Li Shengxian is not satisfied with he Weiya, there is no other way.

With a sigh, he went upstairs with some cases that Li Chengjia had given him before.

He was afraid that he would go crazy thinking about he Weiya.

After Li Shengxian left, Lin Kai made another call to he Zhishan.

Before because he Weiya is in, some things, can't say too clearly.

After hanging up, Lin Kai thinks about what to do next.

It has to be said that he Zhishan did well this time.

This also shows that his position in the East China Sea is not nonsense.

Under the joint pressure of Shao family and Li Haoxian, it can be done.

Thinking about what to do next.

Want to come because of his promotion golden elixir period, Lin Yuan will not appear for a while.

He is not a fool, from that day's situation, we can see that he is not his opponent now.

Lin Kai thought about how to find Lin Yuan's whereabouts faster.

Aiping and their place, also in the process of intensive work, now almost find the location of Linyuan.

With a sigh, Lin Kai rubbed his aching eyebrows.

If Lin Yuan really wants to hide, it's not so easy to find.


Lin Kai murmured to himself that he would surely be caught. It was just a matter of time.

One day passed quickly. When Li Shengxian came down early the next morning, he saw Lin Kai still holding his original posture and sitting on the sofa.

Looking at Lin Kai, Li Shengxian carefully covered him with a blanket.

But it was such a simple action that he woke up.


Li Shengxian is embarrassed to scratch his head. He knew it would be like this. He might as well let Lin Kai sleep more.

"Let's go."

After washing his face, Linkai picked up the car key on the table and left.

All the way, Li Shengxian wanted to talk to Lin Kai many times. He didn't know why, but he didn't say it.

At the meeting, Lin Kai wore a hat and bowed his head deliberately. No one recognized him.

In doing so, he is mostly unobtrusive.

Although his identity has been hidden by Li Chengjia and them.

However, it will inevitably be recognized by some people, so as to avoid some unnecessary trouble.

Because it was not time to bid, people were waiting in the hall.

Because of Li Shengxian's recent performance, he told Lin Kai about it and went to talk with some familiar partners.

Their circle is like this, you take me to know him, I take you to know another, naturally more contacts.

Lin Kai sat alone, and with such a low profile, some people subconsciously thought that he had no background.

"Ouch, which childe is this? Why are you so low-key?"

"Who knows, maybe it's just to gain insight."

"That's not true. He Jia can't win this cooperation without a billion yuan."

"I can't. the assets are only two or three hundred million, but they are all my own."

"So powerful? I can't do it either. It's all supported by my father. "


Lin Kai took a look at them and continued to keep his eyes closed. He didn't listen to their nutritious conversation.

But this gesture of his, no doubt, stimulated the two gentlemen.

"I said," brother, why can't you understand people? I don't want to see where it is, what kind of drag? "

"Who are you from? What kind of clothes are you going to put on us here?"

Lin Kai turned a deaf ear to them. This time, they were very angry.

Just wanted to do something, but the bidding began.

But had to indignantly stare at him, left.

Because of the two dark signs, both failed to meet the expectations of the he family, so it has become what it is now.With the bid again and again, Lin Kai did not open his mouth at all.

The two people sitting next to him began to sneer: "I said he can't, I really don't know what to join in the fun."

"Maybe people come here to have a long experience. They can't be like us."


Cold left two words, Lin Kaisi is not willing to pay attention to them.

There is no need to ask so early.

He Jia's cooperation is so large that it is impossible to conclude a transaction with a total of 3.5 billion yuan.

With the passage of time, there are not many people bidding, and the rest is undoubtedly rich in capital.

Seeing that the bidding was coming to an end, Lin Kai didn't bid, and the two people laughed louder.

"I thought it was such a powerful person. I'm really laughing at me."

"It's mostly a wolf with a big tail."


Lin Kai was disgusted by their conversation.

How can they be sure that they have not said that they want to bid from the beginning to the end?

"Go away."

As the host on the stage finished bidding, Lin kaicai stood up.

Looking down at them, with a sense of oppression.

When he looked at them like this, they were silent for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Looking at Li Shengxian, who was all over the world, they also wanted to join in the fun.

Unexpectedly, they have not passed, Li Shengxian came over.

To this end, two people can't help but get some se: "see, today's big winners have come to make friends with us."

"Boy, learn a little, maybe you will fly into the sky one day."

With that, they went to Li Shengxian with a flattering smile.

"Mr. Li, why did you come here in person? I'm Youjia..."

I didn't expect him to go directly over the two men and walk to Linkai.

Li Shengxian, two of them staring at each other, lowered their posture and talked to Lin Kai. They couldn't believe what they saw.

"How could that be possible?"

They think they must be wrong. What is there for Li Shengxian to condescend to his high status?

"Mr. Li, what do you have to say to him? I don't know anything. It's just a waste. "

"Rubbish, get out of here and see where it is."

"What do you say?"

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