Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1279

For Li Chengjia's sudden words, Li Shengxian was stunned for a moment, wondering what he meant.

"Father, you..."

He looked at Li Chengjia with some trepidation, although he had no feeling for the father.

But Li Shengxian has to admit that his every move often involves his own emotions.

Even if it's just a simple sentence.

"You've learned a lot from Lin Kai, which is better than that in the Li family."

Li Chengjia looked at the unknown direction and said: "the relationship between our Li family and leiyuan group can't be said to be the same trend as fire and water, but it's not much better."

"What do you mean by that?"

Li Shengxian was so confused that he didn't expect Li Chengjia to say such a thing.

He had no idea what was going on.

"I should tell you something."

With the slow narration of Li Chengjia, Li Shengxian understood why he said that before.

But Li Shengxian's heart is undoubtedly happy.

Because he can help Lin Kai fight against Lei Yuan group.

Thanks to him at the beginning, how can he let the Li family and Lin sail to the same boat.

Although happy in the heart, Li Shengxian did not show a point on his face.

On the contrary, some angry said: "Lei Yuan group is really deceiving people. I will try to make them pay the price."

Looking at the indignant Li Shengxian, Li Chengjia smiles happily.

The reason why he didn't tell Li Haoxian about it was that he didn't like it. Moreover, he had made a choice.

It has nothing to do with Lin Kai. It's because of Li Shengxian's efforts that this decision is made.

Of course, this is only a test of him. If he fails to meet his expectations, the position of the head of the house naturally has nothing to do with him.

"Now that you know these things, you should know how to do them."

"I know father."

Li Shengxian nodded his head and agreed. Naturally, his heart was full of joy.

In the future, I can help Lin Kai in a fair and aboveboard way. At that time, Li Cheng's family will fight against anything.

"All right, go down."

Li Chengjia waved his hand and said nothing more.

In fact, he is not sure whether his choice is right or not.

It has to be admitted that Li Haoxian's talent in business is unmatched.

But sometimes it depends on one's character.

Li Haoxian is powerful, but sometimes he is too unscrupulous.

Thinking of what he did to those innocent people in order to get a piece of land a few years ago, Li Chengjia felt a chill.

If possible, Li Chengjia hopes that the two brothers can coexist peacefully, and the Li family will definitely become more prosperous.

But he knew that it was just his own extravagance.


With a sigh, Li Chengjia's figure gradually disappeared in the night.

But Li Shengxian, because Li Chengjia, the whole people are a little excited.

When he returned home, the hermit God also saw a trace of joy on his face.

"What happened?"

Yin Shen's voice was a little cold. Although he knew how Lin Kai was, it didn't affect Li Shengxian's mood. He was still a little uncomfortable.

"Yin Shen, my father said that the Li family and Lei Yuan group are not compatible."

He simply narrated what Li Chengjia said.

After listening, Yin Shen's face also appeared a touch of joy.

This is really good news.

"Well done."

He patted Li Shengxian on the shoulder and suddenly the whole person stopped.

Li Shengxian just wanted to ask what was going on, and he was mercilessly grabbed by the shoulder.


We can imagine the strength of the hidden God. He cried out in the pain of tea. Fortunately, he resisted.

"Go to the second floor and stay with your husband. No matter what happens, don't come in until you see me."

"I see." Li Shengxian quietly agreed to come down.

While walking upstairs, he said to Yin Shen: "I've been tired for a day. I'll go to have a rest first."

As for Li Shengxian's ability to do so, Yin Shen's heart was relaxed.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from sight.

The whole person quietly down from the second floor, looking at the sniper in the opposite house, showing a sneer.

No matter who sent it, it's really unwise to start at this time.

Quietly close to the sniper, hidden God stands behind him, a palm down, he died.

But the hidden God didn't do that. Since he dared to come here, he would not be alone.Sure enough, after a short time, other sounds were heard in the headset.

"Black cat, we are in position."

The sniper held several positions quickly, and a rustle was heard in the woods.

Although their voice is very small, there is no escape for the hidden God.

He slowly followed those people, grabbed a man's neck, covered his mouth, and the dagger went into his heart quietly.

Thanks to their gas masks, they would have asked for blood.

When the rest of them get to the house.

The leader looked at the disappeared half of the people, his face was livid.

"Attention, the opponent is not simple. If there is any situation, it must be reported. "

As the forward rushed into the house, the rest of the men followed.

It was clear that there was no door for anything. The last person in Linkai, however, seemed to be mixed by something and fell down on his horse.

"Be careful of concealment."

When the voice dropped, the leader felt that he had been slapped hard on his face,

but there was no one in front of him, and the slap was like the appearance of emptiness.


Some players looked at him in fear. Although they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, it was too strange.

"It must be wrong."

As his voice dropped, another man was hit.

In just five minutes, they did not know how miserable they were tortured by the silent God.

The slap that appeared out of thin air, suddenly being chased by something, the experience here can be said to make people remember for a lifetime.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Some players looked at the unknown place in panic and rushed out without looking back.

Even if they have a firm mind, they can't hold on to this kind of thing.

"What happened?"

The sniper yelled, but the men did not respond to the screams of terror.

"What happened?"

"Yama will tell you."

With the fall of the voice, the sniper only felt a pain in his neck, and the whole person did not respond. He widened his eyes in horror and gradually lost his life.

After solving them, he went back without any expression.

If it was not for fear of bad influence on them, he would not use this method.

When I went in to open the house, I saw Li Shengxian fall to the corner of the wall, and Lin Kai on the bed had disappeared.

"And sir?"

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