Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1278

When he said this, Li Shengxian's face changed instantly.

He had been on guard against Li Haoxian. Unexpectedly, someone found him.

Once Li Haoxian cooperates with leiyuan group, his advantage will be lost.

Although in the heart is shocked, but the face is still a pair of pale breeze light appearance: "don't know big brother is prepared to pay how many shares?"

Li Shengxian asked a lot of questions, which was hostile to Li Haoxian.

Naturally, Li Haoxian is not a vegetarian. He has to be prepared.

"This is my plan."

After reading the plan on the table, Li Shengxian's face is a little ugly.

It has to be said that Li seems to be well prepared. Even if Li Shengxian faces such a scheme, he has no reason to refuse.

"What do you think, father?"


In a word, Li Haoxian's face was very ugly, tightly clenched his fist, and looked at Li Chengjia with a black face: "father, what do you mean?"

"Lei Yuan group is not something we can provoke. If you are not careful, it is easy to set fire to yourself."

For leiyuan group, since it is natural to know.

After all, the Li family is such a giant, they will not be untouched.

After listening to Li Chengjia's narration, everyone was lost in thought.

Li Haoxian clenched his fist tightly and opened his mouth: "father, it's also a subsidiary company. Why can my brother? I can't? "

Glare at Li Shengxian's eyes, full of anger.

He felt that Li Chengjia was treated differently, but he was better than Li Shengxian.

One of the owners of Li Haoxian's family deliberated and said, "master, this matter is not impossible to consider. After all, there is a precedent of Shengxian."

"Shengxian's company has nothing to do with the Li family."

"What do you mean?"

Although I understand that Li Chengjia may say so for Li Shengxian.

However, there were still some bad ideas in the minds of the people present.

Whether it's true or not, Li Chengjia said so and put forward his own position.

He is supporting Li Shengxian. If his words are true, then they should reconsider who they should contact.

"The company is already Shengxian and has nothing to do with the Li family."

The decision was made after careful consideration by Li Chengjia.

Although the Li family is well-established now, some people have rotten.

But some people, he has no way to move, can only find a new way.

Li Shengxian inspired him when he put forward the plan.

It is good that the Li family will be more prosperous in the future.

It's just that it won't work at that time. There's also Li Shengxian's company.

Moreover, because of the cooperation with leiyuan group, he didn't want to involve the Li family.

That is the maggot with bone, as long as it is provoked, there is no possibility of getting rid of it.

As the leader of the Li family for so many years, he knows more than they think.

Looking at the expression on people's faces, Li Chengjia said nothing.

In fact, he is paving the way for Li Shengxian, hoping that he can take over the Li family.

They were silent for a long time. Finally, Li Haoxian couldn't help but look at Li Chengjia with red eyes: "why give him the company?"

He didn't understand that he was the best of his generation. What was it that was handed to him?

What does Li Shengxian have?

It's nothing more than relying on Lin Kai.

Looking at the anger on his eldest son's face, Li Chengjia sighed: "about you and I have other arrangements, the company's business, you put it on the shelf."

"Are you going to make a decision?"

Li Haoxian stares at Li Shengxian fiercely. If his eyes could kill people, he would have died many times.

He felt that Li Chengjia was going to exile himself for the sake of Li Shengxian.

"I don't accept it!"

One punch on the table, the whole person looks like a raging lion: "what good does he have? Isn't it just a good relationship with Lin Kai? "

"So what? Without him, I can lead the Li family

"Why give him a company for no reason? What is his ability? It's just waste. "

"I've been doing nothing but eating, drinking, whoring and gambling every day. Can you change it now? It's killing me. "


Li Haoxian wanted to kill Li Shengxian on the spot when he thought that Li's family would give him this waste.

Li Shengxian's eyes were grim. He felt that his plan could not be delayed.

Otherwise, when all the dust settles, everything will be over.

When Li Haoxian looked at him like this, Li Shengxian showed a defiant smile and didn't feel afraid at all."Haoxian, how do you speak?"

Li Chengjia looked at Li Haoxian, his voice was faint, and he could not hear his anger.

But Li Haoxian felt that Li Chengjia was angry.

Thinking of what he just said, Li Haoxian's face is not good-looking.

He is also too angry, otherwise will not be in front of him so regardless of the face.

"Father, I'm sorry, but I'm just so angry."

"As for your scheme, don't mention it any more."

Cold left such a sentence, Li Chengjia turned away.

The men looked at each other and left without saying much.

Soon the two brothers were left in the room.

Li Haoxian looked at Li Shengxian sitting in the chair and said with a sneer, "don't think your father is facing you, you will win."

He approached Li Shengxian's ear and whispered, "let's see the winner. I hope you can laugh at that time."

With that, Li Haoxian left with a smile. Looking at his back, Li Shengxian clenched his fist tightly.

Sitting in the chair, his mind kept coming to mind before some were.

He had a hunch that Li Haoxian would definitely do something about himself.

But it doesn't matter. I'm not the same rubbish any more.

"Li Haoxian, I'll wait!"

Looking up, Li Shengxian's mouth is taut and his whole face looks serious.

As soon as he went out, he was stopped by Li Chengjia, who had been standing at the door.

"Haoxian, come here. I want to ask you something."

Although do not know what happened, but he still obediently followed.

To the study, Li Chengjia did not talk to him nonsense, straight into: "is Mr. Lin in conflict with Lei Yuan group?"

Li Shengxian was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he would ask, but he still answered truthfully: "yes."

He said briefly about the contradiction between them.

It's no use hiding it. Anyway, Li Chengjia will know it sooner or later.

It is not as honest as now, but also save the back so much trouble.

After listening to Li Chengjia, he didn't say a word. Li Shengxian sat on the side quietly, not knowing what he meant.

"After that, you can follow Mr. Lin well."

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