Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1274

And they were used to it, and they were not surprised at all.

After Feng Yuan was thrown down, people immediately ran to them.

Looking at the front desk in front of him, Lin Kai didn't mean to embarrass them. He nodded and agreed without hesitation.

Since they will send Feng Yuan to the hospital, it will save him.

Seeing Lin Kai's promise, the hotel's people hurriedly carried Feng Yuan away.

Because of Feng Yuan's business, people in the hotel dare not disturb Lin Kai easily, for fear that they will be finished if they are not careful.

This makes Lin Kai feel more comfortable.

Cross legged, next to a small tea table, top is a few kinds of delicate snacks and steaming tea.

From time to time, he took a sip of coffee, and looked at the magazine slowly, enjoying a rare leisure time.

The front desk of the hotel saw Lin Kai like this and couldn't help but take out his mobile phone to take a picture secretly and share it with his best friend.

"Please delete the picture."

Lin Kai's voice made the front desk stunned. She didn't see her head just now. How could she know?

"Sir, you..."

The front desk pondered over how to speak.

Just now, she also knew that she was afraid that Lin Kai would be offended by a mistake.


What else does the front desk want to say? Lin Kai, who suddenly stands up, is startled.

"What can I do for you?"

"It's OK."

Lin Kai's voice was cold, which made the front desk exciter shiver, staring at him and afraid to speak.

He looked around warily, just as he felt a strong breath approaching here.

It's just that it's not enough. Lin Kai is so surprised because the breath is so familiar.

"Come out."

Lin Kai sat back on the sofa. Although his tone was relaxed, his stiff back showed that he was not calm at the moment.

To be honest, he was worried. Although he had touched the bottleneck, he had not broken through it.

Now I and Lin Yuan are not on the same level.

It is absolutely impossible for him to appear by chance. It must be for some ulterior purpose.

Once you fight with him, don't say whether you can win or not, the probability of escaping is very small.

"Not yet?"

Lin laughs and looks at the unknown direction. Now he can't determine the location of Linyuan.

The front desk thought that Lin Kai was talking to himself. For a while, he was a bit stunned.

"Sir, am I not here?"

"Not you."

When he said that, the eyes of the front desk changed instantly.

Some look around in horror, also do not know whether it is because of psychological reasons, only feel cold, a whole body of goose bumps.

"Don't scare me, sir. Where else is there?"

When the voice dropped, the door was pushed open, and a man with seven or eight looks like Lin Kai, but some feminine.

"My dear brother, long time no see."

Lin Yuan said he was ready to give Lin Kai a hug, but he avoided it.

"It's sad."

Although the mouth said so, but the face did not have the slightest sad appearance, on the contrary still felt very happy.

Sitting down, Lin Kai didn't have to say anything more. He took another cup and tasted the tea.

"You still don't have good taste. You can import such poor tea?"

Looking at Lin Yuan slowly pouring tea into the garbage can, Lin Kai is still that expressionless look.

"My dear brother, you don't want to see me so much?"

"Of course I do."

Of course he did. He wanted to kill him all the time.

Thinking of what happened at that time, Lin Kai couldn't help but want to start.

However, he has restrained himself. He has not been promoted yet, so he can only wait and see what happens.

I don't know what idea Lin Yuan made. He arranged to accompany Lin Kai and talk about his childhood while eating snacks.

Since he doesn't do it, Lin Kai is willing to cooperate.

He's not a fool. It's not the time to do it.

Otherwise, when the time comes, don't say it is to seize Lin Yuan, that is to say, he has to follow the end, then the gain is not worth the loss.

Two people with similar faces and different temperaments sit together, which must be said to be very attractive.

But today I don't know why. There is no one coming in the hotel.

Even the front desk, I don't know when, faintly fell asleep.

"You know, I'm sorry I didn't insist on it, so she's mine."

Looking at the nostalgic look on Lin Yuan's face, Lin Kai only felt a burst of nausea.I would like to tear off the mask of hypocrisy on his face.

At the thought of her, Lin Kai couldn't help clenching his fist.

It's said that I have my own responsibility for that.

Sighing, Lin Kai's face showed a brilliant smile.

"What are you here for? Is that all it's about? "

Naturally, Lin Kai would not believe it. In fact, he knew that he was just asking on purpose.

Lin Yuan should not know what he did in the East China Sea.

This is the greatest convenience for him.

"Can't I, the elder brother, miss you?"

Looking at Lin Yuan's soft face, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing.

"Of course."

Two people you come and I go, words hidden attack, no one will bow to show weakness.

As time went by, the tea on the table was cold, and neither of them moved.

"Sweets are a great mood."

Lin Yuan enjoyed the tea on the table, and soon it was clean.

Will you do anything about the Lin Kai meeting?

He didn't worry at all.

Although he wanted to kill himself, he didn't use such mean means.

"Dear brother, you know what, they contacted me."

In a word, Lin Kai stopped his movements and took a look at him.

What is the meaning of the words, two people can understand without saying more.

Mostly because of that, they changed their minds.

It's no wonder Lin Yuan is worse than them.

But thinking that she would marry Lin Yuan, Lin Kai's heart still hurt.

Soon he realized that he was wrong.

This is absolutely impossible!

"Lin Yuan, what do you want to do

"I didn't expect to be seen through by you."

Lin Yuan "tut tut" shook his head, his face full of banter: "I want to see my dear brother, like that woman or not."

"It's a pity I don't like it, so I don't have a sense of accomplishment."

Looking at Lin Yuan's distressed appearance, Lin Kai only felt a burst of nausea.

From small to large, no matter what he has, Lin Yuan will take it away.

Maybe it's because of his return that he lost too much.

It was not until a long time later that Lin Kai realized that it was his own thing and there was no need to feel guilty.

"Lin Kai, it's a pity that you didn't see it. It's wonderful."

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