Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1275

"What do you mean?"

I don't know why. Lin Kai always feels that Lin Yuan is hiding something from himself.

Thinking of them, Lin Kai couldn't help being nervous.

Because of his own relationship, he has hurt them once, and he doesn't want to have a second time.

"It doesn't mean much, it's just a pity."

Without waiting for Lin Kai to speak, Lin Yuan put down his half eaten snack.

"No matter how delicious it is, if you eat too much, it will be greasy, just like people."

Lin Yuan stood up and looked at him and said, "my dear brother, what kind of death do you like?"

"Must I die?" Lin Kai raised her eyebrows and looked at him.

It used to be quiet and elegant, but now it looks like a fierce beast out of the cage, full of aggression.

Although he has not been promoted, Lin Kai is not afraid of him.

If you can't, run.

If you leave green hills, you will not be afraid of no firewood.

In fact, he was also surprised that Lin Yuan would find himself at this time.

"Of course it's you." Lin Yuan looked at him with a smile, just like an elegant childe.

"You can try it."

Lin Kai looked at him without fear.

There is no one between them.

The whole hotel seems to have lost all the sound, and there are only two people breathing between heaven and earth.


Lin Yuan chuckled and suddenly appeared behind him. His fist was covered with a layer of transparent gas, and he smashed it hard at Lin Kai.

Although Lin's promotion ability is still not in the beginning.

Let alone for so many years, he had developed a keen sense of consciousness, and quickly avoided it.


The huge roar, the marble floor, was directly made a hole, split to the turtle around.

Under the control of Linyuan, the scattered gravel seems to have life, blocking all the retreat routes around Linkai.

Lin Yuan has a smile on his face. He knew what happened to Lin Kai, otherwise he would not appear at this time.

Forest open or jump, or roll, constantly avoid the gravel, or to guard against the forest source attack at any time.


Because of Lin Yuan's attack, Lin Kai didn't dodge and was severely scratched on his arm by a stone.

The stone wrapped with genuine Qi is like a sharp blade. It cuts the skin and reveals the bones inside.

"Tut, it looks so painful."

Lin Yuan looked at him with a smile. His long and narrow fox eyes flashed with an unknown light.

Lin Kai didn't talk nonsense either. Several of them flashed left and right and rushed to the location of Linyuan.

In his hand, a dagger twinkling with cold light stabbed at his back.

As if a bullock went into the sea, Lin Kai just felt that there was a suction on his back, and he couldn't move at all.

He didn't like to fight. He threw away the dagger and rushed to the side in an instant.

But now he can't compare with Lin Yuan's speed.


With a dull hum, Lin Kai felt as if his back had been hit hard by a thousand jin Boulder, and his bones would be broken.

But for his good health, it would have killed him half his life.

Rolling on the spot and hiding in the past, Lin Kai gasps and stares at Lin Yuan coldly.

"My dear brother, how can you look at me like this?"

Although Lin Yuan's tone sounded a little sad, but the action did not stop.

Grab the solid wood table on one side and throw it into the forest.

As the table flew out, he appeared directly behind Linkai.

No matter how Lin Kai chooses, it is doomed to be difficult.

In comparison, Lin Kai did not hesitate to choose the latter.

He rushed directly to Linyuan, his fist shadow was all over the sky, and he smashed him hard.

At the moment when the table flies over, the whole person flies up directly with the help of Lin Yuan and grabs the chandelier above.

"You're dead."

The light ball in Lin Yuan's hands, showing a terrible breath, just looked at it with horror.

A flick of the hand, light ball straight to Lin Kai, the moment the air was torn, twisted toward him.

Lin Kai wants to avoid it, but finds that he can't do it at all. He can only defend it.

"Mantis stands in the way."

Lin Yuan grinned, silent smile, how strong this blow is, only he knows best.

The light ball smashed on Lin Kai's body, the invisible power, rushed into his body, tyrannically destroyed.

But soon this force was expelled by the real Qi in Lin Kai's body.

Nevertheless, it also caused a lot of damage to Linkai.


With a mouthful of blood, Lin Kai felt that his internal organs had shifted."My good brother, I didn't expect you to have some skills."

To tell you the truth, Lin Yuan was surprised that Lin Kai should have no resistance now.

But it's better.

There is a difference between killing a waste that has no power to bind a chicken and killing a waste that resists.

At the thought that Lin Kai was going to die under his own hands, he trembled with excitement.

"My brother, on this day next year, my brother will take them to commemorate you."


With such a simple sentence, Lin Kai spat out a mouthful of blood again.

"It's just the end of a strong crossbow."

Lin Yuan snorted coldly, without much nonsense, and rushed to Lin Kai with a heavy momentum.

Without hesitation, he punched him in the stomach and flew out directly. He hit the wall and fell down.


Linkai struggled to support his body to get up. His body was covered with scars.

Standing up unsteadily, Lin Kai wiped the blood on his mouth and took the initiative to attack.

It's absolutely impossible to be beaten so passively.

He should find the flaw of Linyuan as soon as possible, and stick to the arrival of the hidden God as much as possible.

Although there is no way to resist now, when the hidden God comes, it will be easy to say.

Lin Yuan is surprised that Lin Kai will take the initiative to attack.

But also for a moment, the corner of the mouth overflowed with a sneer: "from the road to death."

The momentum of his whole body, rising to a terrible place.

Because of the temporary loss of cultivation, Lin Kai was so oppressed that he couldn't straighten up. His body seemed to weigh ten thousand pounds.

Looking at Lin Yuan, he didn't even mean to avoid his attack.

"Pa" a sound, mercilessly a mouth son, take in his face.

The huge force made him fall to the ground and his cheek was bleeding directly.


Struggling to get up from the ground, Lin Kai leaned against the wall, gasping heavily.

"Do you want to continue?"

Although Lin Yuan asked so, his actions didn't mean to stop at all.

Take one of Lin Kai's arms and break them.

As far as his great master's strength is concerned, it can be said that it is easy.

Lin Kai stares at Lin Yuan and says nothing.

By his eyes, I don't know why Lin Yuan shrunk.

But soon he took Lin Kai and asked, "how do you want to die?"

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