Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1273

"What do you mean, boy?"

The man was so ignored by Lin Kai that he felt his dignity was challenged.

What's more, he still thinks that Lin Kai is always immortal, which makes him feel that he is losing face in front of his own women.

"The boy knows how to hurry to come over and apologize."

I have to say his women are just like him.

It's just as boring.

For this kind of person, Lin Kai didn't want to talk to him at all.

But it's just a bunch of clowns, whatever they do.

Lin Kaiyue did this, and the more angry the couple was.

I feel that Lin Kai is really ungrateful. I dare to treat myself like this. I really don't know what to do.

"Are you dumb and can't hear you?"

The man pulled out the magazine in Lin Kai's hand, threw it on the ground and trampled on his feet.

For his attitude, the man felt very uncomfortable.

I don't know what the hell I am. I don't know how to talk to him.

"Get out of here. I'm going to do it here."

Then he took the woman and pulled Lin aside.

"Give your eyes to those who need them if you don't need them."

"What do you mean?"

The man was stunned for a moment, then he reacted and immediately became furious: "you son of a bitch, what do you mean?"

"You dare say I'm blind? Believe it or not, I'll kill you? "

"It's hard for you to understand people."

Lin Kai picked up the magazine that had been thrown on the ground, wiped off the stain with a handkerchief, held it in his hand and continued to look at it with a look of indifference.

It's a shame for men.

Even in front of their own women, so insulted by other men.

If we don't get the court back, how can he get along?

"Boy, do you know who I am?"

Just look at Lin Kai's expression. He doesn't know.

So he did not have to answer, the man said aloud: "here I am the elder brother, later meet remember to call Feng Ge know?"

Feng Yuan reached out his hand to pat Lin Kai on the shoulder, but he dodged.

"You're such a fool."

Originally, Feng Yuan didn't want to care more about him. He didn't expect that this boy would not give himself face.

It's self defeating.

Since he wanted to die so much, Feng Yuan didn't mind helping him.

"Dog, how do you want to die?"

Feng Yuan stares at him without expression, his mouth overflows with a sneer.

I didn't expect that Lin Kaisi was unmoved and didn't want to pay any attention to him.

For Feng Yuan, it was a great shame.

"Do you want to die the hell?"

He loosened his arm around the woman and slapped his cheek hard toward the wood.

With a little whistling wind, Feng Yuan's smile is even bigger.

"This How could it be? "

Leng Leng looking at by Lin Kai light floating grasp of the hand, Feng Yuan some reaction not come over.

He is likely to get a blow, so easily resolved?

In his opinion, this is simply unscientific.

He felt that Lin Kai must be putting on airs to frighten himself.

Looking at Lin Kai with a smile, Feng Yuan thinks that he has already understood Lin Kai's idea. For a while, he can't help feeling a little proud.

"Boy, give you one last chance, really don't bow down and apologize?"

He didn't believe it. He was a man of no power and no power. How big a storm could he make.

"Is it?"

Lin opened his mouth with a gentle smile, thinking that Yin Shen should be back soon, and did not continue to talk nonsense with Feng Yuan.

"You can either roll or I'll beat you all over the place. Choose one of them."

Lin Kai looked at Feng Yuan with a smile. He had to say that he was threatening people. It was really interesting.

It's just a pity that Lin Kai has no threat at all.

Looking at the careless Lin Kai, Feng Yuan only felt that he had been deeply insulted.

"You go to hell with me."

Feng Yuan no longer talks nonsense with Lin kaiduo, because in his opinion, this man is just like a stone. Oil and salt are not allowed to enter.

In that case, don't blame yourself for being cruel.

As for just Lin Kai's understatement of the matter of dissolving his blow, naturally Feng Yuan selectively forgot.

"Honey, come on."

The woman with a hot figure stares at Lin Kai with a slanting eye, and feels that he is already a dead man.


Lin Kai frowned and felt that Feng Yuan was just looking for trouble.

They were two people who had never met before, and they had to seek their own way to death.The other party is going to start. Naturally, Lin Kai can't wait to die.

Looking at Feng Yuan who rushed to himself, he didn't want to continue to be merciful.

Just want to give him a lesson, let him give up.

I didn't expect to get him an inch.

Feng Yuan, who rushed to Lin Kai, didn't know why he suddenly felt chilly, as if something bad happened.

He stopped for a moment, feeling that he must have thought too much.

He rushed over with his fist waving directly, looking like he had to get it.

It's just a pity that he tried his best to strike Lin Kai, but it didn't affect Lin Kai at all. He just ducked him.

"Who are you?"

This is the time for Feng Yuan to realize that things have gone beyond his expectations.

Once may be said to be accidental, but the second time will not.

Feng Yuan knew how powerful his fist was.

This is precisely because of this that Lin Kai is not easy.

It's just a pity that Lin Kai doesn't want to talk nonsense with him.

Stride forward, without hesitation, grasp his arm, elbow against his armpit, straight dislocated.

Without waiting for Feng Yuan to feel pain, he felt that his face-to-face bone was severely kicked.

I just feel the whole leg, a burst of numbness, soon lost consciousness.

"You give it to..."

Words have not finished, the face "Pa Pa Pa Pa" is a few big mouth.

In an instant, the whole face was swollen like a pig's head, and it was impossible to see the true face.

One side of the woman, stupidly looking at two people, completely did not expect this kind of situation.

She thought Feng Yuan would win.

Because I always thought it was like this.

But today's matter, hit her hard in the face.

Looking at Lin Kai who was carrying Feng Yuan, the woman screamed in horror: "ah, this has nothing to do with me. You should stay away from me."

Said the woman stepped on the ten centimeter hate sky high, crooked, head also did not return to run.

Feng Yuan, who was held in his hand by Lin Kai, looked at the woman who said he loved her. He ran away without looking back. He felt a chill in his heart.

"How dare you..."

He wanted to say something, but he could not open his mouth.

Lin Kai had no idea about him, so he threw it aside.

The people in the hotel lobby can't say a word when they look at this scene.

Gods fight, mortals suffer.

Naturally, they will not meddle foolishly.

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