Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1260

The female grandmaster also knew that this was just extravagant hope. After so long, she didn't ring up. Most of the time, she forgot.

But a lot of people are like this, the more things they can not get, the more desperate.

Lin Kai looked at her dejected appearance, did not say a word, accompanied her to sit quietly beside.

He couldn't understand why he didn't say it directly.

However, he did not experience it. Naturally, he did not understand.

They were so silent that no one took the initiative to speak.

After a long time, the doctors came out tired.

The female master immediately went over and asked carefully, "doctor, how is he? How long will it take to recover? Is there anything... "

He asked a lot of questions. If Lin hadn't come here, he would have continued to ask.

"The patient is fine. I'll be fine if I don't have a fever tonight."

The doctor told them what to pay attention to, and the female grandmaster followed him and inquired about everything.

Even when and what to eat every day is very clear.

The doctors on the other side felt embarrassed.

Finally, when she finished, the doctor ran away like a burning arse.

After waiting for a long time, Huang Tianshi was sent back to the ward specially prepared for him by the Li family.

The whole person can only lie down on the wound and can't move.

"Is she going to be ok?" The female master held his hand tightly, her eyes full of worry.

Usually she would like to stick to him all the time and never leave for a minute.

However, he was in a hurry. After a while, he had an accident.

She felt some remorse that all this was due to her own reasons.

"I'm sorry."

Lin Kai couldn't bear to see her like this.

"It's not your fault."

He has sent someone to check it. I believe he will soon know who did it.

Looking at Huang Tianshi's injury, Lin Kai's momentum makes people feel a little scared.

Just like the devil in hell, choose people and eat.

Seeing him like this, the female grandmaster moved to the side in fear. At the same time, she warned herself that she must not provoke Lin Kai.

Although he seems to be an ordinary person, the female Grand Master always feels unusual.

They were afraid to disturb Huang Tianshi's rest, so they had better go out and say something.

Not long after I went out, I heard a loud noise not far away.

Without waiting for two people to say more, the voice was getting closer and closer, and soon arrived at their yard.

A gray hair, looking more than 50 years old, regardless of the surrounding people's obstruction, the Dragon walk in.

As soon as he came in, he looked around, and then he bossed the people around him and said, "I remember this yard. You clean it up immediately."

"If you don't clean up, I'll punish you."

The people who followed him said with a sad face: "Third Master, this is really not good. There are people in this yard."

Naturally, this courtyard is the best one for the Li family. No wonder he would like it.

You said it was normal, but now it's occupied.

However, this man also has a lot of talent, and they are very difficult for a time.

"What do you say?" Li Chengye's voice raised a lot, glared: "this is my stuff, that shameless to me to occupy, immediately let them go."

Li Chengye is so angry that he dares to touch his things. He is really at a loss.

"Three masters, this really can't be done. Even the Li family can't afford to offend the big people in it."

"Not to mention that the head of the house told us to serve us well."

Listening to the servant's words, Li Chengye said: "what are they? Is it worth mentioning with me? "

Regardless of the servant's obstruction, Li Chengye went straight in.

After seeing Lin Kai at the door and the female master, she took a look of disdain.

"The guest in my brother's mouth?"

Before Lin Kai answered, he said to himself, "do you know who I am? I'm the real brother of the Li family leader. If you're good at it, please let me out of the yard. "

Looking at his lofty appearance, Lin Kai and her grandmaster didn't mean to pay any attention to him.

This kind of disregard of their attitude, but infuriated Li Chengye, think they just look down on themselves.

"I'm talking to you, can't you hear me?"

Li Chengye glared at them angrily and said, "I told you that you'd better make amends to me immediately, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Because both sides could not afford to offend, the servant did not dare to interrupt for a moment. In the whole yard, only Li Chengye swore.He felt that these two people looked down on themselves and dared to ignore him.

"Get them out of here and see what it is."

Li Chengye's tone is full of contempt.

"A little boy and a lady Xu, what else do you say is our Li family guest? It's ridiculous. "

Originally, they didn't intend to pay any attention to him, but this was really irritating.

"Who are you talking about

A woman is the most intolerable, her age is said to be so.

In addition to the current situation of Huang Tianshi, she is just like an explosive, which will explode at a little bit.

"Are you looking for the hell?" She walked over with great strides and slapped Li Chengye in the face.

Although she has restrained a lot of strength, but the master of the hall, a slap down can light to where?

Li Chengye was directly slapped by this slap and flew out without getting up for half a day.

The servants were so frightened that they reported to Li Chengjia.

It took a long time for Li Chengye to limp over his face with the help of his servant.

"You wait for me!"

Eyes maliciously stare at female master, wish to kill him.

As well as his family, when has he been beaten like this?

"Hermit, send him out."

Lin Kai doesn't want to let him make a big noise here and save the influence of that old fool to rest.

However, in Li Chengye's eyes, it is provocation and despises himself.

Pushing aside the servant who helped him, Li Chengye said angrily, "it's your time to die soon. Don't be too arrogant to me."

As the voice dropped, a strong man about two meters tall came in.

Hill like figure, bring a strong sense of oppression.

"Master. What can I do for you

The strong man came to Li Chengye with a respectful attitude.

"Tear them up for me."

Li Chengye is very confident about his bodyguard.

It's a powerful presence in a ten game winning streak in the arena.

Li Chengye felt more than enough to deal with them.

"If you don't want to die, you'd better apologize to me, or don't blame me for being rude."

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