Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1259

"It's important for old Hu's health."

It was Huang Tianshi, who was eager to turn around and leave.

"I don't want this wicked woman to follow me."

You're kidding. If you're not careful, you're done.

She took so many things of her own that she would not talk about it until she came back.

What's more, I scare myself from time to time, and my disciples. How do you say I get along with her?

Now she is like this, who knows what she will do?

When something happens, you will regret it.

Looking at Huang Tianshi's appearance, Lin Kai can't force anything.

"Son of a bitch, do you dare to refuse my mother?"

The grandmaster stares at him and slaps him on the shoulder.

Pain he bared his teeth, almost kneeling on the ground, the back of the blood flow faster.

This scared the female master and wanted to check his situation, but he was stopped by the hidden God.

"Get away from me, or I'll kill you!"

She glared, her momentum rising, and her fluctuation became more and more intense.

The hidden deity didn't see it, so she ignored her and sealed several big acupoints behind Huang Tianshi.

"Shut up

Huang Tianshi was so angry that he wanted to kill her on the spot.

What have you become?

She's still doing it?

Would you like to die earlier?

The female master was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, Huang Tianshi, who has always been submissive, would roar at himself so loudly. For a while, she was stunned and did not respond.

"Let's go."

Huang Tianshi hung on Lin Kai weakly, and he might faint at any time.

To tell you the truth, he didn't feel any sense of the big wound on his back.

It's just that when fighting with the man in black, he lost too much blood. If Lin Kai hadn't arrived in time, he would have been dead.

With a look at the female master, Yin Shen directly took up the master Huang and flew to the Li family.

It is not convenient for him to go to the hospital. It is much better to go to Li's home than to the hospital.

Not to mention the Li family also has its own hospital, Chinese medicine room is also some.

It also saves time to leak information and cause unnecessary trouble.

When several people were covered with blood in front of Li Cheng's family, he almost fainted.

"Mr. Lin, what's wrong with you and the Heavenly Master?"

As he inquired, he asked the housekeeper to bring the doctor he trusted.

Because he understood that they came here to keep the affair from being exposed.

After the doctor came, Huang Tianshi was in a coma.

The doctors looked at the wound on his back, and though they were surprised at what was causing the wound area, they still started the operation with professional ethics.

As a result, they were just half sewn up when Lin Kai stopped them.

With a jar of unknown things, it looks green and ready to put it on Huang Tianshi's back.

The doctors were so anxious that they immediately said, "how can you use drugs indiscriminately? Did you know it would cause damage to the patient's body? You... "

"I'll take care of it."

In a word, what the doctors want to say can only shut up.

As a result, as soon as those green things were applied, Huang Tianshi's back was filled with black gas visible to the naked eye.

He's still convulsing, even though he's been drugged.

Those doctors who were scared quickly pressed him for fear that something might happen.

Black blood slowly from the back down, those doctors gaping at this scene, feel some incredible.

"This medicine..."

"He was poisoned."

In a word, the doctors dare not ask any more questions.

After the blood turned pale pink, Lin Kai put it on again.

It's only when you get down a few times.

Fortunately, Li's family can mobilize the blood of the blood bank. Otherwise, he would have died just by bleeding.

"The rest is for you."

Lin Kai rubbed his eyes tired and went out with something.

After going out, the female grandmaster immediately gathered around and asked anxiously, "what's the matter with that old thing? Can you be safe? He... "

"He will be all right."

A word let female master's heart, instantly put back in the stomach.

I don't know why, Lin Kai's words, as if there was a magic, miraculously made people feel at ease.

Lin Kai looked at the female grand master's appearance, but he couldn't understand why.

"What do you think I do?"

Looking at Lin Kai, the female grandmaster felt inexplicably guilty.

"Why do you hang on to the old fool?"

The female grandmaster is like a cat whose tail has been trampled on, and her hair is blown up in an instant."Why do you care?"

She pointed to Lin Kai and said in a loud voice, "what relationship do you have with him? What qualifications do you have to intervene in his affairs?"

"I'm willing to pester him. That's my business. Don't Don't mind your own business

The more she said later, the less her voice was. She seemed to be guilty.

Especially when Lin Kai looks at him like this, the whole person feels a little scared.

I think she is also a great master. It can be said that she is the most powerful group of people at present.

As a result, he is now frightened by an ordinary person. After it comes out, does he still want to mix up?

"Don't you say that?"

Lin opened step by step to press: "you can not say, don't want to get close to the old fool."

Close to her ear said a paragraph of words, instant pale, forehead constantly out of cold sweat.

"Why do you How do you know that? "

She looked at Lin Kai suspiciously. She always felt that the development of things was beyond her expectation.

"You don't have to know, do you say it or not?"

Looking at the gentle smile of Lin Kai, the female master clenched her fist tightly, and felt that he was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

But he can't do anything about him, the man next to him, but has been eyeing himself.

At last she gave in and sighed, "you can't tell him about it!"


"He doesn't remember me."

The female grand master looked at that direction with a lonely expression, and her smile was somewhat farfetched: "he said he would marry me before, but he forgot."

"It's been so long. Who can remember the agreement when I was a child?"

"When we were children..."

The female grandmaster looked at the distance and talked incessantly. Her eyes were full of nostalgia.

"Well, it doesn't matter if he doesn't remember. I'll make him think of it again."

Lin Kai looked at her appearance and didn't know what to say for a while.

For this kind of emotion, he really can't understand.

Looking at her nostalgic eyes, Lin Kai couldn't help thinking.

"Remember what you promised me."

The female master looked at him and threatened, "if you tell him, I will never die with you in this life!"


Lin Kai didn't understand why she didn't say it directly. It might be counterproductive to do so now.

"I want him to decide for himself whether he will like me or not. There is no need to tie him up with his previous feelings."

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