Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1261

Looking at Gao Cheng, it seems that Gao Cheng is in charge of his own life.

But he didn't notice at all that the two men in the opposite direction meant nothing to them.

"Get out of here, you two."

Li Chengye squints at them with an arrogant attitude.

The two of them paid no attention to what he meant.

"What's your name, sir?"

"Just call me aunt Fang."

Looking at the two chatting enthusiastically, Li Chengye only felt his face and was severely thrown on the ground and trampled by them.

Staring at two people angrily, Li Chengye roared: "tear them two to me."

No one dares to ignore himself so much.

Listening to Li Chengye's shouts, Lin Kai doesn't care.

It's just a waste. There's nothing to care about.

As for the man he brought, Lin Kai was too lazy to take a look at it.

Being looked down upon by the two people, the strong man is holding a breath in his heart.

Two things who don't know the sky and the earth can frighten them to death by saying their own identities.

If it wasn't for Li Chengye's order, he couldn't do it himself.

As early as the first time, he abandoned these two dog things.

"You two kneel down to my master and apologize!"

The strong man stares at them fiercely: "still want to roll out from here immediately, see my master later must kneel down to apologize."

Listening to the strong man's words, Lin Kai and aunt Fang couldn't help laughing.

"Linkai, did you hear a dog barking?"

"Yes, of course."

"I don't know which dog it's got, and I don't know what's on the chain."

"Don't blame me for barking in front of me."

Think of her great master, who is so insulted by a person who doesn't even know what cultivation is?

How can she accept it?

If it was not for the Li family's saving of Huang Tianshi, they would not come even if they invited her.

"Get out of my face now, or I won't be rude."

Are they threatening people?

Aunt Fang looked at them with a sneer, full of disdain.

Anyway, it's the Li family. Lin Kai doesn't want Li Shengxian to be embarrassed because of this matter. He doesn't want to talk to them about it.

"Aunt Fang, it's OK to abolish that bodyguard."

Lin Kai a word, aunt Fang instantly rushed to the strong man.

When the strong man raised his hand to defend himself, aunt Fang was already behind him.

Without hesitation, he grasped the strong man's neck, and a crisp "click" sound sounded.

The whole person is like a stone mountain, smashing to the ground.

"Bang", listen to people feel bone pain.

But it's a pity that the strong man died, and he didn't feel any pain at all.

Li Chengye has not yet responded. He looks at his subordinates with some doubts.

"You get up the fuck and you're beaten by an old woman. It's a shame."

Li Chengye is so angry that he is just beating himself in the face.

However, no matter how he yelled, the strong man did not respond at all.

It was not until then that he realized that something was wrong.

Looking at his white eyes, Li Chengye is scared and sits on the ground.

"You You He... "

Li Chengye points to the corpse on the ground, some incomparable.

"Let's go."

Think so, Li Chengye should not trouble.

I didn't expect that they had just entered the yard and the door had not been changed. Li Chengye rushed in like a mouse.

"Anything else?"

Lin Kai frowned at him, a little impatient.

It is because of Huang Tianshi's troubles that Li Chengye challenges his patience again and again.

Li Chengye looks like he didn't see Lin Kai's expression. His eyes are shining and looking at Aunt Fang.

It's like a fan who sees his idol.

"What are you going to do?"

Aunt Fang looked at Li Chengye with some vigilance, and always felt that there was something wrong with his eyes.

"Goddess, can I be your fan?"

Li Chengye looks at Aunt Fang with shining eyes, as if this is his guiding light.

"You I'm not sick

It took a long time for Aunt Fang to squeeze out such a sentence.

Just now, she was in such a state of tension that Aunt Fang couldn't react.

When Li Chengjia got the news and hurried from the study, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Mingming's servant came to him and said that Li Chengye asked Lin Kaitan to ask for trouble and called his own bodyguard.Although he knew that Lin Kai would not be hurt, it was not good to offend him.

At that time, he was afraid of a cold sweat, cooperation also did not care to talk, rushed to come over.

As a result, I saw that his younger brother, who was not four or six years old, was chasing a woman about his age who came with Lin Kai. He wanted to fall on him.

"What's going on?"

Li Chengjia has no idea what is going on.

"Big brother, please introduce her to me."

Li Chengye can't be anxious. He looks like he can't agree with his aunt Fang.

Li Chengjia looks at Li Chengye, and then looks at Aunt Fang. For a while, she doesn't know what to say.

My younger brother, who is so old, has no family and business.

Now it's not easy to have a favorite person. Naturally, he wants to match up.

It's OK for other people to say that, but it's the one brought by Lin Kai. I really don't know how to speak.

After a while, Li Chengye couldn't wait. Li Chengjia hesitated and said, "Mr. Lin, what's the relationship with you?"

"My brother has just offended so much. You can punish me as you like. This is it..."

Li Chengjia points to Aunt Fang, and the next words are really a little embarrassed to say.

They are so old, for the sake of his brother's happiness, this old face can only be temporarily abandoned.

"What can I do for Aunt Fang?"

Although know Li Chengjia can't how Fang aunt, but Lin Kai or block in front of her.

This action, more let Li Chengjia confirm, Fang aunt's identity is not simple.

"I'll tell you the truth. My younger brother has taken a fancy to Aunt Fang. Do you think it can be married?"

The old face of Li Chengjia is very red, but for his brother, he is also bold.

The rest of them were completely shocked.

After Li Chengye reacted, he swore: "Li Chengjia, I want you to help me, not to let you harm me."

"This is my goddess, can fans climb up to it?"

"Will you speak? How much injustice will the goddess suffer when she marries me?"


Li Chengjia looks at Li Chengye in a daze, and there is no response at all.

He just misunderstood his meaning just now, not to propose.

Thinking of this oolong, Li Chengjia couldn't say a word.

Li Chengye glared at him and said, "goddess, be a little brother? Don't worry about him, can you accept me www.mylovenovel.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!