Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1249

"Stop it

Listening to Li Shengxian's anxious voice, he Weiya's action stopped for a moment.

Then he looked at him with red eyes: "you do this to me for a man?"

She felt that everything was Lin Kai's fault, but for his reason, Li Shengxian would not have treated himself like this.

Clearly he has promised to marry her. How can he go back?

During this period of time, under the guidance of he Zhishan, she clearly understood that once such giants as their two families were married, they could not repent.

It is really of great importance. If one is not careful, it may intensify the contradiction between the two families and become the same existence as the enemy.

Because of this, he Weiya hated Lin Kai even more.

Not only did he and his brother have no way to be together, but also hurt their families to form a feud.

How can you ask her to forgive Lin Kai for such a thing.

"Why do you attack me for him?"

He Weiya stares at Lin Kai with a sinister look in his eyes. He just wants to kill him.

Seeing her like this, Li Shengxian is really angry.

Thanks to Lin Kai, she was able to return to his family.

It's just that she didn't thank Lin Kai. Now she still wants to kill him. The vengeance of the hand is just like this.

"Do you dare to try lingo?"

Li Shengxian stands in front of Lin Kai and glares angrily. He doesn't believe he Weiya will do it himself.

Seeing his appearance, he Weiya was not able to do so. His chest heaved violently, as if to explode.

She wanted to kill Linkai, because of him.

Now she has completely forgotten her promise to Li Shengxian.

He Zhishan is watching he Weiya on one side, so he is too anxious.

If Lin Kai was really moved, it would be hard to say about it.

But his daughter didn't listen to him. He could only count on Li Shengxian.

"Sheng Xian, why don't you promise to marry ya'er, or Lin Kai will be in danger."

Although Li Shengxian doesn't like his daughter, he Zhishan doesn't dare to do anything out of the ordinary because he thinks he has himself.

As time goes by, Li Shengxian will be moved one day.

If possible, he naturally wants his daughter to marry someone he likes.

In addition, with this opportunity, he will not miss, although it is not good for Lin Kai.

He Weiya heard his father's words, his eyes were shining, full of hope looking at Li Shengxian.

Looking full of heart and eyes, only his own he Weiya, said not moved, that is false.

However, he likes it.

How do you make him accept he Weiya?

She is so easy to lose control of her character.

In the future, if you talk about cooperation with some women, she will do it directly to others?

Li Shengxian couldn't imagine what the scene would be like. He didn't want to take a risk.

"Uncle he, I know you do it for your daughter's good, but will I not talk about cooperation with others in the future?"

When Li Shengxian said this, he Zhishan couldn't say a word.

He also knows his daughter's character and will do so in the future.

With a sigh, he Zhishan opened his mouth and said, "ya'er, do you think Shengxian will not contact women in the future?"

"He will be the successor of the Li family in the future. Does he not need to be in charge of the whole Li family?"

"If you really marry him, can you afford to be a housewife?"

"You can't at all now. You'd better quit."


Congratulation to the general heavy stone.

She took a step back and sat down on the sofa, holding a fruit knife and unable to say a word.

It has to be said that he Zhishan is right. She has no way to accept these.

But she was reluctant to part with Li Shengxian. Seeing the obvious disgust on his face, she went to be struck by thunder.

What did she do?

With a bang, the fruit knife fell to the ground.

Forget Lin Kai's kindness to send her home. For such a thing, she even took a knife at him.

"I'm sorry."

He Weiya apologized to Lin Kai heavily, turned to Li Shengxian and said, "brother, can you give me another chance?"

She tried to hold back her tears and coaxed her eyes to look at him.

She knew she was wrong, but she wanted to be with Li Shengxian, which was her only salvation.

Looking at he Weiya like this, Li Shengxian has no idea.

I feel chilly at the thought of what she did before.

He couldn't imagine what it would be like to live with such people.

To be honest, I'm really afraid that one day I will be crazy because of her existence.

Looking at his daughter's appearance, he Zhishan was also distressed. He couldn't help but open his mouth: "Shengxian, you also know that ya'er really likes you. Give me a face to his family."Li Shengxian looks at Lin Kaixian in embarrassment. He really doesn't want to accept it.

But face can not be denied, and finally a black face agreed to come down.

Seeing his promise, he Weiya's whole body stuck to it like a dog skin plaster. However Li Shengxian struggled, it didn't help.

"Lingo, let's go."

Li Shengxian is one minute, and he is not willing to continue to stay here, or he will be really crazy.

"Let's go."

He Weiya sent them out, staring at Li Shengxian reluctantly, seeing him get goose bumps all over.

Out of the he family manor, Li Shengxian falters his arm, and the whole person is miserable.

"Lingo, I regret it now."

I really regret that if he Weiya had not been sent back, he would not have been so passive as he is now.

Still the same as before, Li Shengxian can make him disappear quietly.

But now that she has become Miss He, she can't offend her. She's really looking for trouble.

Looking at Li Shengxian, a bitter enemy, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing.


Before Lin finished speaking, the car suddenly rocked, and they almost hit the front glass.

"The damn one with no eyes."

Li Shengxian opened the door and looked at a man coming down from the back of the car. He was very angry.

"You're blind, you've got your eyes back?"

Why didn't you see such a roaring car? Give your eyes to those who need them if you don't need them. "

"Who was I then? It was Mr. Li."

The other car from the people, cynical looking at Li Shengxian.

"Why, even if you want to go to he's house? That's a joke

"Shaoyang, what are you, how do you talk to me?"

Li Shengxian looks at Shaoyang and clenches his fist tightly.

Now he is not afraid of him. If Li Haoxian was not there, how could he have tortured him?

No matter how the Shao family is, there is no way to compare you with the Li family.

Shaoyang didn't expect that Li Shengxian would dare to talk to him like this. He was stunned for a moment and then laughed.

"Ouch, Li's Pug can bite people, too?"

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