Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1250

Shaoyang looks at Li Shengxian with a smile in his mouth.

It seems that Li Shengxian is a plaything in his eyes.

But for him, it's true.

Because his brother has a good relationship with Li Haoxian. When he is in a bad mood, he bullies him.

In Shaoyang's heart, Li Shengxian is just a toy that can be bullied at will.

Now that he's daring to resist, the more interesting it is.

I can't help but wonder how much the toy can resist.

"Li Shengxian, you forget how to please me before?"

Hearing Shaoyang say so, Li Shengxian can't help but close his eyes.

Then burst out a strong killing intention, before he was weak, will be bullied at will.

Not in the future.

He's strong enough to protect himself.

"Shaoyang, do you think I will let you bully me?"

Looking at the confident Li Shengxian, Shaoyang couldn't help laughing.

"Dad doesn't have time to take care of you. I'll clean you up after I see Mr. He."

Looking at Shaoyang, Li Shengxian clenched his fist tightly.

"He Jia, do you want him in?"

A word from Lin Kai immediately sobered Li Shengxian.

Now their relationship with the he family has not been made public, but it does not mean that they do not help themselves.

With the presence of he Weiya, he would not want to go in.

Take out the mobile phone, Li Shengxian calls he Weiya.

"Brother, do you miss me?"

Clear excited voice, through the mobile phone, clearly transmitted.

People can't help but imagine how excited people on the other end of the phone should be.

Li Shengxian frowned with some boredom. Thinking of Shaoyang, his tone was slightly warm and a little bit: "help me."

"Brother, I will do it for you."

Fortunately, Li Shengxian and they have left, otherwise he Weiya will be excited to rush forward.

After working hard for so long, she can finally help Li Shengxian. How can she not be excited.

Li Shengxian simply told Shaoyang what happened, hoping she could help.

After determining what Shaoyang came for, he decided whether to let him in.

In fact, Li Shengxian also knows that Shaoyang's coming to he's family really has important cooperation. He Weiya's hand is useless.

It's better to explain now that it's not important to let him leave.

At that time, he Zhishan asked after the event, and he Weiya also had words to say.

Hang up the phone, Li Shengxian looks at Lin Kai, look a little tangled.

As if he knew what he was thinking, Lin said with a smile: "feel that he has used he Weiya?"


Li Shengxian nodded his head honestly. He also knew that shopping malls are like battlefields. In order to succeed, we should do whatever we can.

But now let him make use of a girl who likes himself, how much can't bear it.

"If there is no use or not, it is voluntary and you can repay it."

Hearing Lin Kai's words, Li Shengxian lowered his head and did not say a word.

He knew what it meant, but he couldn't accept it.

Looking at his tangled appearance, Lin Kai didn't say much. Looking at where he family manor was, he showed a smile.

Breeze, the sun is blocked by white clouds, cast a shadow, let people feel warm.

Shaoyang came out of the he's house in a rage, carrying the flowers and trees around him from time to time.

"It's a bad thing."

He was pissed off.

He took the initiative to visit, even if he didn't let in, and he was driven out. It was a great shame.

After he came out, he was even more angry when he saw the two people laughing at the door.

"A damn smile."

Shaoyang glared at Li Shengxian angrily: "don't hurry to roll over."

"The labor wants to ride a horse. Please lie down on the ground."

Shaoyang a pair of bossy appearance, as if who owes him several thousand in case.

Li Shengxian won't move when he looks at him

Shaoyang would like to kill him in the past. Now it's hard wings?

I don't know the height of the earth, dare to ignore themselves, is really used to him.

In front of Li Shengxian, Shaoyang did not hesitate.

In the past, when he was in a bad mood, he would beat Li Shengxian.

I didn't expect him to dodge this time.

Squinting at Li Shengxian with a gloomy face, Shaoyang couldn't help but sarcastically saying, "how can I grow up?"

"Forget what I taught you before?""I don't know who your master is if I haven't taught you for so long?"

Shaoyang thinks that Li Shengxian is not clean up, three days do not hit the house jiewa.

He was taught every day before, but he did not dare to resist.

It's common for us to do what we do, bark like a dog, and ride a horse.

"Go away."

Li Shengxian stares at Shaoyang indifferently. Before, he was stupid and incompetent.

Will be bullied by them and Li Haoxian, but not in the future.

I'm no longer a bully.

Looking at Li Shengxian shouting at himself, Shaoyang came to be interested.

"Ouch, this is to find a new owner?"

He looked at Lin Kai with disdain: "what are you? It's self defeating to rob my dog. "

He didn't believe it. In the big east China Sea, there are people who dare to rob people with him.

"We are friends."

"So you are a dog, too?"

Hearing him say this, Li Shengxian was angry and immediately hit Shaoyang in the face with a fist.

You can insult him, but no one can say that Lin Kai is not.

This is my salvation, the only light in the dark.

Without him, Li Shengxian did not know what he would have become.

In his heart, Linkai was a man more than his own life.

"You fuckin 'hit me?"

Shaoyang wiped the bloodstain on the corner of his mouth, which was unbelievable.

I've been raising dogs for so many years. I've learned to bite people.

"Boy, you can. You teach the labor dog this way. I'll kill you in the hell."

Said Shaoyang rushed to Lin Kai, but was kicked open.

Hit the back of the car, only feel a pain in the back, instant loss of consciousness.

The whole person is spewing out a mouthful of blood, lying on the ground, depressed for a long time also did not get up.

"Huchi Huchi" breathing, Shaoyang has an illusion that he is going to die.

"Keep your mouth clean in the future!"

Looking at Li Shengxian shouting in front of him, he struggles to get up, but it doesn't help. -

"you're finished, I'm going to kill you."

Hard to say such a word, Shaoyang head a tilt, fainted in the past, incomparably miserable.

"Let's go."

Taking a look at Shaoyang on the ground, Lin Kai turns away without any emotion.

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