Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1248

"What's the matter with you?"

"Will you marry me

"What do you say?"

He was so scared that he could not leave him eight feet away.

I'm kidding. I have to protect Lin. I'm not interested in helping him.

With a sigh, Li Shengxian felt that he Weiya really needed help in this matter.

"Brother Lin, can you take me to he's house?"

"Of course."

Since Li Shengxian actively solves the problem, Lin Kai will naturally help him.

Along the way, Li Shengxian was absent-minded and looked decadent.

It's no wonder that he can't feel comfortable with a woman who has done something bad to him.

But sometimes it's like this. You always have to face something you don't want to face.

When he arrived, Lin drove out of the car and walked for a distance, only to find Li Shengxian still sitting in the car.

"Let's go."

Looking at the dazed Li Shengxian, Lin Kai knocks on the window.

"Ah? Ah, here we are

Li Shengxian breathed a long sigh of relief, and came down manly, just like a warrior rushing to the battlefield.

After they went in, he Zhishan was talking to he Weiya.

See Li Shengxian come over, he Weiya a face slightly red, watching him shyly grasp the skirt corner, constantly looking at him.

Seeing his daughter's appearance, he Zhishan was relieved and angry.

It's gratifying that her daughter has found someone to accompany her whole life. With them, she won't be bullied in her life.

Angry is, how long has his daughter been back? He is about to be abducted and run away. How can you make him a father's heart happy.

"Come on, do it."

He Zhishan took a look at Li Shengxian and spoke warmly to Lin Kai: "Mr. Lin, you must come to the engagement banquet of my little girl in a month."


Looking at the hot two people, that sentence Li Shengxian every time to the throat, see he Weiya's appearance, but don't know how to say it.

For he Weiya, his feelings are very complicated. What she did before was very boring.

However, Li Shengxian has to admit that as long as he and he Weiya get married, the position of the leader of the Li family is a certainty.

He is a man of seven feet, but he still depends on women for the position of a housekeeper?

I don't think I should be ashamed.

Clenching his fist tightly, Li Shengxian looks like he has endless courage.

He believes that he can rely on his strength to successfully get the position of the Li family master.

Lin Kai tried his best to teach for so long that he didn't want to fail.

Seeing Lin Kai stop talking with he Zhishan, Li Shengxian still hesitates.

"Sheng Xian, do you have anything to say?"

Li Shengxian is about to be his daughter's husband. He Zhishan's tone of voice is also softer.

After a glance at he Weiya, whose face turned red, Li Shengxian said with a horizontal heart: "Mr. He, I don't want to marry your daughter."

"What do you say?"

He Zhishan stood up and looked at Li Shengxian with anger on his face.

I'm so disgusted with my own daughter?

You make the father acceptable?

I had already discussed with all the Li family before. Now Li Shengxian said this clearly in his face?

The invitation cards have been sent out. Now you ask him to tell everyone that the engagement party has been cancelled?

What will the aristocratic families of Donghai think of his daughter?

"Uncle he, this is a decision I've thought about for a long time. I'll declare that it's my reason. I'll..."

Li Shengxian put his mind out.

After listening, he Zhishan was silent.

I have to say that Li Shengxian is right in some words. Although it is a commercial marriage, he hopes that his daughter can find a favorite one.

Moreover, his family did not need any marriage to consolidate their present status.

In addition, Li Shengxian stopped all his faults on himself, and he didn't think about it.

"What do you think, Mr. Lin?"

In the end, he couldn't have Lin Kai's meaning.

Although Lin Kai is not the Li family, he can see that Li Shengxian listens to him very much.

"Let them go."

This is a matter between their two families. Lin Kai doesn't want to interfere too much.

Seeing Lin Kai say so, he Zhishan sighs, and the president's speech is interrupted by his daughter.

"I'm going to marry him!"

He Weiya red eyes, staring at Li Shengxian, eyes full of deep feelings.She has been in love with a man for such a long time. Why should he refuse himself?

He Weiya don't understand, now change so well, why don't you still want yourself?

"Why don't you marry me?"

He Weiya stares at Li Shengxian, burning flames in his eyes, as if to burn him out.

Looking at his daughter's appearance, he Zhishan didn't know what to say.

To tell the truth, if it wasn't for his daughter, he would not have been Li Shengxian.

He is just a dandy. Although he has started school with Lin, how can he be worthy of his daughter?

"I don't like you." Li Shengxian or decided to be honest, there is no need to tell lies, set off his tall.

"Feelings can be cultivated!"

He Weiya's eyes are red and tears are swirling in it.

She can work hard. Why not give him a chance?

"Uncle he, I hope you can seriously consider my words."

Seeing his daughter's appearance, he wanted to refuse Li Shengxian's words.

But after seeing Lin Kai on one side, he changed his mind and nodded.

He Weiya naturally noticed his action. Lin Kai's eyes were full of anger.

"Why do you interfere with my brother's affairs? What kind of thing are you?"

He Weiya is a little broken and yells at Lin Kai. She thinks that he is the culprit of all things.

"I'll kill you!"

She grabbed the fruit knife on the table and rushed to Linkai.

An idea in my mind kept circling. As long as Lin Kai died, no one would interfere with their two affairs.

"Stop it."

He Zhishan and Li Shengxian roared together and rushed to stop he Weiya.

If something happens to Linkai, the he family will be ruined.

He didn't expect that his daughter would attack Lin, which was far beyond his expectation.

Looking at the fruit knife clamped by Lin Kai's two fingers, he Weiya has a pair of red eyes.

"You let go, I'll kill you!"

Seeing that she couldn't pull out the knife, she grabbed the things on the table and kept smashing it to the forest.

"You give me to die, brother is mine, no one can take away!"

"Ya'er, calm down."

"He Weiya, stop it!"

Li Shengxian didn't expect his rejection, which brought her so much stimulation.

If he's not going to forgive Lin in his life.

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