Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1243

"What I want?"

Lin Kai looks at Lin Qianqian with some doubts. What he wants is the news of Lei Yuan group and the end of Lin Yuan.

And what he wanted was not so easy to get. How could she say that?

Like to see Lin Kai's doubts, Lin Qianqian said with a smile: "you go in and have a look at it."

She pause for a moment, some embarrassed said: "in fact, I'm not sure, what help you in the end."

She spent a lot of time on the contents, but to tell the truth, I'm really not sure it's useful.

The only hope is that she can help Lin Kai, which is worth her efforts.

After seeing Lin Qianqian, Lin opened the door and went in. After seeing the man tied in the room, he was stunned for a moment.

"People from Lei Yuan group?"

"Yes." "Because of you, I got a lot of big orders," Lin said

"Naturally they can't sit still. It's not always in touch with me."

"So I'll try my best, but I'm not sure what his identity is in leiyuan group."

"I don't know how to interrogate. I just want to leave it to you."

Hear Lin Qianqian's explanation, think of the things Qian San got before, also have an explanation.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether Lin Qianqian betrays himself or not. Betrayal is just some heartache.

For Lin Kai, apart from giving his back to each other's teammates, he doesn't care whether his people betray him or not.

as long as he has a strong strength, any conspiracy will have no effect at all.

"I see."

But for Lin Qianqian sent this gift, he still like.

Think she is also trouble, otherwise also won't catch Lei Yuan Group's person.

Lin Kai takes a look at Lin Qianqian, with a smile on her face.

In fact, at the beginning, he also thought about whether Lin Qianqian and leiyuan group would set up a partnership Bureau.

But soon he was relieved, whatever they were.

"I went out first." Lin Qianqian shut the door and cut off all the sounds outside.

After the man lying on the ground was awakened by Lin Kai, some of them did not respond.

"Cough, where is this?"

He looked around blankly and asked, "where is Lin Qianqian? Who are you? "

He wanted to move his body, but he found himself tied. He changed his face in an instant.

"What have you done to me?"

Strong struggle, want to get out of the rope, but with his struggle, more and more tight, the body is grinding out countless bloodstains.

"Who are you? What are you going to do? "

He looked up and looked at Lin Kai angrily.

I know him at all. Why kidnap me?

Br >

I don't know about the low consumption.

People who can enter such places are not lack of money. How can they kidnap themselves?

For a while, Liu Gen couldn't think of a reason.

Even the enemy, he has no ah.

Lin Kai sat on the sofa and asked, "what is your identity in Lei Yuan group?"

"What do you ask this for?"

Liu Gen looks at Lin Kai with vigilance, and always feels that he is uneasy and kind.

All along, for his own is leiyuan group of people this identity, he is careful to hide, for fear of being found.

I didn't expect that I was still careless.

Liu Gen looked at Lin Kai fiercely and said: "I advise you to let me go quickly, or I won't blame you for being rude."

"Since you know my identity, you should understand that there is no difference between offending me and offending Lei Yuan group!"

"Is it?"

Lin Kai turned a deaf ear to his threat.

It's just a lackey. What's arrogant?

"When will Lin Yuan come here?"

"You How do you know? "

Liu Gen's eyes widened instantly, staring at Lin Kai in disbelief.

If you want to know the news, only their insiders will know. How can he be an outsider?

He looked at Lin Kai to see something from him.

"You just need to tell me enough."

"How can I tell you?"

Liu Gen held his head high and looked arrogant: "since you know our news, you should know that I am the one you can't afford to offend."

"Boy, I advise you to let me go, or you will be finished by then."


Listening to Liu Gen's chatter, Lin Kai wants to sew his mouth on.

Do they all talk so much?It's ridiculous to threaten people with some words without any lethality and look like they think they are very powerful.

Seeing that Lin Kai didn't speak for a long time, Liu Gen thought he was afraid and couldn't help being complacent.

"I advise you to..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a glass of liquid on his face.


The smell of wine filled his nose, making people feel dizzy.

After shaking off the wine on his face, Liu Gen glared at Lin Kai angrily: "do you dare to throw money on labor? Believe it or not

"What the hell are you? Dare... "

Before Liu Gen finished speaking, he felt cold on his neck.

He shrunk his neck and looked down at the knife on his neck. The whole person was frozen in place and did not dare to move.

"You, you, you..."

He wanted to open the knife, but he was tied and could not move.

"Tell me what I want to know, or I'm not sure what will happen to this knife."

Lin Kai is a naked threat. Liu Gen's heart is full of hatred, but he has no choice.

In front of his own life, with the company's secrets, he did not hesitate to choose his own life.

"I said, I said."

At the beginning, Liu Gen still thought about it, but after he told some lies, he didn't dare to expose it again.

Because he said a lie, his neck will be cut out a knife.

When you smell it, he's afraid of breathing blood.

After finishing what he knew, Liu Gen looked at Lin Kai with a look in his eyes: "you Can you move the knife? "

He was afraid to cry. It was a matter of life and death.

Seeing Lin Kai move the knife away, Liu Gen breathed a long sigh of relief, thinking that he had escaped a robbery.

But Lin Kai's next words made him fall into an ice cave.

"On the day Lin Yuan came, help me in."

"What do you say?"

Liu Gen's voice rises unconsciously, wondering if he heard it wrong.

Isn't this a suicide?

If he really dares to bring Linkai in, he will be finished on the spot.

"You are not joking." Liu Gen was in mourning with a face, a look of crying without tears.

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