Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1244

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Looking at Lin Kai's face, Liu Gen wants to be killed by him directly.

I've had eight lifetimes of bloody mildew.

No matter what he did, he was still dead. Liu Gen thought it would be better to die a few days later.

Moreover, as long as you are careful, you should not be found.

There are so many waiters. I don't think we'll find out if we mix in Lin Kai.

Though he thought so, he pretended to be embarrassed: "it's not that I don't help you. It's too difficult."

"If this is found out, I will be finished."

"You mean you want to die?"

Feeling the pain from his neck, Liu Gen's whole body was frozen in place, and it was hard to say a word.

How dare he refuse now? It's just looking for death.

"We have something to talk about. We can talk about it."

He was staring at the knife on his neck and sweating.

This is not for fun. If you are not careful, you will die.

"I promise you, I promise you."

As soon as he finished, the knife on his neck was brought.

With a sigh of relief, Liu Gen sat down on the ground, gasping heavily.

Almost, just so close, he's going to die.

"I've recorded what you said. You can go back if you want."

Although Lin Kai said so, Liu Gen knew that he was warning himself.

Want to go back?

No problem, of course.

The premise is to wait for this recording to be sent to leiyuan group.

Since Linkai knows both leiyuan group and Linyuan, it is clear.

Although I don't know why Lin Kai has to go into Lei Yuan group.

But that doesn't stop Liu Gen trying to save his life.

Having made it clear, Lin Kai will not continue to waste time.

"You can go."

Linkai grabbed the fruit knife on the table and threw it at him.

Looking at the sudden change, Liu Gen didn't react at all.

Can only Leng Leng see that knife in his pupil, more and more big.


Before he spoke, the whole person fainted.

When he woke up, he found that his rope had been cut by a knife.

Looking around, there was no sign of forest opening.


Liu Gen looked around and felt like a dream.

After seeing the letter on the desk, he confirmed that it was not a dream.

"Bad luck."

He kept mumbling, opened the door and went out.

After he left, Lin Kai and Lin Qianqian came out of the small suite inside.

"Will he really do what he says?"

To tell you the truth, Lin Qianqian doesn't believe Liu Gen. he can't tell when he will sell Lin.

"He doesn't have the guts." Lin opened his mouth and showed a smile. Naturally, he was well prepared.

Seeing that Lin Kai said so, Lin Qianqian naturally did not ask any more.

"Let's go."

Today, I brought Lin here for Liu Gen. since the matter has been handled, there is no need to continue to stay.

When they went out, Zhao Yu had been helped up and looked at Lin Kai. His eyes were full of bitterness.

A man in his body is asking him what, do not know what to say, Zhao Yu extended his finger to point to the direction of Lin Kai.

Whatever Zhao Yu said, Lin Kai didn't care, and he was ready to leave with Lin Qianqian.

As a result, they were stopped by Zhao Yu and his party.

"What can I do for you?"

Looking at Lin Kai's polite appearance, Zhao Yu felt disgusted.

He thought that Lin Kai could really pretend that when he started, he was not as fierce as a human being. Now what is his appearance?

That's ridiculous.

Those who don't know will be cheated by him and think he is a gentleman.

The people who accompanied Zhao Yu were stunned because of Lin Kai's words.

Because he said that Linkai was a devil, and his attack was extremely fierce.

I don't think Lin Kai is a bad person.

Zhao Qi looks at Zhao Yu in doubt, as if asking him, how is this going on.

Zhao Yu is so angry that he pretends to be polite. It's deceptive.

"Brother, don't be cheated by him, it's him who beat me!"

Zhao Yu pointed to Lin Kai and said, "they can all testify."

His brother is like this, Zhao Qi can't believe it.

"Come on, how do you want to die?"Zhao Qi stares at Lin Kai indifferently, her eyes are full of killing intention.

This is his youngest brother. He has been loved since he was a child. Today, he was beaten by others. He still has to learn how to bark.

This is simply a great shame, this is the face of their Zhao family severely thrown on the ground.

How can he bear it?

No matter what kind of status Lin Kai is, he must be made to pay the price. What about owning a black card?

When they don't have Zhao family?

"How do you want to die?"

Lin Kai is really bored. They are such a family forever.

If you beat the small ones and the old ones, you can't beat them completely.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant. What do you think you are?"

"Can you be so arrogant with a little capital? You should know that there is a heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the people. "

As for Zhao Qi's preaching, Lin Kai is only impatient. This sentence should be given to them.

"What do you want?"

"Double pay for what my brother did, and you're going to dance naked down there."

This can be said to be extremely vicious, to completely destroy Linkai.

Not to mention the naked dance, that is, he went down to dance. Today, the whole East China Sea people will know it without tomorrow.

No matter what status Lin Kai is, it will be over.

"Do you think it's possible?"

"If you don't agree, you'll die."

Zhao Qi looks at Lin Kai frantically. As Zhao's family, he has arrogant capital.

"If you think so, I will satisfy you."

Or Lin Kai at the foot of the force, five or six meters away, he instantly rushed to Zhao Qi in front of.

Before he could react, the huge fist went straight to his face.


A pig like howl sounded, blood dripping from Zhao Qi's fingers.

"Dare you hit me?"

Zhao Qiman is unbelievable. Does he know who he is?

Do you dare to fight yourself? Is this life impatient?

"Didn't you let me do it?"

Lin looked at Zhao Qi with a smile on her face.

Looking at his smile, Zhao Qi felt a chill in his heart.

It was he who was careless. If he didn't have anything, how could he dare to move the Zhao family?

"You won't get it this time."

Zhao Qi put on a posture and rushed to Lin Kai. He wanted to take the initiative to take the Zhao family's face back.

Otherwise, with so many people present, the whole East China Sea will know that their Zhao family has been defeated tomorrow.

If so, the impact on their Zhao family is enormous.

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