Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1242

He muttered to himself that he must have felt wrong.

Clearly is a small white face, how can such a powerful momentum break out?

He was more powerful than all the big men he had ever seen.

Even let him not give birth to the slightest rebellious mind, only surrender.

"Who are you?"

Zhao Yu murmured to himself that he would have fallen to the ground if not supported by his friend.

When Lin Qianqian came back, she saw two groups of people at war.

Looking at Lin Kai alone, she suddenly stopped and felt a little heartache.

He seems to be out of place with the world, standing alone against those people.

"Linkai, are you ok?" She trotted past, standing firmly beside her.

She believed that as long as she worked hard, she would be qualified to stand beside him one day and walk through thousands of mountains and rivers together.

Seeing Lin Qianqian come over, Zhao Yu is like a big cock, holding his head high.

"Lin Qianqian, is this the little white face you keep?"

Zhao Yu was not polite to slander Lin Kai: "it's really a waste. He provoked me. Let him apologize to me immediately!"

Listening to Zhao Yu's words, Lin Qianqian looks surprised.

He even thought, is he mentally ill?

Let Linkai apologize to him?

You're kidding. It's just fantastic.

It would be nice if Lin Kai didn't make trouble for him. He was still in a hurry to send it up. He really has never seen such a cheap person.

"Mr. Zhao, I think you'd better take a look at your brain."

Lin Qianqian step forward, tightly protect Lin Kai behind his back, overbearing said: "please apologize for the words you just said!"

"Or don't blame me for being rude."

"Let me apologize to him? What would you like to do

Zhao Yu came over and looked at her affectionately and said, "are you not polite to me in bed?"

When talking about work, it's hard to avoid saying some dirty jokes. Lin Qianqian doesn't care about anything.

But today, in front of Lin Kai, she couldn't help being teased.

What he didn't want was a slap in the face of Zhao Yu.

The crisp clapping sound has attracted many people's attention, trying to figure out what happened here.

Zhao Yu covered his face, but some did not respond.

"You hit me?"

He pointed to Lin Qianqian, just like an angry lion: "you stinky girl, how dare you beat me

"Do you really think a broken company will go to heaven? Believe it or not, I'll let your company go bankrupt every minute

Zhao Yu was so angry that he was beaten by a woman in front of so many people. It was a shame.

If this goes out, how can he get along with it?

What do the company owners think of themselves?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he was, and he completely forgot the rule that fighting is not allowed here.

Directly picked up one side of the bottle of wine, facing Lin Qianqian's head on the way down, regardless of whether he is a girl.

His action scared his friends on the side.

If he breaks the rules here, he will be in bad luck.

"You go to hell with me."

At the moment when the wine bottle hits Lin Qianqian, she is stopped by Lin Kai.

"You're going to hit my woman in my face?"

Lin Qianqian listen to Lin Kai overbearing words, only feel a heart "plop plop" of the jump.

He said he was his woman.

At the thought of this, Lin Qianqian than signed a few billion bills, feel happy.

"Your woman?" Zhao Yu couldn't help laughing: "you're a little white face. It's really killing me to say such a thing."

Looking at Zhao Yu, Lin Kai looks at him without expression.

"Do you think I need to be taken care of?"

Looking at the black card that Lin Kai took out and the token in his hand, many people on the scene changed their faces.

They regret that they didn't go to help them just now.

I miss a chance to grow up with the adults of Jiulongshan.

But most people think that as long as Lin Kai is still here, they will always have a chance.

But Zhao Yu looked at what Lin Kai had on his hand and wanted to laugh.

"Where did you get it, black card? You deserve it? "

Listening to Zhao Yu's remarks, people around him, including his friends, silently stepped back for fear of being implicated.

Zhao Yu seemed to have not seen the eyes on the faces around him, still laughing at him.

"Do you think anyone can fake a black card?"Lin Kai held Zhao Yu's neck and lifted him up.

Originally did not want to cause trouble, but bullies, all bullied to his head, this can continue to endure?

"You let me down!"

Zhao Yu grabs Lin Kai's arm and tries to break his hand, but no matter how hard he tries, it doesn't help.

"Let go of you?"

Lin Kai sneered and threw it out to him.

Without waiting for Zhao Yu to react, he was picked up by Lin Kai and punched him directly in the stomach, which made him feel like a cooked shrimp.


Zhao Yu pointed to Lin Kai. His eyes were full of fear. He didn't expect that he could not agree.

You know, fighting is forbidden here. Isn't he afraid of being expelled?

"What am I?"

Lin Kai grabs his two arms, one of which is forced to dislocate directly.


Zhao Yu made a killing pig's voice, lying on the ground, humming feebly.

People around see this scene and constantly warn themselves not to provoke Lin Kai.

"Learn to crawl with dogs."

Lin Kai coldly dropped three words and took his arm back.

We can imagine the pain. Zhao Yu almost fainted.


Zhao Yu stares at Lin Kai, but he dares not to speak.

Looking at the eyes of the people around him and thinking of the black card, Zhao Yu felt that he was a big fool.

As Lin Kai said, who the hell has the guts to copy that thing?

Thinking that he had offended such a big man, Zhao Yu wanted to go back to time.

But now it's too late to say anything. He can only lie on the ground and crawl like a dog.

"I'm a big stupid dog," he said while climbing

That's right. He's a stupid dog.

People around let Zhao Yu climb.

Looking at his servile manner, Lin Kai felt a little bored.

"Let's go?"

"Let's go."

Lin Qianqian takes Lin Kaili to the inside. She has a gift to give him.

"Don't you like it here?"


For Lin Kai, it's just a place. There's nothing like it or not.

See him say so, Lin Qianqian also did not continue to ask what, quickly arrived at the private room.

"There's something you want, but it may not be."

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