Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1239

"What do you want?"

Suddenly, Lin was not surprised.

These people are like this. When you are powerful, you are the big brother.

But once you let such a villain gain power, he won't worry about your previous situation.

Get down on your knees and apologize, or you'll lose your life. "

Feng will look at Lin Kai with sinister eyes. If he dares to insult the Feng family, he will not let him off so easily.

In a moment, let him know what will happen if he offends the Feng family.

"You seem to forget who knelt down to me before."

Lin Kai's words seemed to add fuel to the fire, and in an instant Feng made up for the fire.

Before I had to, but now I was brought up this matter, naturally I wanted to kill people.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant."

Feng Jiang's face was black and blue. He looked at Lin Kai like a dead man.

It's a dead thing. Before that, it was because his life was in his hands.

Now I don't hold on to myself. Do you really think it's the same as before?

Do not look at their own identity, dare to talk nonsense here.

"If you want to die, then I will do it for you."

Feng clapped his hands, and more than a dozen big men came in with neat and uniform steps.

In an instant, an air of iron and blood came, and the whole hall was filled with a smell of blood.

Looking at those resolute faces, you can see that they are people who have experienced life and death.

Naturally, none of them is a simple character to survive from that kind of place.

Feng will be able to find so many and gather them together, but he has a lot of skills.

"Kill him for me."

Feng will open his mouth without any mercy, so that such a threat to his life, continue to stay in the world, he naturally can not do.

Can walk to today's position, of course, is not what kind of men and women, how many hands stained with blood.

It is also because of this that he deeply knows the consequences of cutting grass without weeding roots.

This must be done in order to avoid future trouble.


More than a dozen people cried out with one voice, and the voice rushed to Lin Kai's heart like a wave.

The moment is like a galloping horse in general, mixed with the overwhelming murderous spirit, swept by.

It is not impossible for the man with weak mind to be scared to death on the spot.

However, Lin Kaiyi did not show any reaction.

This is to let Feng take a high look, but what about that?

He's still going to die here today.

If you can't get along with them, you have to have the consciousness of dying.

As those people slowly approached themselves, the smell of blood between the breath became more and more intense.

Smelling the smell, Lin Kai reached out and waved in front of his nose, as if to wave away the smell.

"It stinks."

Light two words, the face of those ten big men is very ugly.

"Boy, do you think you are strong?"

The first big man moved his muscles and bones and slowly came over, without opening Lin in his eyes.

He also heard from general Feng that Lin Kai killed Feng San, so he should be careful.

But in Fu San's opinion, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Feng San is also a waste in his eyes. The reason why Lin Kai can solve him is just Feng San's carelessness.


Its sound is like thunder, pay three feet to send force, instantly rush to the forest to open.

For a moment, the air was like a hole opened by him, leaving only his fist between heaven and earth.

Fu San can be said to be a must to get this punch.

But it's always so fast.

Nuo Da's fist was lightly grasped by Lin Kai. Without waiting for his reaction, the whole arm was twisted in an unnatural manner.

"Do you want to continue?"

Fu San gnaws his teeth, and sweat drops from his forehead.

He was careless. He didn't expect Lin Kai to be so powerful.

"Come on, brothers!"

Under his name, the rest of the big man instantly formed an encirclement, trapping Lin Kai in it.

Constantly testing the attack, every time was taken by Lin Kai.

The more this happened, the more dignified the faces of these men became.

It seems that they have met with a hard stubble today, and there is bound to be a fierce battle.

Feng will look at them, anxious: "you do it!"

By his such a shout, pay three a group of people instantly rushed to Lin Kai.

I have to say that they did not cooperate much.

Three people blocked Lin Kai's way. He couldn't escape at all.

The remaining several people from different places, rushed to the forest.Lin Kai stood there, motionless.

His arrogant attitude even infuriated Fu Sany.

A boy who doesn't know the height of heaven and earth must teach him a good lesson.

Looking at the crowd, Lin opened his mouth with a smile.

At the moment of their approaching, they seemed to be controlled by some force, rigid in place, motionless.

Looking at Lin Kai in horror, he felt that his back was cold. The terrible feeling made them want to run away on the spot.

They are all people who break out of the sea of corpses and blood. Their perception of danger is much better than that of ordinary people. Naturally, they understand what this feeling is.

"How could that be possible?"

Fu San mumbles to himself and looks at Lin Kai in disbelief. This power has exceeded the scope of normal people's cognition.

"Do you want to continue?"

Lin Kai went to Feng Jiang's side, bent down to his ear and said, "don't you want to teach me a lesson?"

"I..." Feng felt his teeth tremble and could not say a word.

The whole human body was shaking at a speed visible to the naked eye, wet all over, as if just climbed out of the water.

If he had known that Lin Kai was so powerful, he would not have done so.

But now it's too late to say anything. Feng will not dare to think about what the Feng family will become because of this.

Although the Feng family has a place in the East China Sea, is Lin Kai afraid of their status?

"You can try. If you can hit me, I'll let you go."

"You..." Feng will clearly hear the sound of his own saliva, heart "bang bang bang", as if to jump out of the chest.

"It's not a joke."

Even if he has the heart, he does not have the courage.

Do it with him?

I'm kidding.

It doesn't take a minute to kill yourself.

"Do you think I'm a joke?"

Feng will look at him, in the heart of heaven and man fighting, all are dead, he might as well try.

At the moment of making a decision, Feng will rush to Lin Kai without hesitation.

Without waiting for him to approach, he was kicked to fly out. The whole person smashed the table to pieces and fell heavily to the ground.


Feng will lie on the ground, is panting, feel all over the body burst of tearing pain.

"Do you want to continue?"

Lin Kai squatted down and looked at Feng Jiang, who couldn't say a word because of pain. His smile became more and more charming.


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