Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1240

"What am I?"

Lin Kai looked at him with a warm smile on his face.

But this smile, in Feng Jiang's eyes, is just like the devil.

How can he provoke such existence? Isn't it a suicide?

Now the only hope is that the Feng family will not be implicated because of their own affairs.

Otherwise, he would be a sinner of the Feng family. Even if he died, he would be ashamed of his ancestors.

Lin Kai casually pulled over a chair and sat in front of him, looking at him like that.

Feng will not know what he is going to do, struggling for several times but not getting up.

When he thought he must die, the sudden voice, like the dew from the sky, let him instantly ignite the hope of survival.

"Linkai, why are you here? What's going on? "

Wang Kang originally planned to have dinner with his partners here, but he was chartered.

Want to come over can let the other side give face, who wants to meet Lin Kai.

Looking at the mess in the room, Wang Kang's face is not good-looking.

Who has the courage to provoke Lin Kai?

I'm really impatient to live.

Feng Jiang had seen Wang Kang and felt that he was saved this time.

But who would have thought that the two of them even knew each other. Judging from Wang Kang's familiar attitude, Lin Kai's deep powder is absolutely not simple.

I even offended him, this matter is not so easy to solve.

It can't go on like this. Feng will be a bit of a tiger for a while.

Before waiting for him to speak, Wang Kang found him. Looking at the embarrassed words, he couldn't say a word for a long time.


He looked at Lin Kai and the people who couldn't stand up. He understood what was going on.

"General Feng, how can you make such a scene with a younger generation?"

Although Wang Kang's words are open to Lin in the position of a younger generation, there is no exception in the words. He Feng will not bully others, but also be beaten by a younger generation.

If this spread out, their Feng family face, even if it is completely gone.

Wang Kang said that, Feng will be an old face red, half a day did not say a word.

"Lin Kai, you've gone too far in this matter. You..."

Wang Kang was talking about Lin Kai both inside and outside, but Feng Jiang was so red that he couldn't say a word.

Now he would like to find a crack to get in. It was a suicide.

After a long time, Wang Kang stopped. Feng, with an old face, said, "Wang Kang, do you know this one?"

"This is Mr. Lin, my guest of honor in the Wang family."

This made general Feng's face even worse.

It seems that Lin Kai's identity is not so simple.

No one can be a guest of the Wangs.

Feng will be hesitant for a long time, can not help but say: "for the sake of our two families working together for many years, help my brother."

He was no longer concerned with his face. As long as he didn't die, nothing mattered.

Wang Kang subconsciously took a look at Lin Kai, how this matter is, but also depends on his meaning.

In fact, he wanted Lin Kai to agree, which helped the Wang family a lot.

"Whatever you want."

Lin Kai's light words, Wang Kang already understood his meaning.

For this matter, naturally is in the heart thanks, this for the Wang family's help, is really too big.

"General Feng, you also know that you have done too much this time."

Wang Kang sighed, approached his ear and said a few words.

After listening, Feng Jiang's face changed in an instant.

"This How could it be? "

He looked at Wang Kang with his mouth open, wondering if there was something wrong with his ear.

What did he just hear?

Where did Lin Kai come from?

If you offend such a big man, you are lucky not to die.

After the reaction, Feng will tightly grasp Wang Kang's hand and say: "you can open the conditions as long as you can save my Feng family!"

Never let the Feng family have an accident because of their own fault.

In the face of such a big man, the collapse of the Feng family is a matter of words.

Wang Kang has got Lin Kai's answer, but he still pretends to be embarrassed.

Feng Jiang also understood what he meant by this and immediately said, "the goods of the Wang family later..."

He said a lot of gabble, had to say that every sentence said Wang Kang's heart.

After listening to him, Wang Kang walks to Lin Kai and looks as if he is discussing with him.

In fact, he thought about whether he could get more interest.

Wang Kang talked to and fro between the two people many times. When he saw him, Lin Kai got up and left.After he left, Wang Kang sat in his chair, sighing and bleeding.

However, whether he was true or not, Wang Kang helped the Feng family in this matter. This kindness must not be forgotten.

"Brother Wang, this time it's so Thank you very much

Feng Jiang grabs Wang Kang's hand and is very moved. He doesn't realize the calculation between them.

When Lin Kai left, he looked back and looked at them. They were very happy. He wanted to laugh.

It's just a group of masked people. Who should thank who?

"What are you laughing at, sir?"

"Don't you think they look like clowns?"

Lin Kai is talking about them and himself.

"Yes, it is." The hidden God couldn't help laughing.

The two looked at the harmonious Wang Kang and Feng Jiang like that, laughing all the time.

There are passers-by to see them two like this, all quietly moved to the side, for fear that one accidentally infected them.

"Let's call the police as soon as possible. I don't know the mental illness from the hospital."

"Come on, come on, stay away from us. Don't bite us."


Hearing those passers-by's words, Lin Kai shook his head and turned away.

No one can say anything in this world. It's just a matter of nature.

The sunshine on the road is warm and the wind is slightly drunk, which makes people feel drowsy.

Lin Kai looked at the elongated shadow, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but pick up a little.

Squinting at the sun in the sky, the whole person is relaxed a lot.

A Ferrari listen to their side, a female voice sounded: "Hey, handsome guy to drink together?"

Seeing this scene, a girl on the side of the road couldn't help running over.

"Handsome man, can you add a wechat?"

"Sorry, No

With that, Linkai turned to Ferrari.

Looking at the vanishing Ferrari, the girl who wanted wechat couldn't help stamping her feet: "hum, snobbish men are not open to money."

Lin Kai can't help laughing when he hears her comments.

"Is there nothing wrong with the body?"

"Naturally, it's OK. Would you like to have a drink?"

"It's not good to drink and drive."

"Listen to me."

Lin Qianqian threw a wink at her and went down the gas pedal. The car rushed past in an instant.

"Wuwu" wind from the ear, cheek slightly painful.

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