Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1238

"Yes, I know." Feng said so, but he couldn't get down on his knees.

How do you make him kneel?

Who is he?

Fengjia in Gangwan is a person who controls half of the export trade in the East China Sea and is equal to Li Chengjia.

Now he has to kneel down to a nobody. If this spreads out, where will the face of his Feng family be placed?

But what if you don't kneel?

He and his son will sleep here forever.

Feng will continue to do ideological struggle, but how can not do.

"Can I help you?"

"Ah? No, No

Feng will quickly wave his hand, shaking like chaff.

Are you kidding? If you ask Lin to help, he doesn't need to have these legs.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

Until this time, Feng Ke did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

In his opinion, relying on his family background, the whole East China Sea can walk horizontally.

But what's happening now is beyond his scope of cognition.

In his mind, the powerful father, like a God, was kneeling down.

You want to pull yourself to kneel together?

Feng Ke can't accept this scene. He shakes off Feng Jiang's hand and stares at Lin Kai fiercely.

"What the hell are you? What makes us kneel? "

"Do you believe that a phone call from me can make you die. What are you doing here?"


Feng Ke constantly yelled and scolded. Feng Jiang's old face was pale and had no blood color.

"Feng Ke, shut up

This is the first time that Feng will talk to Feng Ke in this way, and he will not be wronged.

Why do you get down on your knees, dad? What is he capable of? "


Feng will look at Lin Kai, constantly beg for mercy: "please, let him go, childish words, children do not understand."

He can die, but he can't watch his first love die.

"Dad, don't..."

Before Feng Ke finished speaking, she was mentioned by Lin Kai.

"What are you? Don't you want my car, want me to kneel? "

For these double marks, Lin Kai only felt disgusted.

What they do is taken for granted. It is not natural for others to treat them in their way?

It's ridiculous.

"If you want to die so much, I'll do it for you."

He grabbed Feng Ke's neck and was ready to start, but he was stopped by Feng.

"As long as you let him go, I can accept any conditions."

Looking at Feng Jiang kneeling on the ground, Lin Kai has an idea.

"If you want me to let him go, you can give me 10% of the shares of the Feng family."

"You What do you say

Feng thought he had heard something wrong.

10% shares of the Feng family?

It's not a joke.

If the shares were given, they would not hurt, but they would not be much better.

"Then you two will die together."

Seeing that Lin Kai was about to start, Feng Jiang called out, "I promise, I promise!"

Looking at Feng Ke, who is thrown to the ground by Lin Kai, she is in a daze. Feng will be extremely distressed.

He lowered his head and his eyes were full of evil.

If you dare to treat his son like this, he will surely pay the price.

"Send me the contract tomorrow." Lin Kai casually reported an address.

As for Feng, will he not renege?

He was not worried at all.

You can catch them once, and there will be a second.

If you don't want to, you can die.

Feng will be very happy for Lin Kai to let him go back to prepare the contract.

It seems that the young people are still not comprehensive enough.

As long as you can get him back, wait for revenge.

There is no one who has provoked the people who talk about them, Feng family, and can still leave the whole body.

In his heart, Feng put on a face like an amnesty: "thank you very much. Don't worry about sending the contract on time tomorrow."

Looking at Feng Jiang's complacent smile, Lin Kai looks at him with great interest, hoping that the result will not let people down.

"Go away."

In a word, drive away so coldly.

Feng will father and son are left here, looking at the car, want to tear up Lin Kai.

"You wait for me!"

A vicious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but he was just a child, and he wanted something from their Feng family?What a dream.

"Dad, what's wrong with me?"

After Feng Ke was shaken up by Feng Jiang, she felt her head and looked at the surrounding environment in doubt.

"It's OK. Go home."

Feng Jiang sighed. Looking at his appearance, he couldn't help thinking whether his education had failed too much.

However, if you think about it carefully, there is no need to be timid in the whole East China Sea because of their status as Feng family.

Because of Lin Kai's business, Feng Jiang was in a bad mood all the way.

After going back, Feng will directly call a lawyer, casually get a contract, and take a group of people to the address Lin Kai gave him.

When they passed by, Linkai was already waiting for them.

Looking at Lin Kai alone, Feng will show a cold smile.

"It's really brave of you to come alone. I really think there is no one in the Feng family?"

Feng will push the door in. Lin Kai looks up at him and continues to drink coffee.

"Did you bring it?"

"Here you are."

Feng will I casually throw the contract on the table, looking like a master, without the slightest look of timidity.

"You can sign it quickly."

Lin Kai looked at the contract in front of him with a sneer.

"That's what you said about giving me 10 percent of the contract?"

"Isn't that what you asked for?" Feng will smile at him, the expression on his face makes people look very disgusting.

"I did as you asked. What else do you disagree with?"

Looking at Feng Jiang's fearless appearance, Lin Kai leaned on the chair with his legs crossed, looking leisurely.

"I remember I was talking about Feng, fooling me with a subsidiary?"

"That's serious. How could I do it?"

Although Feng will say so, but there is no sense of repentance.

It's like "what do you want me to do?".

"Give me the contract, or die, and choose your own."

Lin Kai is too lazy to talk nonsense with him. Since he doesn't abide by the agreement, there is nothing to say.

Looking at Lin Kai's arrogant appearance, Feng will not notice at all.

I was careless before, but not now.

It's just an unknown thing. Do you really think you can ride on the Feng family and shit?

"Boy, do you really think my Feng family is afraid of you?"

Feng will stand up and look down at him with disdain in his eyes.

It's just a little generation who doesn't know the sky and the earth. It's really rampant.

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