Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1237

"I'll kill you!"

Feng Jiangqi's chest was constantly fluctuating, and he almost didn't breathe to faint.

"Are you all right, boss?"

Fortunately, a strong man helped him in time.

"Feng San, hurry up..."

Feng will point to Lin Kai and gasp: "kill him, kill him!"

What a shame!

"Yes, boss."

Feng San supported Feng Jiang to sit down. While moving his muscles and bones, he walked to Lin Kai. His bones clunk.

"Boy, how do you want to die?"

Feng San looks at Lin Kai without any expression. He doesn't care.

Although he can see that Lin Kai has Kung Fu on him, he is still far from himself.

Feng San has this proud capital. He is also famous internationally.

He once fought with a lion on the African grassland and successfully killed a male lion.

Even in the end, he was in a coma for more than two days because of fighting with the lion.

Looking at the weak Lin Kai, Feng San couldn't help but sneer: "if you look like a white chicken, you'd better be a good boy, or I'll beat your head askew."

"You can try it."

Lin Kai has said that. Naturally, Feng San can't say anything more.

Since he is in a hurry to die, let him be done by himself.

After a little exercise, Feng San came to Lin step by step.

When you approach him, you don't hesitate to punch.

The fist wind from the fist blows Lin Kai's hair.

The fist in Lin Kai's eyes is constantly enlarged, he seems to have not seen the same, still standing tall.

"It turned out to be a fool."

Feng San looked at him with disdain. With his fist going down, even the steel plate would be beaten down, not to mention his face.

When Feng San was ready to accept the victory, the smile on his face solidified.

The wide eyes revealed the master's incomprehension.

Looking at the slender and thin hand, Feng San doubted whether he was wrong.

"How could that be possible?"

He murmured, trying to pull his hand back, but it was like being wrapped in a layer of water.

You can take it out easily when you feel it, but you will find that no matter how hard you try, the result is the same.

"Don't you want to beat my head askew?"

Lin Kai smiles and releases his grip on Feng San.

Feng Jiang could not understand the undercurrent between them.

He only knew that Lin Kai had retreated, and Feng San had given him the impression that he was invincible. He naturally thought that he had won.

"Teach him a hard lesson!"

Looking at Feng Jiang who was shouting at the side, Feng San's heart sank.

Feng will not see that nature is excusable, but he clearly feels the strength gap between himself and Lin Kai.

Thinking of general Feng's order, even if he didn't want to, he had to be brave.

"Do you want to continue?"

As the voice dropped, Lin Kai appeared in front of Feng San.

When his fist was about to touch him, Feng San reacted.

Two hands crossed in front of the chest, the whole person glides back more than ten meters, just barely resist.

Before he reacts, Linkai appears in front of him again.

"Let me go!"

Feng San waved his arm and tried to push Lin Kai back, but he couldn't do it at all.

With the sharp pain from the top of his head, Feng San was stiff and did not dare to move.


The words have not been said, the eyes turn white, and then the whole person falls to the ground severely.

Feng San doesn't respond to this.

"Feng San, get up for me!"

Feng will call his name, but there is no response.

Only then did he realize what the "click" sound was.

Feng San's neck, unconsciously twisted back, with the body into an incredible arc.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Feng Ke looked at the pale face of Feng Jiang, but some did not respond.

He was stunned for a moment, then reacted and pushed Feng Ke fiercely: "son, run!"

Feng Ke did not experience these things, naturally did not understand, but Feng will not be a fool.

He looked at Lin Kai with a pale face. He didn't expect to encounter a stubble this time.

If you can do well in business and quantity, it's just that Lin Kai is not afraid of oil and salt. This is the most difficult thing.

Today, even if they die here, no one will notice."Dad, what are you doing?" Feng Ke rubbed her arm and murmured discontentedly, "Feng San is really a waste, so he was defeated."

"Shut up

Feng was not angry, but he was helpless. Now he could only hope that Lin Kai could have a good talk with them.

"This brother, it was just a misunderstanding."

Feng Jiangdi said with a smile: "it's normal for children to fight and make noise. How do you want to solve this matter? We can discuss it."

Lin Kai was staring at him with a smile on his face and Feng Jiang's hair.

He found the group interesting.

In the other party does not have their own strength strong, humiliate the other side, good show their own strength.

However, once the other party is more powerful than himself, and has more connections than himself, his face changes instantly.

Whether you say that they are powerful or knowledgeable, they seem disgusting.

When Lin Kai looked at him with this kind of eyes, Feng Jiang felt only a gust of wind and was frightened.

He vowed to teach Lin Kai a good lesson when he went back.

If I didn't have enough preparation today, how could I be so embarrassed?

Looking at Feng Jiang's resentful eyes, Lin Kai doesn't care.

In the face of great and powerful strength, it is futile to do anything.

"Want to live?"

Seeing that Lin Kai finally spoke, Feng Jiang said in a hurry: "if you have any request, I will try my best to meet it. Just let us go."

If an outsider sees Feng Jiang, who is usually arrogant and arrogant, so kowtowing, I don't know how I would feel.

"You just asked me to kneel down and apologize?"

Lin Kai steps forward to them gracefully, as if this is not a country, but a stage.

Looking at the leisurely walk of Lin Kai, Feng will carefully move back, for fear that one is not careful, his head will be different.

"What do you mean?"

He looked at Lin Kai and his clenched fist showed his inner thoughts.

"Don't you know?"

See Lin Kaizhen is that meaning, Feng will want to rush to kill him.

However, he was held by reason. In front of Linkai, he was vulnerable.

No proud identity, in the face of such a person, he is nothing.

Only meekly ask for his forgiveness, can you get a chance to live.

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