Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1236

"It's natural. Since you know my brother, you should understand that my Feng family is not something you can afford."

"If you say that, I'm going to give it a try."

Lin Kai's movements are graceful, and he is holding his sleeve as if he is going to a party, but he can't see the tension of his sword.

"You look down on me?"

Feng Ke couldn't be angry. A person who didn't know which waste family would dare to do this to himself?

What about the big family?

In Feng Ke's eyes, there is nothing that cannot be offended.

He Feng family is not everyone can step on two feet.

"Since you are so ungrateful, don't blame me for being rude."

If you are good at business and quantity, you can't talk to him. Feng Ke has no patience.

Since you don't give yourself face, don't blame him.

"Do you think you're good at it?"

Feng Ke stares at him, a cannibalism: "the last chance, you give or do not give?"

This car is limited to 10 units in the world. He spent a lot of effort at the beginning, but he didn't get it.

This made him angry and had a bad temper with his father.

Now I can't find this car easily. Dare you give it to him?

What a bear heart leopard!

I don't know the height of the earth. I'm afraid I don't know my name.

The breeze makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Feng Ke narrowed her eyes and waited for Lin Kai's answer.

Before he could speak again, he felt a strong wind coming from his cheek.

After his reaction, the whole person has hit a big tree on the road.

"Cough, Grass Mud Horse..."

Feng Ke covered her chest and felt pain every time she breathed.

Looking at Lin Kai's disdainful look, Feng Ke took out the phone and called his father.

Feng Ke covered her chest and didn't get up for a long time.

"Come on, everyone. This boy dares to move brother Feng."

"Damn it, kill him!"


As soon as his younger brothers rushed in, they were kicked away by Lin Kai.

"It hurts so much."

"Mom, help."


Looking at her group of crying younger brothers, Feng Ke only felt ashamed.

How could he bring such a bunch of disgraceful things? It's useless.

"Do you want to continue?"

Lin Kai squatted down and looked at Feng Ke with a smile. He looked harmless to people and animals.

The appearance of a slight rise in the corners of his mouth, together with the white shirt he was wearing, was like a teenager next door.

Looking at Lin Kai, who is smiling gently, Feng Ke suddenly has an illusion that he should be in trouble.


He was just ready to speak, but he pulled the wound on his body together. He grinned in pain and lost the idea just now.

"If you have the ability, don't leave. I won't let you live!"

"I'll stay with you to the end."

Lin Kai stood aside with a cigarette in his mouth. He looked like a ruffian.

It is clear that people are still so individual. With a simple action, the temperament has changed dramatically.

In the wind, Lin Kai finds something to do for himself.

"Do you know who the eight great families of the Tang and Song dynasties were? They... "

Listening to Lin Kai's question, Feng Ke only felt her face bent.

What the hell are the eight great families of Tang and Song Dynasties? He doesn't know what kind of ghosts they are.

Listening to Lin Kai constantly in his ears, chattering about all kinds of knowledge, Feng Ke is very regretful.

Want a fart car, he has nothing to do with his leisure.

When Feng will come over, Feng Ke will be like seeing a savior.

"Dad, help me

Feng Ke wanted to climb over on the spot, holding his father's thigh and crying bitterly.

Seeing his son like this, Feng will be heartbroken.

"Who are you to touch my son?"

Feng Jiang's face was gloomy and his eyes were not good at staring at Lin Kai: "apologize to my son quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Looking at the wound on his son's face, Feng called it a heartache.

This is his first love left his only son, he is really holding in the hand, afraid of falling, in the mouth afraid of melting.

Now they are being bullied like this when the Feng family doesn't exist?

"Dad, he even asked me about classical Chinese and all kinds of knowledge of dynasties. How can I know that?"

"Please, Dad, what's all this about?"

After listening to his son's words, Feng will be directly stunned.

Did you hear me wrong?This man taught his son knowledge, which made him cry in anger?

"Son, didn't you say someone bullied you?"

After listening to Feng Jiang's real ability to say it, Feng Ke was able to react.

"Dad, it's him who wants to rob my car even if I don't say so!"

Listening to Feng Ke's words, Lin Kai is helpless.

Do these rich children like to say that when they complain? Is there any tradition?

He robbed other people's things, was beaten, and in the end became the fault of others?

Lin Kai didn't really like this group of dandies. He was just a bunch of rubbish.

Of course, the powerful ones like Li Haoxian are different from this kind of waste.

"Boy, apologize to my son!"

Feng will look at Lin Kai: "what is my son's identity and what is your identity?"

"I'm really impatient to live. If you kneel down and knock, I can consider letting you go!"

Looking at the same expression of father and son, Lin Kai can't help but sigh.

As expected, the upper beam is not straight, and the lower beam is crooked.

"Why should I apologize?"

Lin approached them step by step: "the car is my car, and it's also their first hand. What's wrong with my self-defense?"

"You're wrong not to give my son a car!"

"It's your fault if my son hits you and you fight back!"

"In a word, my son is right in everything he does!"

Looking at the proud Feng general, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing.

"Who gave you courage, please?"

"If you get to my place, you can."

"Is it?"

"Don't talk nonsense and apologize quickly!"

Feng will be distressed to see his son, from childhood to adulthood, he is not willing to scold, unexpectedly was beaten into this way, absolutely can not light Rao him!

"If you say that, I'm relieved!"

Without hesitation, Lin Kai slapped Feng Ke in the face and hit him on the head.

Not waiting for two people to react to come over, facing his face bone is a foot, the pain he directly knelt on one knee.

"Do you want me to kneel down on your son like this?"

"You and he..."

Feng Jiang's words have not finished, Lin Kai to Feng Ke's other leg is again.

"Is that so?"

Looking at Feng Ke kneeling on both knees, Feng would like to kill Lin Kai.

"You little punk, do you dare to beat my son?"

Feng's face flushed with anger, and he would like to kill Lin Kai on the spot.

"You don't want me to kneel. I'm not bothering your son to give me a demonstration."

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