Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1227

"What do you mean?"

Zhou Ze pushes aside the woman on the body, holding a cigarette in his hand, looking like a ruffian.

This fat one makes him laugh.

But there is a feeling of imitation.

"What do I think I mean?"

Lin Kai is the first time to see such a shameless person.

When you give money, give it together.

When it's time to make money, you take the big head?

Lin Kai really can't think of how he can say such shameless words.

"Do you disagree?"

Zhou Ze looked at him fiercely and threatened: "I tell you, don't be too arrogant. What do you think you are?"

"Do you really think you can hold on to those things? How many people have no idea? "

"I advise you to give it to me, or I will kill you."

"Then you come."

Lin Kai looks indifferent. If he has the ability, he will come and talk big. Who can't.


Zhou Ze pointed to him and was really angry.

But now, he can't kill Lin Kai.

I don't know where those people are. If they kill him, his plan will be in vain.

As soon as his eyes turned, Zhou Ze showed a little bit of a dirty smile: "brother, I know you're not happy, so, I'll give you five million for one person, do you think it's ok?"

"A lot of five million?"

"Don't be ungrateful

"Brother Zhou gives you money, that is to look up to you, you don't kick your nose on the face."

"Yes, I advise you to listen to brother Zhou's words, or you will die."


"Ha ha ha ha."

Listening to the laughter of those women, Lin Kai's heart did not fluctuate at all.

But it's just a group of dodder flowers relying on men. It's nothing to notice.

"Well, shall we speak to you? Do you hear me? "

A woman saw that Lin Kai ignored them and got off the bed directly.

She wore nothing and walked barefoot to Linkai.

"I tell you, don't be too arrogant

Then she raised her hands and came to Lin Kai's face.

Before she touched Linkai's face, she was caught.

She pulled back hard, and she couldn't pull it out.

"Zhou Ze, what does your woman put in when a man talks?"

Listening to Lin Kai with a little disdain, Zhou Ze didn't want to come over and slapped the woman hard.

"Bitch, who the hell let you talk?"

Zhou Ze slapped her in the face, but the woman did not dare to get angry. She quickly climbed back to the bed: "brother Zhou knows that he is wrong. Can you forgive him once?"

"Get out of here!"

Zhou Ze roared, and those women glared at Lin, then walked out naked.

Looking at them like this, Lin Kai felt sad.

What's wrong with them at their age?

They must please these rich old men and make them mistresses.

After they went out, Zhou Ze lit a cigar and took a big puff.

Looking at him like this, Lin Kai only felt that he was very angry.

"They're all out. It's time for us to get down to business."

"It's time to talk."

Zhou Ze sat on the bed and looked at Lin Kai: "go ahead, what is your request?"

"As long as it's OK, I'll try to satisfy you."

"But I can remind you that if you open your mouth, I will kill you."

"Kill me? You can try it! "

Looking at Lin Kai who is approaching him, he doesn't know why. Zhou Ze is suddenly afraid. Every step is like stepping on his own heart.

"What are you going to do?" Zhou Ze is a little afraid to step back, but thinking that this is his company, he is quite calm.

"Dare you send someone to arrest Lin Qianqian? You want those people. You think it's beautiful? "

Linkai picked him up, grabbed his collar, and went straight out of the window.

Looking at the stream of people and cars chatting about the water horse dragon, Zhou Ze was so scared that he grasped Lin Kai arm tightly, for fear that he would fall down accidentally.

"You You want to Do What to do

Zhou zeduo shivered to say such a sentence, he did not dare to look down.

Just one glance made me dizzy.

If you fall down accidentally, it will become a puddle of meat.

"You, you, you Hold on to it

Zhou Ze is really afraid.Who can be afraid of it.

This is more than 20 floors. It's really killing.

"Come on, how do you want to die?"

Looking at the yellow and yellow things on Zhou Ze's trousers and the stench coming from his nose, Lin Kai shook his hand and made him scream.

"If you don't want to die, shut up."

A big man, call more woman than woman.

"Please, I know I know it's wrong. "

Zhou Ze tears and snot, looking at the rub on his hands, Lin Kai disliked to drag him up and throw him into the house.

Zhou Ze was stunned for a moment. He wanted to stand up and run away, but his legs were so weak that he could not stand up in the battle.

Lin Kai sat on one side of the chair, looking at Zhou Ze: "who gives you the courage to move me?"

Now Zhou Ze is really afraid.

He thought Lin Kai was a waste. He didn't expect him to be so powerful.

If he had known that, he would not have provoked him.

"I know it's wrong."

As soon as Zhou Ze finished speaking, he felt a huge force coming from his abdomen, and then he flew out.

"Bang", hit the door, fell down.

Before reaction, Lin Kai appeared in front of Zhou Ze, stepped on his stomach and said, "you are not threatening to let Lin Qianqian be a chicken? Why don't I give you that wish? "

"You You are What do you mean Zhou Ze moved back carefully. He always felt that Lin Kai's words were not good words.

"What do you say?"

Lin Kai showed a smile and directly knocked Zhou Ze unconscious.

"You can throw it to that nightclub for him in a moment."

"Ugly as he is, he can't stand money. How to do it, understand?"

"Yes, sir."

Lin Kai was just about to leave, but he was attracted by something on the table.

Looking at the logo of leiyuan group above, Lin Kai's heart "bang bang bang" jumps, always feel like he found something wonderful.

Open that letter, one eye three lines read, the corner of Lin Kai's mouth can't help but slightly hook up.

It's so hard to find a place to get it.

After a long search, he finally let himself know some useful news today.

"Yinshen, get ready when you go back. Linyuan will appear soon."

Lin Kai really didn't expect that he would gain so much here in zhouze.

No wonder he couldn't find the news of Lei Yuan group. They all wrote letters and destroyed them after reading them. How could there be any evidence?

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