Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1226

"You Lin Qianqian points to Lin Kai, and her chest is constantly fluctuating.

She was so angry that she thought Lin Kai was enlightened. The result was to punish her.

"You have gone too far!"

Looking at the exasperated Lin Qianqian, Lin Kai looks innocent: "you started first."

Being rubbed by Lin Qianqian, Lin Kai feels a little uncomfortable.

When he left, Lin Kai suddenly stopped and said, "don't waste time on me, and don't be clever."

Listening to Lin Kai's warning, Lin Qianqian bit her lower lip and felt a little sad in her heart.

But what she had to admit was that she had done something sorry for Lin Kai.

Thinking of which day, Lin Qianqian closed her eyes with tears.

I hope Lin Kai can forgive himself the day he knows the truth.

Only in this way can he help himself to the greatest extent.

When she opened her eyes again, Lin Qianqian regained her cool appearance.

Stepping on high-heeled shoes of 67 cm, swaying into the room.

"Brother Lin, you were just too gentle!"

Then he threw a wink at Lin and looked at the hermit God on one side. He kept looking at them two and wanted to see something out of it.

"Hermit, let's go."

Lin Kai thinks that if he continues to stay here, Lin Qianqian may say something shocking.

Lin Kai felt embarrassed when he was looked at with that kind of eyes.

Obviously, there was nothing wrong with them, and he was inexplicably guilty.

After Lin Kai left, Lin Qianqian looked at their back with melancholy eyes.

"Won't he really like me?"

Knowing that this possibility is very small, but she still wants to fly moths to the fire, I do not know how to repent.

"How can you walk so fast, sir?"

"Do you have any?"

Lin Kaikai took a slow step and took an unnatural look at Yin Shen.

The hidden God looked at Lin Kai like this, secretly laughed twice, and said nothing.

Along the way, Lin Kai was not comfortable with the hermit God.

After arriving at Zhou Ze company, Lin Kai just went in and was stopped by the front desk.

"Do you have an appointment, sir?"

"Ask your boss to come down to me and say that I have brought what I want."

"Let our boss come down? Are you kidding

The front desk looks at Lin Kai, and looks at him like a fool. He thinks that most of his brain problems.

Let their boss come down to see him without looking at who their boss is and what his identity is?

Are you kidding?

"Tell you what he wants and I'll give it to him."

Lin Kai stopped for a moment and said elegantly, "you can do without saying it. When the time comes, your boss will blame you. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Listening to Lin Kai's words, the front desk hesitated for a moment. Looking at Lin Kai, he didn't know what to do.

Look at the appearance of the two people, it doesn't seem to be deceptive. After thinking about it, the front desk still called the general secret room.

Hang up the phone, the face of the front desk is very ugly, thanks to him still trust them, did not expect is to cheat her.

Thinking of what the general secret room said, the front desk wanted to scold Lin Kai: "you said you knew our boss? Don't look at your own identity? "

"I've never seen such a shameless person like you. Get out of here!"

The front desk kept swearing, which really pissed her off.

Do you really think you are something big?

As a result, the boss didn't know him at all.

Looking at the impatient face of the front desk, the smile on Lin Kai's face did not change at all, just like a puppet.

Looking at him like this, I don't know why, the front desk feels chilly on his back.

She was just about to get rid of them when the general secret room called.

Before she could speak, she was required to stay.

Listening to the busy tone coming from the receiver, the front desk "Gudong" swallows a mouthful of saliva, and his eyes at Lin Kai completely change.

"It's not really a big deal, is it?"

She imagined in her mind, looking at Lin Kai with a smile on her face.

"This way, sir."

The front desk looks at Lin Kai carefully, for fear that he will be finished if he is not careful.

Thinking of the words just said, the front desk only felt a small heart beating.

Before she gave the water to Lin, the general secret room came down.

It's the first time that I look at the front desk for her efficiency.

"Mr. Lin, our boss asks you to go up."

"Let's go."Lin started to shoot the dust that didn't exist on his body and walked up with them.

Looking at Lin Kai at the front desk, I suddenly feel regret. I just had a bad attitude.

If she speaks ill of herself in front of the boss, she will be finished.

For a small front desk, Lin Kai really doesn't care.

After arriving at the top floor, the secretary took him to Zhou Ze's office: "Mr. Lin, the boss is in it. It's not convenient for us to go in."

After the Secretary knocked on the door for him, his face was a little embarrassed and left.

Lin Kai looks at him strangely, and doesn't understand what kind of song it is.

"Come in."

After Lin opened the door and went in, he was stunned by the sight.

Zhou Ze and three or four naked women were lying on a big bed with four or five meters in length and width.

Looking up, he looked down at the women.

Seeing such a disgusting sight, Lin Kai felt sick for a while.

"Mr. Lin, feel free."

Zhou Ze enjoys leaning on one side, allowing those women to massage for themselves.

Lin Kai pulled a chair and wiped it before he sat down.

"Lin Kai, I won't talk to you. Let's get to the point."

"I want those people who can make human skin masks."

"You don't have to give me much, just five or six."

Zhou Ze is obviously a lion's big mouth, and five or six? Why didn't he take everyone?

There are only a few people in total. What's the difference between them?

Seeing that Lin Kai didn't speak, Zhou Ze continued, "I know those people are valuable, but I don't think you can afford them."

"Well, I won't let you suffer."

Zhou Ze put on a kind of magnanimous appearance to say: "they pretend to be other people's expenses, you and I share equally."

"What do you think when you get their company in hand, you and I are three and seven, and you are three and seven?"

See Lin Kai or do not speak, Zhou Ze can not help some angry: "you don't know how to praise, you don't see what identity you are."

"You can't have done it yourself without my help."

"So, if you are sensible, you will promise, or you will be killed by the labor and capital."

"You can try it."

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