Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1228

"Lin Yuan, I will catch you!"

Lin Kai grabs the paper. His knuckles are slightly white. His smile on his face is gentle, but he only feels a chill on his face.

Looking at the look on Lin Kai's face, Yin Shen sighed.

The impact of that incident on my husband was too great.

It's impossible for anyone to be comfortable.

Sighed, since Lin Yuan was about to appear, Yin God vowed to catch him!

For him, anyone against Lin Kai is his enemy.

For Linkai, he can give his life.

He destroyed the letter. After two steps, Lin Kai suddenly stopped.

Although before this week Ze is impersonated, just with Lei Yuan group some contact.

But now there will be contact between them. What about the rest of them?

Although I'm not sure, Lin Kai has decided to have a good look tonight.

If you can't, let Aiping get in touch with them.

Xu Fu has been abandoned. Leiyuan group naturally wants to find someone to take over the East China Sea.

"Let's go."

Having a look at Zhou Ze on the ground, they got up and left.

Day and night, they can't directly carry Zhou Ze this lump of fat, to him to take it.

After they went out, a few women not far away looked at him and wanted to say something, but they were afraid not to move forward.

Linkai looked at them and left.

Without Zhou Ze's order, they dare not enter his office at will.

Seeing that they were leaving, a woman took two steps and wanted to say something.

But after being looked at by Lin Kai, he stopped at once.

Lin Kai was not interested in what those women meant.

After going downstairs, the front desk immediately surrounded me, smiling like a flower.

"Sir, you..."

A word has not finished, was Lin Kai looked at, scared her directly in situ, motionless.

For a moment, she even felt like she was dying.

Lin Kai went out a long way, and the front desk could even feel the smell of blood lingering around him.

"It scared me to death."

The front desk covered his chest and nearly fell to the ground.

Out of the company, Lin Kai ran into a man head-on.

Because he has been thinking about Lin Yuan, Lin Kai did not escape in time.

"You're so damn blind that you don't want to walk with your eyes!"

"You hit me." Lin Kai didn't want to argue with him so much, so he was ready to leave.

But the man began not to give up, pulling him, not to leave.

The mouth also kept shouting: "you hit me, you must lose money, or you won't let you live!"

"You hit me. Do you want to watch the surveillance?"

In a word, the man shut up.

With a look at the man, Linkai turns away.

What he didn't know was that after he left, the man took out the phone and said, "it has been successfully put on."

Satisfied hung up the phone, the man did not look at the scattered documents on the ground, turned away.

Not long after he left, Linkai and Yinshen appeared in the place where they had just been.

"Look at the people."


It's interesting to start in broad daylight when he doesn't notice?

Looking at the locator on the hand, the corners of the mouth hook up a smile.

I found a car in the street and put it up.

I hope this car won't run too far, otherwise they will find it.

Looking at the tall buildings around, there is only a square sky.

People in this are like canaries in a cage. They want to fly out, but they dare not.

I'm free to fly out, but I'm dead.

"The people of the world do it just to fill their stomachs with a few pieces of silver."

Lin laughed, shook his head and turned away.

He has something that many people can't touch in their whole life.

But in the face of all living beings, his power is still small and terrible.

Now Lin Kai suddenly has a moment to understand Lin Yuan's idea of completely controlling the whole East China Sea.

Although a lot of time, a lot of people in the money to contribute, but to those ordinary people's hands, and how much?

What Lin Yuan thought was to firmly control everything in the East China Sea in his own hands.

At that time, what he wanted to do would be as much as he wanted, and he didn't have to listen to other people's arrangements, and he had to worry about so many aspects.

Lin sighed. He knew that Lin Yuan had this idea before.But in the past so many years, can Lin Yuan still keep his original heart?

In fact, Lin Kai already has the answer in his mind.

Lin Yuan is not the first one.

With a sigh, Lin Kai understood that the two of them were on the opposite side. Either you die or I live.

Looking at the busy street, Lin opened on the sidewalk, watching the traffic lights change back and forth, and did not move for half a day.

"What's the matter with you, young man?"

An old lady looked at Lin Kai gently, and her face was full of love.

Lin kaileng for a moment, then showed a smile: "I'm ok."

"Don't you know where to go? The old woman told you

Looking at the smiling old lady, Lin Kai gently shook her head: "thank you, I know how to get there."

"It's good to know. Just go home."

The old lady patted his hand and disappeared in the crowd with a stick and a smile.

Lin Kai didn't leave until he couldn't see the old lady.

Just now, he was suddenly confused. He didn't know whether he wanted to complete Linyuan.

But after listening to the grandmother, he suddenly understood.

Road at their feet, how to do, or to see their own heart.

"Laohu, are they still there?"

"What's up, tell me."

Huang Tianshi's tone is full of impatience, but also mixed with "30000, eight" and so on playing mahjong voice.

Lin opened helplessly hang up the phone, he had better go back to talk about it.

Sure enough, after returning home, looking at the four mahjong players, Lin Kai wanted to lift the table for them.

"Mr. Lin, you're back."

Tian ran and Li Fugui laughed and stood up from the chair and looked at them with embarrassment.

Looking at Huang Tianshi's reproachful eyes, I don't know if I thought Lin Kai had done something heinous.

"You go on."

Finally, they finished, looking at the gloomy face of Lin Kai, Tian Ran's joy of winning money instantly disappeared.

Carefully looked at him, Tian ran bowed his head and said: "that, brother, what do you have to do, you say."

He is not afraid now. If he offends Lin Kai, he will die.

Although Huang is good to them, he still knows who is in charge of their fate.

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