Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1223

"Thanks to you, my father is in good health."

To be honest, Li Shengxian really doesn't want to talk to them.

But Lin Kai also said that this is a good opportunity.

He can take advantage of this opportunity to attract more network resources.

In fact, these bosses did not say that they were willing to talk to Li Shengxian.

In their impression, Li Shengxian is still that dandy. He only knows how to eat, drink and have fun all day long, and he is a waste of nothing.

But talking to Li Shengxian is better than talking to Lin Kai.

They can see which one has a bad temper.

If you mess with him, you'll die if you're not careful.

"Mr. Guo, long time no see."

Suddenly came the sound, let everybody one after another look to the upstairs.

After seeing the people coming down from above, the bosses were shocked.

In fact, a boss asked Lin Kai incredulously, "what's going on here? What is he as like as two peas? "

"Do you still think that what I said before is a trick to you?"

When Lin Kai said this, they couldn't help ringing. Before Lin Kai told them that if someone pretended to be them, no one would care if they died.

It's not until now that they see this man that they understand.

two people are as like as two peas. They stand together and can't distinguish them.

"How could that be possible?"

They can't believe what they see. It's incredible.

What age is it? There are still such powerful things.

"Take the mask off."

Tian ran obediently took off the mask on his face and looked at Lin Kai without speaking.

"Tell them the whole story."

Tian ran Leng for a moment, opened his mouth and told them about it from the beginning to the end.

After hearing that, those bosses were so angry that they wanted to kill Xu Fu on the spot.

"Damn it, this tortoise grandson, dare to set a routine for me!"

"He must be killed, or he will go on like this, and the whole East China Sea will not be his!"


Although these bosses look indignant, Lin Kai can see that many of them want Xu Fu's skills.

With this thing, they will pretend to be who they want, isn't it beautiful?

"My purpose, as you know, now know how to do it?"

Lin Kai clasped his hands and put them on his knees to watch them.

"As for Xu Fu, I will take care of it myself and accept your careful thinking."

When Lin Kai said this, they laughed awkwardly and didn't say a word.

"What are you going to do?"

"Of course they are."

"If you expose them in public, the labor and capital must teach him a good lesson, son of a bitch."

Hearing this, the rest of the owners could not help but move to the side, as if they were unwilling to pay attention to him.

Sure enough, this man is a fool. He is lucky to be on the same level with them.

That is, they have a way to show the prototype on the spot, but what about the future?

How can people under their own hands believe that they are their boss?

They won't doubt their authenticity?

"I'll bring them here and interrogate them about recent events. As for the rest, you don't have to worry about it. I'll take care of it."

"Do you want them to pass us off?"

After hearing his words, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing: "do you think it's necessary?"

"If I want someone to impersonate you, why should I rescue you?"

"Don't show me your IQ, because you don't have it!"

Lin Kai said that, he can't be angry, but looking at people eight feet away from him, he can only bear it.

He has not been treated like this. When the matter is over, he must teach Lin Kai a good lesson.

"I'll be here in a minute."

Not long after Lin Kai finished speaking, Yin God and Huang Tianshi came back.

Two people, one in each hand, threw four people to the ground.

looks at people as like as two peas in their faces. Those old men are angry and helpless.

"I'd like to ask you to help them show their true colors."

Those counterfeiters who were caught, looking at the real products in front of them, were shivering with fear.

However, there is still a fake, tough attitude said: "who the hell are you? Why should we be arrested? "

"And where did your group of counterfeiters come from? Believe it or not, I'll let you in and never come out again? "Looking at his arrogant attitude, I didn't know that he was the Lord.

See Lin Kai some unhappy frown, Yin God directly gave the fake a foot.

Kick his whole person, directly waste out, if not have a wall to block, the whole person will fly out.

"Do you have any opinions?"

Being watched by the eyes of the hidden God, including the fake goods and the boss lowered their heads one after another, and no one dared to look at him.

"Go ahead."

Being looked at by the hidden God, the person explained all the things in detail.

After listening to all of them, the boss was so angry that he killed Xu Fu on the spot.

"This old boy, you can't let him go!"

"His grandmother, dare to shade us, is really good!"


Thanks to them, they felt that they were caught because someone wanted to get money. Otherwise, they would not have killed them for such a long time.

But now it seems that they think too much.

It's a good plan. How long can their company hold on to this group of counterfeit goods?

"I'll kill you!"

A boss surnamed Guo rushed over and beat the fake.

Even if they didn't catch their own boss, they all joined the war.

This is like a group of local ruffians fighting, no one thinks that they will be celebrities in the upper class.

Finally, the owners stopped panting.

Those counterfeiters were beaten to pieces.

"This thing can show their true colors."

Looking at what Lin Kai handed himself, Guo Jie didn't want to fall on the face of the counterfeit.


The counterfeiter couldn't help but cover his face and screamed. His face was full of white smoke. He looked painless.

Guo Jie looked at him as if he had not seen it.

After five or six minutes, the call of counterfeit goods, slowly small start.

From the crevice of his fingers, something slightly yellow, similar to the skin color of a human being, dropped down.

After he took his hand off, the whole person and his face had changed dramatically.

Looking at the ugly man in front of him, Guo Jie is unable to combine his appearance with his own.

"It's amazing."

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