Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1222

"What do you think it will mean?" Lin asked them with a smile.

These people in the mall, up and down for so many years, naturally can not be stupid.

Naturally, they understood what Lin Kai meant. They couldn't help being angry.

"Who in the world caught us? It's impossible even for our family or subordinates. We're locked together. "

I have to say that he is right.

Families like them, though many want to replace them.

However, it is impossible for them to cooperate and do so together.

The more children come from large families, the more suspicious they are.

"I don't know if it has anything to do with your family or subordinates."

In fact, I think so. Without their help, how could Xu Fu be so easy?

Looking at their anxious look, Lin Kai explained slowly: "it's just that someone has stolen your face and pretended to be your identity."

"What do you say?"

Look at me and I look at you. Do you think there is something wrong with Lin Kai's brain.

How could that be possible?

They're still here. How can they pretend to be?

"Do you think I have to cheat you?"

Lin Kai sat on the chair handed over by the hidden God, cocked his legs and said, "I'm not free to save you."

"After you take charge of the company again, find a way to take back the shares of the company from leiyuan group."

"What Lei Yuan group?"

All the bosses do not know what group Lin KaiKou belongs to and have never heard of it.

"Then you will know."

Lin Kai didn't want to explain so much to them, so he would know all about it.

"Why did you save us?"

"It's to get your shares back."

"Then you..."

"Can you shut up?" Lin Kai looked at them impatiently. It was a real trouble.

People like them are suspicious and ill.

Lin Kai thinks that maybe they will think about it. If Lin Kai wants someone, they will arrest him.

And then they are rescued, self-directed and self acting out of such a drama.

"Come with me."

"Why should we go with you?" A boss stares at Lin Kai unhappily.

They are all people who are used to being superior. How can they tolerate others' giving orders to themselves?

"Stay here if you don't listen?"

Linka's foot passed by, and the door of solid wood was kicked by him directly.

"Bang" a sound, as if hit on the boss's body, scared them a thrill.

When Lin Kai looks at them, they can't help but shrink and feel that they are sheep to be slaughtered.

"Let's go."

No one dares to say anything more. He follows Lin Kai's back.

Because the road here is relatively slow. The car can't drive in at all. They can only walk out step by step.

The breath is a mixture of all kinds of flavors. I can't say the smell. It's hard for people to smoke.

Where is it that the head office has been punished with respect?

After a while, they felt that their legs were as painful as lead and couldn't walk.

"Well, can we have a rest?" The boss stopped for a moment and said, "I think you are as good as flying. Why don't you recite us?"

Hearing what he said, the bosses stopped and looked at him.

In fact, this is also their voice, but because of Lin Kai's hand, they dare not say it.

Now that there are birds out there, they can wait for the result in peace of mind.

"Carry you out?" Lin Kai sneered: "why don't you stay here?"

What a big face. Let you carry them out?

Don't look at yourself, what kind of thing?

Lin Kai's words made the boss angry: "what do you mean? It's your honor to let you carry me out! "

"I tell you, if you don't take me out, I won't help you with the shares you're talking about!"

Looking at such a tough boss, Lin Kai couldn't help laughing: "whatever you want."

It doesn't matter whether they help or not.

The reason to save them is to make themselves easier.

It's not that he can't do it, it's just that he doesn't want to waste time on such things.

"The company is not mine either."

Lin Kai squatted down and grabbed the man's neck and said, "don't brag for me here, understand?"

"Ah, bah!" The man pushed Lin Kai aside and said, "what kind of thing are you? Dare to be here and tell me what to do?""I tell you, immediately carry me out, or see me out after I go out, how to deal with you?"

Hearing the boss's words, the remaining several bosses couldn't help shaking their heads.

How can he be the boss of the company when he is so stupid?

They don't know how to get out at all. They have to rely on Linkai.

Now, what if it offends them!

Lin Kai approached his ear and whispered, "since you said it, I won't let you go after you go out. Do you think I'll let you out?"

With such a few words, he got a cold sweat all over his body, stepped back a few steps, and looked at Lin Kai suspiciously.

"You dare not!"

"What am I afraid of?" Lin Kai couldn't help laughing: "do you think I dare to come here, but I'm afraid to kill you?"

"You don't know that there are people out there who are dead."

Lin Kai was telling the truth. After hearing this, all the people were silent.

Yeah, they're dead, and no one will know.

"We promise you, just take us out to play." -

"but I don't want to."

Lin opened a word, they suddenly changed their face.

Also do not care so much, life is about to die, also worry about what cooperation does not cooperate?

A boss directly rushed over and hit the man who had just contradicted Lin Kai to the ground.

Other people saw it and followed suit. Not long after, the whole alley was filled with his howling.

Seeing almost, Lin Kai said, "let's go."

After a long walk, they finally went out.

Looking at the cars parked outside, they had a feeling of crying with joy.

"I don't want to thank you for your kindness. This time, I'm sure Guo will remember it in my heart. If I can use it in the future, I'll go through fire and water, and I'll never say goodbye!"

The other three leaders followed.

"Come on, take you to two men, and you'll see them."

Lin Kai took them back to Li Shengxian's home soon.

After seeing Li Shengxian, these boss's heart, just a little let down.

Although Lin Kai saved them, he was still afraid.

"Mr. Li, how is your father?"

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