Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1224

It is not only Guo Jie who thinks that it is uncanny, but also the rest of the people.

They always thought that transfiguration was only a kind of thing existing in ancient times.

I didn't expect that in today's day, they actually saw this kind of magical thing.

"Here you are."

With the liquid medicine in hand, the remaining three presidents also removed the human skin masks on the faces of counterfeit goods.

looks at as like as two peas, and suddenly becomes another look. It has to be said that it is really a very magical experience.

"The next thing is up to you."

They are not idiots. What to do next? They should know it clearly.

Just take advantage of him.

"This time, thank you very much. We won't forget your kindness."

Lin Kai didn't really take their words seriously.

All of them are masters who speak from man to man and ghost to ghost. They know that there is something true or false in these words.

"You can go by yourself. I have something else to do."

He doesn't have time to send them back one by one. It's too much trouble.

"You want us to walk back?"

"What do you think? Or are you blind? "

Lin Kai is really tired of this man.

Lin Kai thinks that he and pig are mostly relatives.

Lin Kai was so hostile that he didn't dare to speak in an instant.

After coming out of the house, he spit a mouthful of phlegm on the ground.

"Arrogant fart, when I solve them, you will be finished."

"I'm so angry that I haven't been talked like that."

"Tell me, there are people like him? What a blind eye


saw him pulling his own Tucao together, and the remaining bosses rushed to make complaints about the exhaust.


Looking at the far away car, Zhao Qun almost didn't get angry: "you're in a goddamn hurry to reincarnate!"

A group of people who don't know how to do this to him must teach them a lesson.

Lin Kai looks at Zhao Qun's crooked driving away, wondering whether he can succeed in going back.

"Let me know when they arrive."


In fact, they have nothing to do when they go back.

It's nothing more than to familiarize ourselves with what happened recently and straighten out the company.

However, Lin Kai wants to see how the remaining two people plan to solve the problem.

I haven't met such an interesting thing for a long time. Naturally, I want to see it.

Before the news came from the hidden God, Lin Qianqian called.

Lin Kai hesitated for a moment, but he still took it.

In the final analysis, it is also his sister who has been spoiled for so long that he suddenly turns a deaf ear to her, which is really not good.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Qianqian heard Lin Kai's cold voice and was stunned for a moment.

Then she said as if nothing happened: "brother Lin, for such a long time, do you miss others?"

"You don't know what people want you to think about. You don't want tea or rice."

Lin Kai was silent for a long time, but he couldn't help speaking

"What a nuisance."

Lin Qianqian some coquettish said: "a moment to my home, there is a surprise waiting for you."

Lin kaigang was about to say something when he heard Lin Qianqian's quick and low voice: "help me!"

Without waiting for Lin to ask her what she meant, she said again as before: "you can come quickly. There are many places in the house that are full of surprises."

I don't know if it's because of what Lin Qianqian just said. Lin Kai thinks her last two words sound a little fuzzy.

"You have to come quickly, I'll..."

After the words, Lin Kai did not hear clearly, Lin Qianqian there hung up the phone.

Don't know why, Lin Kai always feels uneasy, as if something bad is going to happen.

After thinking about it, Lin Kai still decided to go and have a look.

I always feel something is wrong with Lin Qianqian just now, although there is nothing different from what she said before.

But the sentence "save me" is deeply imprinted in Lin Kai's mind.

Unable to put on clothes, Lin Kai took the car key, stepped down the gas pedal, and galloped. It was nearly an hour's journey, less than half an hour.

He parked the car at a distance from Lin Qianqian's home, and quietly touched the hidden God.

When they went in, the whole house was quiet.

Although there was no one to talk to, Lin Kai and Yin Shen felt that there were a lot of slight breathing sounds coming from different places. They were not alone.

Thinking of what Lin Qianqian said before, Lin Kai already understood.They explored each room carefully.

See some rooms, only two or three crouching, do not hesitate to hand, directly dizzy in the past.

When they reached the study on the second floor, they clearly heard the sound coming from inside.

"Say, how long do we have to wait?"

"His house is far away, at least two hours."

This sentence does not need to think, is Lin Qianqian nonsense, in order to help them delay time.

She knew that what she had just said would certainly arouse Lin Kai's suspicion.

I'm afraid they will be caught before they know the situation.

The man in the room didn't know what he asked. Lin Qianqian replied loudly, "I don't know."

As soon as she finished, there was a crisp slap in the room.

"I said I don't know. If you have the ability, you can catch him and ask."

"You're his woman, don't you know?"

Hearing this, Lin Kai understood that it was because of her own reasons that Lin Qianqian, who was harmed, was implicated.

"Never tell me about him!"

Lin Qianqian quickly said a lot of words, only to hear the voice of cursing constantly inside, from time to time also sounded, all kinds of things beat things.

The hidden God had already observed the situation inside. Even if they rushed in directly, there was no way to save Lin Qianqian smoothly.

Those people are also cautious, two people holding a knife, dead guard in Lin Qianqian's side.

This is even if, there is a person holding it against Lin Qianqian's abdomen.

As long as there is any wind and grass, you can instantly kill your face.

Even if the hidden God goes in quietly, it can only solve the problems in front of or behind, and solve the problems before and after at the same time.

It seems that this man has made great efforts to threaten Lin Kai.

There was a slight voice in the room. Although the volume had been lowered, they could hear it clearly.

Hearing what they said, Lin Kai wanted to kill them.

It's a good stratagem. When the time comes, not only will he be killed, but also Lin Qianqian will be defiled. It's really bold.

The hidden God looked at the angry Lin Kai and wished to abolish the group of scum.

If you dare to make your husband's idea, you should be punished.

"Sir, I'm going to kill them now!"

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