Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1221

"I will."

Li Shengxian nodded heavily, only felt a heart excited can not.

He worked hard for so long to get praise from Lin Kai.

As for his father, as well as the Li family, it was completely ignored.

As early as many years ago, he realized that those people did not treat themselves as family members.

The reason why I am so enthusiastic now is that I see my own change and Li Chengjia's attitude.

For him now, only Lin Kai is the driving force of his efforts.

Looking at Li Shengxian who smiles like a sunflower, Lin Kai shakes his head in a funny way.

From time to time, Li Shengxian tells Lin Kai something about the Li family. After finishing his own thoughts, he will ask him again.

They talked like this, the birds chirping outside the window, the wind blowing through the leaves, the sound of brush Lala, let people feel a peaceful.

In the conversation between the two people, the sun gradually set and the moon showed half a face shyly.

When the tired birds return to the forest, everything falls into silence.

Looking at Li Shengxian who fell asleep on the sofa, Lin Kai took the bed quilt for him and covered it.

As for what to say to take him back to his room and sleep, it is impossible at all.

Although Li Shengxian is good to himself, he still resists when he holds her back.

When Lin Kai looks out of the window in a daze, Yin Shen comes back quietly.

"What was the result?"

"Sir, it has been found out."

The hidden God explained in detail what he had found.

I have to say that Xu Fu is actually very cautious. Knowing those people is very important to him. The hiding place is also very hidden.

If it wasn't for the hidden God, he would have sent someone to follow Xu Fu. He couldn't find him for a while. Where did he hide those people.

"Get ready. Clear off."

"Yes, sir."

The hidden God quietly accompanied by Lin Kai, just like a sculpture.

Neither of them spoke, so they stayed quietly.

When Huang came down early the next morning, he was startled by the two people standing by the window.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Kai moved a little stiff and said with a smile, "it's OK. What's the result?"

"With me, it must have been a success."

Then he handed a thing to Lin Kai and said to him, "this thing, as long as it touches the human skin mask on their faces, can dissolve the mask in a very short time."

He said simply, as for the manufacturing of this thing, how complex, there is no need to say.

"Thank you."

"If you have to thank me, why don't you lend me two of them?"

Huang Tianshi picked his eyebrows at Lin Kai. The smile on his face made him feel obscene.

"Do you think it's possible?"

"You man." Huang Tianshi shook his head and left, still mumbling something in his mouth.

"When shall we leave, sir?"

"Let Sheng Xian get ready to meet another boss who has been replaced."

I hope they will like the gift they gave them.

After arranging everything, Lin Kai follows Yin Shen to the place where Xu Fu holds them.

It's a remote place, I have to say.

Fortunately, they arranged for people in advance, otherwise they could find them by themselves. In three or five days, they could not find them.

After walking for more than two hours, a little shabby courtyard appeared in front of me.

There were five or six people standing at the door, walking back and forth with sticks in their hands.

Fortunately, this place is relatively remote, otherwise they would have caused a sensation for a long time.

"What's going on inside?"


After listening to Yin Shen's words, Lin Kai directly picked up a brick from one side and jumped down.

The movement here attracted those people and came over immediately with sticks.

The leading man stared at them fiercely: "who are you? What are you doing here? Get out of here, or you'll die! "

Then he took the iron stick in his hand and smashed it hard on the side of the wall.

If it had been replaced by a timid one, he would have been frightened by the man's hand.

But who is Linkai?

People who rush through with bullets will be afraid of this?

"Hand over the people inside, or die."

The voice falls, those men, just feel a murderous spirit to spread, have goose bumps all over the body.

Among them, a timid one even fell to the ground directly, shivering and unable to get up for half a day.

"You..." The man at the head of the group was calm, and his look was more serious than ever.He is also Xu Fu's confidant, otherwise he would not be arranged to come here.

After all, the people here are very important to Xu Fu.

If you let them escape, Xu Fu will be completely ruined.

So the man looked at Lin Kai's momentum and knew that today's matter was not so easy to solve.

Looking at Lin Kai with a big smile on his face, he said, "brother, the bright people don't speak in secret. Tell me what you want to do today."

"Let's all step back. I'll give you how much you want."

Now he can only hope that he can use money to kill Lin Kai.

Otherwise, it would be useless if they were too many.

"I just want the people inside."

Lin Kai was too lazy to continue to talk to him. The brick in his hand was thrown directly at them.

Seeing that he was about to hit himself, the leader only felt a soft foot and hid in the past.

Before they were ready, Lin Kai and Yin Shen rushed over.

Without waiting for them to wave their weapons, they felt a sharp pain in their chest or other fatal positions, and then the whole person was beaten out.

"Ouch, ouch."

"It's killing dad."


All of them yelled. They were on the floor for less than two minutes.

Lin Kai was about to walk inside, but the leader caught his ankle.

"You You can't go in! "

He still remembered Xu Fu's words.

But there is really nothing he can do now.

"What do you say?"

One foot kicks him faintly, Lin Kai and Yin God walk in.

There are more people outside. There is no one in the yard except for cooking.

But there were two or three people outside the room where the boss was.

When he saw Lin Kai coming, he was on the alert in an instant,

he didn't talk to them any more. He solved them directly with one person.

After solving them, open the door one by one and let those people out.

Some of the boss hesitated to stay in the room, afraid to step.

"If you don't want your hard work to become something in the pocket of others, you will continue to stay here."

Lin Kai said so, and finally someone couldn't help coming out.

"What do you mean, young man?"

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