Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1218

No matter how he yelled, Huang didn't mean to stop.

With a cry of bitterness, Huang tore off the human skin mask that started from his chest.

I have to say that this human skin mask is really good. Who would have thought that he would reach the chest position?

After tearing it off, the fake forest opened to reveal its original appearance.

Because of wearing a human skin mask, he is now torn off, and his whole body looks red.

Only one head, bare.

Looking at Huang Tianshi with resentment, Tian ran hates to kill him.

He has been preparing for this mission for so long.

They didn't know it by themselves.

It's all right. Now that they've caught me, I don't know what will happen to me.

Now he, suddenly some regret the next task.

I didn't expect that they would be so powerful that they could easily see through their disguise.

He is also too careless, so many times before the success, let him subconsciously feel, can become the boss of the heart of the person, also nothing great.

"Kill or cut as you like."

With that, he closed his eyes and looked as if he were at your disposal.

Anyway, things have come to this point, where the boss will not send people to save themselves, it is better to leave it to fate.

Looking at Tian Ran's attitude, Huang Tianshi looks at Lin Kai and makes him feel how to deal with it.

"Come on, why pretend to be me."

Tian ran was not surprised at all about Lin Kai's problem.

Because after the bosses he pretended to be taken away by them, the questions he asked were nothing more than "why did you impersonate me?"

Or "why did you catch me".

"Why should I tell you?"

"You're just trying to pretend to be me."

What's the point of pretending to be him when they're free?

Lin Kai said, Tian Ran is not angry.

Anyway, that's the truth. There's nothing to hide.

"Who made you pretend to be?"

In fact, the first person in Lin Kai's mind was Lin Yuan, but he quickly denied it.

Because Lin Yuan knew that he was always followed by people.

Then there are only conflicts in the East China Sea, but for those who he does not know.

This scope is relatively large, and it is a waste of time to check up.

"Do you mean it or not?"

"It's death whether you say it or not, so there's something to say."

At the beginning of their own line of work, they clearly understand that once one day they are found out, there is only one way to die.

There is no superior person who can imitate himself.

In this world, power, money, status Too many things are easy to get lost.

No one will do this without absolute certainty.

After all, no one can guarantee that someone can resist the temptation.

"It may not die."

I have to say that Lin Kai's words are very attractive.

Tian ran swallowed a mouthful of saliva and licked his dry lips.

To be honest, he didn't want to die.

Who wants to die to live?

If he didn't believe in Lin Kai, how could he allow the existence of a person who could impersonate himself?

"I won't tell you!"

Tian ran finished this sentence, then closed his eyes, a reluctant to pay attention to their appearance.

He didn't dare to gamble.

If you don't say it, your family will still be alive.

But what if I said it?

Not necessarily alive, on the contrary, their own family members should also be implicated.

Although he is not a good man, but for his parents, he can not watch them, because of his own reasons, was killed.

"Since you don't say so, don't blame us for being rude."

Tian ran doesn't think so. He hasn't been caught before.

At that time, he also suffered from a very severe criminal law, but he not only carried it down, but also successfully waited for the boss's person to save himself.

It was also because of that incident that he was more loyal to his boss.

They're not afraid to force them out.

But what happened next, Tian ran was afraid.

Who could have thought that he was suddenly carried by the back of his neck and flew directly to the sky.

The cold wind, blowing in his face, like a knife cut in general, all over the body was cut countless holes, clothes are becoming tattered.He wanted to curl up, but found he couldn't.

Can only watch helplessly, oneself is hidden God loose clothes, straight down.

In the process of falling, he clearly heard the sound of heart beating, a roar in his ears, and he couldn't hear anything clearly.

At this moment, he really knew he was afraid.

He did not dare to think that if he fell down like this, he would die half of the time because he could not adapt to the sense of weightlessness.

When he felt that he was going to die, he felt that he was caught again.

For a moment, his heart even stopped beating.

He was scared.

Hold the hermit's arm and want to tell him that he will say it.

But shivering, mouth open and close for a long time, did not say a word.

Some of them closed their eyes and suddenly felt scared.

If it's the criminal law, he thinks he can get away with it.

But it was the first time that he saw such extremes.

Suddenly feel in front of their own lives, the lives of their families are not so important.

Tightly grasp the arm of Yin God, and show him with eyes, don't throw yourself down.

I don't know whether the hidden God knows or not. Tian ran really doesn't know what to do now.

Just when he thought he would go through it again, he felt like he was thrown to the ground.

Tian ran tentatively opened an eye and saw that he had returned to the place where he had been before. A heart was just put down.

With a sigh of relief, Tian Ran is completely back to God.

He really knew he was scared.

He even offended such a powerful person. It's a suicide.

Now you can't expect your so-called boss to save yourself.

Now it seems that he knew that Lin Kai's identity was not simple. Otherwise, he would not have said anything at the beginning. He wanted her to take her family to travel.

Want to come, also just want to grasp own handle, don't let oneself turn water just.

He said silently in his heart: "parents, sorry, son unfilial."

It's really scary. Tian ran doesn't want to experience this again.

Tian ran licked his lips and said, "if you want me to tell me you can do it, I hope you promise me a condition!"

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