Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1217

He murmured to himself that Lin Kai was not a person who liked to tell people something.

This time, if it was not for the effect of alcohol, he would not run to the roof of the house and talk to himself with the moon.

If Lin Yuan's affairs are not solved, he will not be able to sleep soundly.

However, despite his long search, the news still had no effect.

"You can start somewhere else, sir."

The sudden voice, let Lin Kai Leng for a moment, did not speak.

He also knew that the hidden God was right, but it was impossible.

Where else?

It's not easy?

Lin Yuan in the East China Sea, or he wasted a lot of manpower and material resources to get.

Now through the mouth of some people in leiyuan group, it is also confirmed that Linyuan is still here.

Now the only thing that bothers him is that he can't find Lin Yuan's whereabouts for a while.

The information they give themselves has some effect.

Because he has invested in some companies of Lei Yuan group, more and more people have appeared on the surface recently.

Although this method is relatively slow.

But he didn't mind waiting so long.

A good hunter should have enough patience.

The East China Sea is so big that if you go through the whole East China Sea, you will not be afraid that he will not appear.

Lin Kai looks at the moon and drinks the wine in the bottle.

He handed the bottle to Yin Shen. He lay on the roof and watched the moon slowly fall asleep.

Yin Shen originally wanted to take Lin to open, but he thought that a little bit of

activities might disturb her sleep, so she had to give up.

Quietly accompanied by Lin Kai's side, the hidden God did not know what he was thinking.

For him, it was a very easy thing to turn the whole East China Sea upside down.

It's not that he hasn't thought about it, but if he does, Lin Kai will be under too much pressure.

In addition, he is a person who is afraid of trouble. They can only come here slowly step by step.

The moon gradually set in the west, the East exposed a touch of fish belly white, thousands of dawn in the sun's mapping, a piece of red.

Lin opened his eyes and saw the sunrise. The mood of the whole person was much better.

"What time is it?"

"Take a rest, sir; it's still early."

"Let's go."

Lin Kai jumped up from the roof and fell to the ground easily.

As soon as he entered, Li Shengxian, who came down from upstairs, was frightened.

Li Shengxian looked at the room, and then looked at him. He scratched his head with some doubts: "brother Lin, are you still in the house just now? Why did you go out? "

"I'm not at home."

Lin Kai frowned and looked at Li Shengxian. He was not in the room. How could he see it?

"This, this, this..." Li Shengxian rubbed his eyes to make sure he was not wrong.

"Why are there two Collins?"

He looked at Lin Kai, who just got up from bed, and then looked at him standing at the door. He was a little confused.

"How could that be possible?"

He pulled the wood in the room and let them stand together for a long time. He didn't see any difference.

Even Lin Kai looked at himself beside him. His face was a little ugly.

"Old fool, don't you get the things off your face quickly?"

"What do you want me to do?"

Huang's voice came down from the building.

After a minute, he took the small teapot in his hand and walked down vaguely.

"Lin Kai. You... "

After seeing two woods in the room, he woke up in an instant.

"Are you a juggler?" Huang looked at the two Lin Kai, looked up and down one time, and occasionally stretched out his hand to pinch them.

"Go away."

The two voices of the same voice, if not for two people standing in front of them, would be the same as one person said.

"Admit it yourself. Don't let me do it."

Huang Tianshi took Li Shengxian and sat on the sofa beside him, looking at them without expression.

"Admit what?" The man who pretended to be Lin Kai frowned and learned Lin Kai's expression ten times.

As soon as Li Shengxian was ready to speak, he was stopped by Huang Tianshi.

"What do you mean to admit?"

"What do you mean, old fool?"

I have to say that he knows exactly what Lin Kai calls the people around him.

It seems to have been observed for a long time.

So long, they didn't find out. It's really powerful.

"What do I mean?" As soon as Huang patted the table, he stood up: "you said, who is not good to learn from? Do you have to impersonate Lin Kai? I'm laughing to deathHuang didn't know if he was clever or stupid.

Although his imitation is really like, but many places are too poor.

But what interested him was how he did it, mimicked it so much.

Even if he has just developed something recently, there is no way to achieve this.

"What do you mean, old fool?" Fake Lin Kai looks at Huang Tianshi angrily.

"What do I mean, don't you know?"

Huang was too lazy to talk to him so much: "you'd better be obedient. Do you think you can really imitate him?"

The gap between the two is too big, even though he has many places, the imitation is good.

But Lin Kai's momentum was something he could never have in his life.

"Old fool, don't make me do it!" Feilin opened angry at him, hoping to kill him on the spot.

Special code, an old man, dare to come here and smash the field.

"Do you know what Lin Kai is like?" Huang sighed and sat on the sofa: "no matter at any time, he won't move me."

Lin Kai, who has never made a sound, said coldly: "hidden God."

Looking at the sudden appearance of the hidden God, Feilin Kai is a little flustered.

He knew that Lin Kai was followed by such a person, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

How do you want him to find someone who's going to make a big difference?

"If you pretend to be a gentleman, you deserve to die!"

If it wasn't for keeping him useful, the hidden God would not let him go so easily.

The false forest opened by the hidden God struggled vigorously.

Although he knew that he had been exposed, he still did not give up: "old fool, you move me to try!"

"And you, hermit, I'm going to kill you for your crimes."

Several people present turned a deaf ear to his words.

Huang Tianshi walked around, touching his face or somewhere from time to time.

"Let go of labor and capital!"

By an old man so up and down, fake Lin Kai, only feel a burst of nausea.

"Shut up!"

Huang Tianshi glared at him fiercely. He tore up his clothes. When he saw what was on his body, he couldn't help laughing.

"I said, so it is."

Said grabs the false forest opens the chest a place, forcefully pulls upward.

"Stop it

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