Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1219

In fact, Tian ran also understood that this is a dream.

It is a great gift for them to release themselves.

With their identity, it is just a matter of time to find out who is behind the scenes.

Now that he has given himself a chance to live, he is still so ungrateful, what conditions do he propose.

But his heart aches.

Let oneself give up one's own parents' life, in exchange for one's own life, in the heart feels bad.

But what can we do?

With a heavy sigh, Tian ran waited for Lin Kai's promise.

Whether he answers or not, he will say it himself.

The reason for this is just to find some psychological comfort for myself.

"What are your terms?"

Although Lin Kai didn't say yes or no, Tian ran was surprised.

He quickly replied, "my parents are being held hostage by them."

"If I betray them, they will die."

Said here, Tian ran some choked, personally killed his parents, that kind of pain can be imagined.

With a long sigh of relief, he continued, "I implore you to promise me to retrieve the remains of my parents."

For him may live, Tian Ran has not reported any ideas.

Now he can only bring their bodies back after they are dead and let them go back to their roots.


Lin Kai promised to come down. He also knew that once Tian ran said it, his parents would be finished.

Seeing Lin Kai's promise, Tian ran was stunned and said, "thank you. The person who let me do this is Xu Fu."

"I have been raised by the Xu family for more than ten years. They..."

However, you can say everything you know.

The more you hear about it, you have to admire it. Xu Fu is indeed a man of scheming.

So early, think so long-term, don't say, is already done well.

"That's all I know. I hope you can abide by the agreement."

"It's natural." Lin Kai is not a renegade person. Since he has promised him, he must do it naturally.

See Lin Kai agreed, Tian Ran's heart, completely put down.

No matter whether Lin Kai lied to himself or not, he felt a little comforted.

"I don't know anything else. Besides me, he has three or four such people under his command, and I can give you information about them."

Tian ran this is also a chance to fight for his own life. As long as he doesn't say it all at once, he will live longer.

At the same time, he is also telling Lin Kai that he knows a lot about Xu Fu.

As long as he is safe, and he has promised him to do it, he will abide by the agreement and say all he knows.

Lin Kai takes a look at Tian ran and smiles.

It is such a look, see Tian ran a burst of panic.

He felt that Lin Kai had seen through what he was thinking, but he didn't say it.

Hands sweaty, sticky feeling, people feel very uncomfortable.

He kept telling himself to be calm.

Although some bad, but in order to survive, also do not care so much.

Standing on the side quietly, Tian ran didn't dare to say a word. He was afraid that he would annoy Lin Kai and his life would be over.

Li Shengxian and Huang Tianshi look at the expressionless Lin Kai. They don't know what he is thinking.

After a long time, Lin kaichong gave a wink.

He immediately understood, without hesitation, Tian ran knocked out.

Tian ran only felt a pain in his neck, and his eyes were blackened.

The last thought before he fell down was that Lin Kai would turn back and kill himself.

"Throw it to the second floor!"

"I'm always fooling you into going to the companies he said to check to see if it's true."

"If that's the case, it's not easy to deal with."

Xu Fu recruited many companies to leiyuan group.

If he does, he will not.

At present, we can only find out what we know one by one. As for the rest, we can only take our time.

When they left, Li Shengxian looked a little ugly.

"I know what you're thinking. The Li family hasn't got this ability yet."

"I see."

Li Shengxian nodded, but he was still worried.

Although he didn't like the Li family so much, it was the place where he grew up.

Not to mention that he still wants to take over the Li family, so as to help Lin Kai.

If someone like Xu Fu. I'm really pissed off because I've been taken over."I'll make the old fool pay more attention."

"Thank you, lingo." Li Shengxian sighed, which is the only way now.

Li Shengxian walked around the room anxiously. Lin Kai was dizzy.

As soon as he closed his eyes and was ready to have a rest, they came back.

After throwing the man down, Yin Shen replied, "this is the only person in Li's company. As for others, I asked the company's employees and said they were on business."

Lin Kai nodded. It seems that these people are not always in the company.

However, it is also true that one's living habits over the past decades are not the only ones that can be imitated overnight.

In order not to be noticed, they have to travel every other day.

After waking up the people on the ground, he struggled vigorously: "do you know who I am? Let me go

Seeing that Lin Kai and them were not moved, he continued: "you kidnapped me just for money."

"As long as you let me go, we can discuss how much it will cost."

Those who can be selected to imitate the president of a company will naturally know that they are not fools.

Unfortunately, he met Lin Kai and asked for nothing.

I just want to know the whereabouts of leiyuan group.

See Lin Kai sitting on the sofa, motionless.

Li Shengxian immediately asked: "don't pretend, tell us what you know."

The man was stunned for a moment and said angrily, "isn't this Mr. Li? What do you mean by the Li family? "

"How can I say that I am also a famous figure in the East China Sea, and you arrested me without saying a word?"

"Or is it that your Li family is going bankrupt and the poor have to depend on Kidnapping for a living?"


I have to say, he still pretends to be very similar.

It's just a pity that he has been confessed by Tian ran.

"It's time for you to do it."

"Look at me."

Old flicker whisk, don't in the back of waist, roll sleeve, face bad smile, how to see how to make people feel obscene.

"You..." Scared to the ground, the man kept retreating: "what are you going to do! I warn you, stay away from me, or I will Or I'll... "

"Or you what?" Huang turned a deaf ear to his threat and took off his clothes.

"You shameless, get the hell out of here

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