Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1216

The hermit God finally asked the question in his heart. He couldn't understand why.

Did you hear that? Lin kaileng for a moment and then laughed.

"I don't know."

This is the truth.

He didn't know why.

Appearance and body are top beauty, he is not without.

But I don't know why, but I don't care about them.

It's no matter whether it's a play or a dew affair. Every time he comes to the door, he suddenly regrets and withdraws.

Even so long, he did not know what he was running away from or waiting for.

With a sigh, Lin Kai felt that it didn't matter.

People, this life, can not always be entangled in this matter.

The hidden God could see the tangle on Lin Kai's face. Since he had said so, he didn't ask much.

All the way, he wanted to go. He didn't know how to comfort Lin Kai.

On the contrary, Lin Kai looked at him and thought what was wrong with him.

You know what you're doing.

There's no way you can't be like this.

After thinking about it, Lin Kai couldn't help but ask, "hermit, what are you thinking? Who do you want? If you... "

"Ah?" The hermit replied with embarrassment: "Sir, what did you just say? Sorry, I was distracted. I didn't hear you

Hearing Yin Shen's reply, Lin Kai didn't know what to say.

He seldom takes the initiative to care about his subordinates. What's the result?

Looking at Lin Kai with a gloomy face, Yin Shen feels more and more guilty.

I feel that as my husband's bodyguard, I should be guilty of dereliction of duty.

He had already thought that when they took over, he would go in and get the punishment.

As for the debt now, or there will be no one to protect you.

Lin Kai didn't know about the idea of the hidden God because he thought so much about his expression in such a short time.

However, even if he knew it, he would give it to the hidden God at most: "you think too much."

Because this question failed, Lin Kai was embarrassed to speak again.

And Yin Shen felt that, because of his own reasons, the evil gentleman was angry. He really deserved to die.

In this strange atmosphere, the two soon got home.

Looking at the house that had been turned into a garbage dump in less than half a day, Lin Kai almost couldn't help it. He asked Yin Shen to throw Huang Tianshi out of the house.

"You're back."

Huang asked anxiously, "what's going on?"

Originally he wanted to go with him, but Lin Kai stopped him.

"It's OK."

Seeing Lin Kai's unwillingness to say anything more, Huang Tianshi sighed and did not continue to ask any more questions.

In fact, he also knew that Lin Kai and their family would not have an accident. They just couldn't help worrying.

It was master Huang. He was very angry.

Originally she was good at home, but did not know where the children from, in the vicinity of noisy, constantly his ideas..

It's hard to think of today's quiet, want to think of a way.

Imagine how to get your stuff back.

As a result, those children who did not know where they came from kept shouting and interrupting his thoughts from time to time.

Huang was so angry that he grabbed one of them and came back.

Just want to talk to her and let them understand.

But it was such a small matter that he almost scared the master to death.

He didn't want to cause trouble. Think about it and apologize.

But those people seem to know that they don't need money, or for other reasons. They don't know where to find so many people and surround themselves.

It wasn't long since Lin came back. She was surrounded by people and didn't know what to say after knowing the specific situation.

"What do they want?" Lin Kai looks at more and more children outside. There is something wrong with his face.

The first time he was surrounded by a group of half grown children, Lin Kai couldn't tell what he felt.

"Do you think I'll give her back, or what?"

Seeing Huang Tianshi pointing to a girl in the corner, Lin Kai wants to slap himself.

After coming back so long, he didn't find a girl in the house.

"Will you send me back soon?" Lin Kai wanted to strangle master Huang.

This old and impudent person always gets himself into trouble.

After talking for a long time, Lin Kai, who let the children leave, felt exhausted both physically and mentally.

If it were an adult, in a few words, the matter would be solved.But facing children is different.

No matter what you say, they'll take it for granted.

Huang Tianshi looked at him with embarrassment. Lin Kai, with a gloomy face, gave two embarrassed smiles.

I didn't expect that my negligence would bring them so much trouble.

Half a day, Lin Kai sighed gently and went to take a bath.

He felt it necessary for him to have a good rest.

Otherwise, I don't know when, I will be killed by that fool.

After he came down, Huang looked dignified.

"What happened?"

Huang sighed and handed the note to Lin Kai.

There's nothing on it, just a "I miss you."

They don't even have to think about it to know which female master did it.

One day without catching her and not knowing her news, Huang Tianshi felt that her identity was like a big mountain, and she pressed hard on him.

"What are you going to do?"

"What else can I do?" Huang Tianshi's look is a little decadent: "you protect me, will not suddenly die on the line."

Now he has nothing else to ask for. He just wants to live longer.

Hearing Huang Tianshi's words, Lin Kai patted him on the shoulder.

The tacit understanding between the two people for many years naturally needs no more words.

Sitting on the sofa, you have a cup, I have a cup, unconsciously two people drink three or four bottles.

Despite drinking so much, the two people did not see the same, still speak clearly.

When Li Shengxian came back, he felt the smell of wine all over the room and almost vomited him.

"Lingo, what are you two doing?"

He looked at the things all over the ground, and he didn't know what happened during his absence?

"It's OK."

Lin Kaiyi pulled Li Shengxian over and insisted that he drink.

After three rounds of drinking, Li Shengxian was so drunk that he could not get up even sitting on the ground.

Even master Huang has been drunk for so long.

That is to say, Lin Kai is still like a man who has nothing to do with his face.

"Send them back to the room."

Standing on the roof alone, Lin Kai looks into the distance, which makes people feel that he may emerge at any time.

"Why can't we find it?"

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