Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1215

"Help you?" After hearing this, Zhang Zhen changed his face in an instant.

She thinks this woman is a fool.

Didn't you think of what you just said?

At this time, I dare to pull myself into the water. I can.

I used to think she was a smart woman, but now I think I'm wrong.

Let Lin Kai kneel down to apologize for him?

Why didn't she let Li Chengjia come and apologize to her!

Zhang Zhen wanted to kill Huang Yue on the spot. If it wasn't for the connections behind her, who would like to associate with this old woman?

Looking at the angry Zhang Zhen, Huang Yue is not a fool. Naturally, we can see that Lin Kai's identity is not simple.

She looked at them suspiciously and did not know what to say for a while.

"Brother Zhen, you're not lying to me, are you?" To tell you the truth, even now Huang Yue feels a little unbelievable.

"What am I cheating you about?"

Zhang Zhen would like to kill her on the spot. Damn it, he ran into this evil star again. Isn't this a self seeking way?

Looking at the furious Zhang Zhen, Huang Yue did not dare to say a word.

Leng for a long time, she turned to look at the opposite two people, shivering, a word can not say.

She should have provoked such a big man. Isn't it a suicide?

No wonder they called those people and asked them to help themselves. After hearing Lin Kai's name, they refused one after another.

At that time, she was so angry that she ignored such an important thing.

"Well, brother Zhen, what are we going to do now?"

She held Zhang Zhen's arm tightly. Her fingernails pinched his arm with bloodstains.

Zhang Zhen didn't feel it and didn't say a word.

Looking at the two, Li Shengxian showed a disdainful smile.

Wasn't it arrogant before?

How do you know their identity and then you're done?

Now he is more and more aware that many people are bullying.

As long as you are better than him, you will let him die and dare not resist.

He looked at them indifferently, more and more grateful to Lin Kai in his heart.

He didn't know what he would have become if he hadn't helped himself to climb out of the mire.

Seeing that they did not speak, Zhang Zhen did not know what to do, and they did not dare to speak rashly.

The party was so silent that no one spoke.

When Ji Rou came down in her pajamas, she saw two groups of people standing there with big eyes and small eyes.

"Mom, did they agree to the request?" she asked lazily, leaning against the railing

"If you don't agree, you should teach them a good lesson. It's a group of ignorant things."

"Even our mother and daughter dare to fight, it's just looking for death."

She disdains to look at Lin to open them one eye, the disgust on the face, is obvious.

As if standing in the same room with them was a great insult to her.

Zhang Zhen and Huang Yue are frightened to hear Ji Rou's words.

Several times to her wink, Ji Rou seems to have not seen the same, still selfishly said.

Finally, Zhang Zhen couldn't help it, and said in a loud voice, "shut up

It's just looking for death.

What Huang Yue said just now has offended them.

As a result, she came to add fuel to the fire. It was not for the purpose of seeking stimulation.

"Uncle Zhang, what's wrong with them?" Ji Rou wronged holding Zhang Zhen's arm, shaking.

If it was normal, Zhang Zhen could not help but want to tease the goblin.

But now, he had no desire at all.

My life is almost gone. I want to play fart.

"Stand up for me and apologize to Mr. Lin!"

Zhang Zhen is the first time to talk to Ji Rou like this. She belongs to the rose with the breath of a superior person. She can't help but let Ji Rou bow her head.

But let yourself apologize to them, which is a great insult to Ji rou.

"I don't want it!"

She put her hands around her chest and pouted, "why should I apologize?"

"It's obvious that they have offended me, and they should apologize to me!"

Hearing her say so, Zhang Zhen and Huang Yue subconsciously went to see Lin Kai's face.

How can Lin Kai let them see what?

For a moment, they felt a thrill.

"Rourourou, stop talking." Huang Yue quickly pulled Ji Rou aside and explained to her in a low voice.

After listening, Ji Rou looks at the two people and can't say anything.

If what her mother had just said was true, what had she done?

"Gudong" a, swallow a mouthful of saliva, Ji Rou dare not imagine, what will be suffered."Mr. Lin, I was just a little girl. I hope you can forgive her."

Huang Yue looks at Lin Kai with a smile, hoping they don't care much about what.

But this possibility is really too small.

In other words, if they are so provocative, they will not be let go.

"Not sensible?"

Lin Kai looked at her expressionless: "I'm not sensible in my twenties, so I killed her, isn't it sensible?"

"Who are you..." Huang Yue's words, just half said, stopped.

Because Linkai is about the same age as her daughter.

When has Ji Rou ever been insulted like this, tears of anger fall down in an instant.

"You stinky man, don't think I don't know what you're thinking!"

She took off her pajamas without hesitation. I'm going to pounce on Lin Kai's arms.

"Don't you just want me?" Ji Rou a pair of lofty appearance: "here you are!"

Did not expect to wait for her to rush to, Lin Kai to dodge, hurt her directly fell on the sofa.

"What do you mean?" Ji Rou looks at Lin Kai angrily and feels that he is insulting himself.

One side of Huang Yue also Leng for a moment, for his daughter's embrace, she is happy to see its success.

I didn't expect that Lin's meeting was such a reaction.

"Rourourou, shut up!" Huang Yue can't be frightened. She knows her daughter's temper. If she quarrels with Lin Kai, it's not fun. If they are not careful, they will die.

"What qualifications do you have for me?" Lin Kai came close to Ji Rou's ear and said a word. In a moment, her face turned pale.

"Because of that?" She murmured to herself, Huang Yue looked at her daughter worried, but could not say a word.

"It's up to you. Don't let me down."

"Yes, lingo."

Knowing that Lin Kai hates to deal with this kind of thing, Li Shengxian agrees.

After he left, he had no interest in how Li Shengxian dealt with them.

Yin Shen looked at the lonely Lin Kai and sighed slowly.

He thought it was time for Lin Kai to find a woman to accompany him.

But no matter what they said, he was not moved.

"Sir, why don't you have a companion?"

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